
24 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Developers remain critical of this latest statement from Unity. "There wasn't any 'confusion'," said Trent Kusters of Jumplight Odyssey studio League of Geeks. "In fact, the exact opposite is the concerning issue here; That we all, very clearly, understood the devastating impact and anti-developer sentiment of your new pricing model far better than you ever did (or cared to) before rolling it out."

That's the exact point. The apology is a joke.

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Reddit's downfall is a major disruption in the internet, of course everyone is going to talk about it, especially considering most of us are coming from there. Chill, bro!

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When money is tight you might use your phone for a year or two longer. 1000 Euro phones also don't help the matter.

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Adobe Reader needing a 5€ subscription for rotating pages. Fuck techno feudalism.

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I'm not even an Apple user but somehow I still feel like Apple is one of the very last companies where privacy and the security of your data is more worth than a dime.

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It's /r/malefashionadvice.

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Yes, the "Kabinett" (The chancellor and the ministers) approved the plans, but it needs to be approved by other governmental institualtions as well before it becomes reality.

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The whole posting and commenting culture is so much better here. I haven't had a single argument with anyone since I'm here and I'm a pretty active user.

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The downfall of reddit doesn't suddenly turn Google+ into a good product.

If 90% of gamers can't play a game, is it still worth releasing it like that?

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Netflix, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, Google...

The enshittification is going full steam ahead.

I don't know man. I still don't understand how Discord became so popular in the first place and I will never ever understand how some people are fine with Discord being their only online presence or way of interaction (I'm looking at you, midjourney!) It's a walled garden with a fucking horrible UI and UX. Just look at the screenshot in the article:

What a steaming pile of dog poop, lol

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Not really. The reddit drama is a major disturbance in the internet. It's a huge topic and thus naturally generates lots of discussion. Of course everyone's talking about it.

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This is a waffle, sir.

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Passkey is an open standard. It's not Google specific.

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You think my reply goes against your believe in the freedom of expressing yourself? Lol, I think I'll have to say it again: Chill, bro!

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If a moderator team unanimously decides to stop moderating, we will invite new, active moderators to keep these spaces open and accessible to users.

I'm really wondering where he wants to pull all those new mods from if enough of them keep protesting, lol

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The 3-2-1 backup strategy: "Three copies are made of the data to be protected, the copies are stored on two different types of storage media and one copy of the data is sent off site."

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100% this. The absence of free WiFi will do shit, people still have mobile internet. Providing WiFi is just part of a good service. And what about customers who come alone for working on their laptop? It's just silly, nothing else.

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I'm not a grammar nazi, but "should of" is driving me up the wall.

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I actually think this is the fate of the entire corporate driven part of the internet (so basically 95% nowadays, lol). Non-corporate, federated platforms are the future and will remain as the bastions of actual human interaction while the rest of the internet is being FUBAR by large language model bots.

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If we don't have children because we care for our planet, we leave the world to those who don't care at all. Not sure if this is the right decision.

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Is this in Germany? This looks very German to me and I can't even tell why.

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Let's appreciate general purpose computers before the war against them will be successful.


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without generating traffic

That was my intent ;)

Remember Alf? He's back! In pog form!

They really don't like their users, lol

It almost appears like there's no chance Trump won't go to jail.

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ADHD - Not even once!

Or the other way around.

I really can't imagine that this complies with EU law.

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I think pretty much all problems can be tracked down to financial inequality. We could live in Utopia if money was distributed better.

They seem to be inspiring each other these days.

"Huffman said he saw Musk’s handling of Twitter, which he purchased last year, as an example for Reddit to follow. "


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It still perfectly and visibly demonstrates the big point of criticism in AI: The tendencies the the training material inhibits.

Not missing the subreddit itself, but /r/tvtoohigh is a great symbol for how even the most obscure niche subreddits had a steady flow of content.

Such an whiny, insecure, little boy. Imagine you're getting a call from him because one of your employees trashed Tesla on Twitter. I would wonder where the camera is, because this shit couldn't be real.

Discord is even worse, all the information there is locked behind a walled garten. No access without account, no way to google shit. I hate Discord, lol

It's funny how every time someone asks this question there's at least one guy in the comments praising their rice cooker, lol

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It's little things like better disambiguation between uppercase i and lowercase L.

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