3 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"injured rights holders"


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Google is supposed (SUPPOSED) to serve up closest to what you search for. SEO is the antithesis of this - it games the system to get a given website closer to or in front of your eyeballs even if it's content is less relevant. And Google has allowed this to continue (or more likely encouraged it on the down low because businesses that are SEO obsessed are more likely to be send money Google's way) because Google isn't a search engine anymore - Google is an advertising company with some internet services slapped on. Google 'search' is just a clown face for one of their advertising strategies. It doesn't serve up what's relevant - it serves up as much results that generate it revenue as possible without being so obvious about it that users get pissed off and switch search engines.

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You realise that this comment is exactly part of the problem of why this happened, right? ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

RED FLAGS!! red flaaags. RED FLAAAGS, get your red flags heeeeere folks ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ

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โ€Finding a co-maintainer or passing the projects completely to someone else has been in my mind a long time but itโ€™s not a trivial thing to do. For example, someone would need to have the skills, time, and enough long-term interest specifically for this.โ€ -

As someone who runs a charity almost completely solo because of a lack of volunteers, I feel this so much in my bones. It's one thing to say, "Hey folks, I can't run this on my own, I need help" but it's another to find people who actually have the level of skill, committent, passion and integrity to contribute in a meaningful way. I can get people putting their hands up but I've lost count of the number of people who have then turned around and said, "Oh, actually I realise now I don't have time for this" or start in great and then just ghost me. It also takes more of my own time and energy, on top of what I'm already doing' to onboard and train people and it sucks so hard when I do that and then people disappear shortly after - I constantly have to question whether the time it takes to do that will be worth it vs just continuing the struggle by myself.

When you get consumers being arrogant and demanding, getting angry at you for taking too long to respond to their messages or not work fast enough.... it's soul crushing. Way too many people take volunteer work for granted or assume you're getting paid for your time and can therefore treat you like a working-class pleb or are plain just fucking rude and entitled. :( APPRECIATE YOUR VOLUNTEERS FOLKS! We need more volunteers, and appreciation. Many hands makes light work.

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But the hurtful comments leave a bigger mark than the good ones

As a volunteer for a charity, I feel this so much. I work incredibly hard to help people, I get paid nothing for my time. The entitlement and rude demands burns me out way faster. Especially when people seem to put far more effort into complaining and being rude than they do thanking me or showing appreciation for what we do.

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Wtf is that screenshot?! When you're talking about user protection, it generally helps to have a relevant screenshot and not something thats going to confuse or put off users.

.1. I like reading and I find different perspectives interesting and I like to stretch my thinking into someone else's shoes - it helps be more empathetic and less rigid/extreme.

.2. These feelings are very normal when you consider societal conditioning tells us poor people are poor because they're lazy or something and giving them money is a BAD IDEA BECAUSE THEY'LL WASTE IT ON DRUGS!!!1!1!.

.3. I'm poor. Like poor poor. Below the poverty line poor. I'm disabled and can't work. My spouse is my carer. We make do and we're OKish. Certainly better off than some, that's for sure. Anyways, money has a lot more value to us because even small amounts can make a big difference. But I will still give money when I can, even if it's a few bucks. But most of the time, I give an amount that's still significant (in terms of what we can afford). I most often encounter folks who need help outside a supermarket so my go to is to always ask them first if there's anything specific they need. Most of the time they ask for something to buy. It could be a staple or it could be a treat. I don't care, I buy them what they ask for. None have ever asked me for anything ridiculous. If in the future someone does, I'll be straight up that I can't afford it and ask them if there's anything cheaper I can get. I also always get out cash and give them that as well. Very occasionally I get some saying they don't need anything, they've never asked for cash instead but I always say that I'll bring them some back.
Sorry, I realise at this point I need to explain that in my country cash isn't that common to carry around. Most people pay for everything by card. So I always have to get money out to give to folks.

Why do I do this? I used to think, "Don't give homeless cash, they'll just waste it on booze or whatever.". That changed to "Only give food because that will actually help rather than wasting it on shit they don't need". To, "I can't always know what someone needs so maybe I should just give money and let them choose. And hey, they have a pretty shitty and hard existence so who am I to judge them for wanting to take the edge off that. I do that myself too sometimes.". My stance changed over time as I talked to people directly about their circumstances, talked to people who provide aid, talked to people about socialism and philosophy, read more on harm reduction, etc.

Now I'm at the point where I practice radical unconditional compassion - if I am to truly respect everyone's fundamental human rights, I cannot make judgements based on my own personal perceptions and beliefs. Because they are just that - mine. I cannot pick and choose who has rights, which rights, and who doesn't. Human rights are for everyone. If I expect people to respect my rights unconditionally, I have to reciprocate that.
Now, unconditional compassion can be bloody hard to practice at times. How can I have compassion for murderers or r**ists?? How can I have compassion and uphold the rights for those who have taken other people's rights away?? First, because I can have compassion and empathy for people without having to believe the same things as them or agree with their actions. I can respect fundamental rights without agreeing to the ways others are breeching them. Second, because I realise that we are ALL products of our upbringing, society, genetics, conditioning, experiences, good choices, bad choices.... There is no such thing as an evil person. There's just circumstances and society that either supports us to make good decisions or ones that allow us to fall through the cracks and make bad choices. We as a society and a species need to look at ourselves collectively and understand where we are going wrong that we have 'allowed' people to have so little personal responsibility, that we have let people fall so far that they are ok with taking away the rights and lives of others.

And yes, absolutely there is personal responsibility. I would argue that a lot of society's ills come from lack of personal responsibility (i.e. fobbing blame off on someone or something else and not owning and learning from mistakes). But I also know that lack of personal responsibility doesn't exist in a vacuum - that came from somewhere.

Anyway, getting a bit off topic now lol. The TL;DR of it is that I want to uphold everyone's basic and intrinsic rights without limitation and to do this I cannot pronounce judgements down on others. So yes, I give them cash even when some of them (likely a small minority from what I've observed) may 'abuse' my kindness. I'm ok with that. I would rather give to all and have some take advantage, than give to none. Treat others as you would have them treat you, ya know?

.4. Not reading, but I do enjoy Second Thought on YouTube and Nebula. I feel it gives a good summary of ideas and issues. :)

If you got this far, thanks for reading my dissertation ๐Ÿ˜…

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I think something to remember is that some communities on Reddit are essential and important to people's wellbeing. There are subreddits that help people get through cancer, or help people with depression and suicide. I help (as best I can) with a subreddit that helps people with access to what can be life changing and life saving medical cannabis. Reddit, as much as I despise social media and centralisation of power and knowledge can be the sole place some people go for support. Of course it shouldn't be that way, but that doesn't change what it is currently.

Because of this, protests aren't just about shitposts or cat subreddits or whatever that anyone can find somewhere else or restart on the Fediverse. It's also about trying to force Reddit's hand into improving what there is so that the essential subreddits can continue (at least for now until a better alternative is created and folks have finished migrating there such as what r/blind has done).

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That's not because suddenly, everyone will realize that the Linux desktop is wonderful. Sorry, folks, if it hasn't happened by now, it never will.

I agree that there will never be a "Year of the Linux desktop" just simply because that's not how consumer switching works. There will never be one single year where a huge swath of people suddenly switch (short of some dystopian Windows virus or something). It will always be a trickle of more and more people slowly over time switching. Valve and Proton have certainly helped boost numbers in more recent years but it's still a trickle. Even if it picks up more momentum, it's still not going to be a tidal wave of users.

Why does it need to be? Plenty of products, systems, habits, customs, etc. have come from obscurity to mainstream over a VERY long period of time. It doesn't have to be a race.

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I haven't read all the comments yet so forgive me if I'm repeating this.

This is not specific to Windows or Microsoft. There's been a general dumbing down and more hand holding going on for decades now.

People don't need to think for themselves more and more. A huge amount of technology and information dessert is allowing people to become increasingly stupid.

Driving for example, many would assume that technology like lane assist is there to keep people safe from mistakes. Which it is, certainly. But only because people are becoming lazier drivers.

It's not so much a chicken or egg issue as a horrible feedback loop of stupidity or downward spiral into dumbness.

I honestly worry for the human race with how increasingly lazy and idiotic we are collectively becoming.

At this rate, we don't have to worry about robots, aliens or AI obliterating us, we'll be too dense to recognise it and welcome our extinction with open arms and apathy.

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Never ever would have seen myself reading a considered and data heavy post on r/hentai linked from an Ars Technica article. What a time we're living in.

Aside: You don't ever need to apologise for your native language ๐Ÿ˜Š

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It shouldn't even be part of an OS at all. I haven't purchased Windows in probably about twenty years but if I did I would expect that if I pay for software, it's not going to come and try to keep selling me more crap. This is just one of the reasons I use Linux.

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Transcript of image:

Censored username. Posted 5 hours ago.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Comment karma +91.

Image source: an r/ModCoord thread

Well done The Verge for not caving to the ridiculous machismo posturing. Reddit PR keeps digging their own grave deeper and deeper.

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Red flags are always free. Upfront anyway. You pay for them at an unexpected time in unpleasant ways later. So feel free to have as many as Unity is providing. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Keep trying! My teen recently bought his first PC. It came with Win11 and I offered to put Linux on it for him. He replied, "Nah, it's OK, I'm not a programmer". I was like... wait, huh? I don't even know where he would get that idea from since the only programming I've ever done was websites and haven't done that in years. Hubby doesn't do much programming any more either. We game on our PCs.... Email. Browse the interwebs. Watch videos. Discord... blah blah. Literally all the same shit our teen does and yet Linux.

Anyways, I waited until he was trapped in the car with me on a longer drive and told him all the wonderful things about Linux and sold it to him on the idea that I'll set it up as dual boot. Give Linux a couple of weeks and if you don't like it, you can always switch to Windows. It's been about a month now and Windows still isn't even installed ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Ah yes, a piece of software that people can choose to use or not use is just like an unexpected, devastating disease that no one in their right mind would ever choose to have and that causes huge amounts of suffering and can be incredibly difficult or impossible to treat.

Yep, cancer patients and survivors totally think having cancer is just like using systemd. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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I'm so sad about Fisher & Paykel. It was a local (New Zealand) manufacturer that prided itself on quality. It had such a great reputation for quality it eventually took that great quality internationally. And then capitalism and enshittification got its grubby hands on it and turned it into another trash brand. Yet another quality local company disappearing off overseas, screwing over local workers and trashing the quality in favour of profit.

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The same for where people are asking for help or advice, downvotes and upvotes can help crowdsource accurate and useful answers much better. Otherwise you can end up sifting through tens of answers (sometimes hundreds) and not knowing how accurate those answers could be. At least with up/downvotes there can be some semblence of consensus on what's useful and what's not. It also helps prevent a bajillion replies to helpful comments that are nothing more than +1 or "this!".

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Reddit keeps moving the goalposts, the mods adapt, Reddit comes back with "No, wait, not like that!!" and the mods adapt again.... this cycle moves Reddit more and more towards a dictatorship and completely at odds with their own Content Policy:

The culture of each community is shaped explicitly, by the community rules enforced by moderators, and implicitly, by the upvotes, downvotes, and discussions of its community members.

People are already in open revolt. It's only a matter of time before a huge swath of the decent mods that genuinely care about their communities will be left with no choice but to throw in the towel completely. And Reddit will be left with a bunch of scabs, egotistical mods and bad actors/bots to take over modding (or no mods at all)... and Reddit's journey towards enshittification will be complete.

I used to almost exclusively pirate because I couldn't afford much of anything. Steam has actually enabled me to purchase most of the games I use since I can wait till they're on special and cheap. There's also a huge amount of indie games that would never have seen the light of day if they could only release on physical media or through their own website or whatever.
no Steam isn't perfect, I would like Valve to take less of a cut but in terms of making games more accessible, I think they've done a decent job.
No shade on my fellow pirates who still exclusively pirate and don't want to feed the corporate beast.

Obligatory, that's not socialism, that's Totalitarianism. Don't work so well as a portmanteau but it's a teeth grinding pet peeve of mine - like, if we're going to mock greedy despotic corporates, let's at least insult them using the correct words ๐Ÿ˜…

Back about two decades when I was using Windows and it was till easily customisable, I changed the bsod colour to red for funsies. Windows being Windows crashed and went to my red screen of death - my ex's cousin saw it and thought it was something really really bad, "Wow, a red screen, never seen that before. Must be even worse than blue". No mate, I just customise the shit out of anything I touch ๐Ÿ˜…

Or doesn't lie about their own spying and data mining.

Ah, my Windows (dual booted and hardly ever used) desktop wallpaper. ๐Ÿ˜…

Also can confirm. Been using Arch, which most people consider requires more fiddling than other distros, for almost 10 years now and have had few issues with it. I've had to fix my Windows install more than my Linux.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...

Would also like to know. I use Arch everyday and have never noticed any dryness ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ I talk to my spouse about Arch (he also uses Arch BTW) and can't say as I have experienced any changes at all. Almost as though my pussy has no fucks to give about what distro I use.

Ghasts Gone Wild

And here's me having paid $110 (~$170 in today $) for Red Hat back when I was a poor cash-strapped tech student. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ TBF it came with an absolute tome of a manual.

Where is that a new thing? I've been using Linux since early 2010s and people were using that term back then (and it wasn't a new term then either)

I had to stop posting photos of me feeding my baby on FB (even when you couldn't see shit or only a tiny bit of skin) because I would ALWAYS get random creeps PMing me.

I'm also an admin in a pregnancy/birth group and I constantly have to block scody arseholes from trying to join. It gets depressing sometimes. I can only imagine what r/breastfeeding mods have to endure to keep the community safe.

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More reasons I'm glad we switched to Jellyfin

I totally hear you that comments like this can feel insensitive of people who have been abused. I'm an abuse survivors so I get where you're coming from and appreciate your intent.

What I disagree with is that we shouldn't make this comparison at all. The same relational dynamics and structures that give rise to mental, emotional, physical, sexual, etc. abuse gives rise to this behaviour too.

It's like the pyramid of rape culture ( The stuff at the bottom isn't one for one equal to what's up the top. But the underlying structure, the foundation is the same no matter how far up you go.

The same as any form of abuse no matter how big or small is underpin d by the same thought patterns, behaviours, culture, societal attitudes and practices, etc.

EDIT: removed preview of pyramid so no one gets smacked in the face with unpleasant descriptions scrolling down.

I think people also grossly underestimate how much of an affect million dollar advertising budgets have. Apple spends a mint on their advertising, appealing to younger folk and making their products seem cool and fashionable.

A lot of people won't care about choice when there's a very limited choice of products being advertised as "must-have".

Linux does not have a million dollar advertising budget, it doesn't have huge advertising companies creating slick ad campaigns, it doesn't have restricted choice and railroading people into false ideas of what's necessary. And it doesn't come preinstalled on a majority of devices.

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