The statement Reddit gave us is the oldest trick in the book. (The Verge) to Reddit – 58 points –
The Verge on TikTok

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Well done The Verge for not caving to the ridiculous machismo posturing. Reddit PR keeps digging their own grave deeper and deeper.

Sadly most users still don't care.

‘Most users’ will care when they lose all the content they relied on for their late-night doomscrolling.

Before they know it, they'll find themselves in a sea of shit content and ads, and realize what they lost.

I imagine a lot of people just browse All, so they're already there.

I'm assuming most of the doomscrolling content comes from bots. It's all articles with clickbait titles auto-posted by the social media arm of news/blog/journal/etc. sites, then upvoted by bots for visibility to try to lure as many people in as possible for that sweet ad revenue.

We don't care about most users, if they insist to ignore the fire alarms.

I do care about most users, they create most of the content i read.

My experience, based on fringe, very technical communites differs somewhat. But you can only lead horses to water, not make them drink.