Does anybody else feel dirty when they visit reddit? to – 13 points –

I don't know man, but I feel like I'm supporting a maniac CEO with every second I spend on reddit.


I visit reddit to repost to Lemmy. This is the one time that reposting is the right thing to do.

Honestly, yes. I don't want to support what the owners of Reddit are doing. A lot of people are not going to leave there though until the place is completely radioactive though.

Yeah, I check out the existentialist french cinema shitpost images of women smoking on redscarepod and some buttcoin for the luls, via teddit. Found a decent bud of buttcoin on fediverse and I fully expect to be ready to unceremoniously stop anonymously lurking come July 1st and let reddit digg itself into a shithole.

Yeah I am deleting my 9 year old account on the 30th.

Despite reddit's flaws it's a great resource for a lot of entertainment,education and the communities can be great. But reddit got too big, too greedy and it's just a matter of time before it hopefully collapses. Those of us moving into fed-space are the early birds.

Thanks - this post made me think to check if there are browser plugins that automatically redirect Reddit links to teddit. There's teddit redirect for Firefox and teddit please for Chrome. Mobile is more difficult but it's a start.

I've not visited reddit since Sunday 11th and a week into things, deleted my account. My only issue is when I Google something and can see the answer is on reddit. Happened last night but refused to go there. Found the answer somewhere else in the end.

This is what's killing me too. So many reddit links pop up on Google. I'm hoping there's some sort of extension that can route them through a cache website so I can avoid giving reddit traffic.