
6 Post – 870 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't care. Maid robot when

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20% thalasaphobic deepsea horror

I'm not sure about that percentage

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I won't have the heart to separate Sis and his lil boulder

Yes. Otherwise why would they register the wrong way of hanging toilet paper in the patent?

OMG is this what whales do too? What about other fishes?? What have they been lying to us??

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You can have documents in Agile too

ChatGPT doesn't leak passwords. Chat history is leaking which one of those happens to contain a plain text password. What's up with the current trend of saying AI did this and that while the AI really didn't?

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What happen next is we move on to this better platform

What's wrong with owning a private nuclear plant? I thought this was America?

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Why the fuck would they have only hours of recording? Even my cheap voice recorder can go for hundreds of hours

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Don’t use a password there that you’ve used anywhere else

Just get a password manager already

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That's disturbing! Lucky we men never wear pants IRL

It must be automated for it to happen in 2 minutes. Which implies these kind of things happen often enough for someone to write a script for it.

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I can't. I'm already using Firefox.

As if managers & stakeholders would listen to reason

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Nah reddit can fuck itself. I don't want to support them.

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Ridiculous! We should protest this by making Lemmy posts for announcing masturbations

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VPN business must be so hot right now

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What if they have always been wanting to marry but both too afraid to ask and you broke the ice and they marry and live together happily ever after?

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I wanted to comment something funny but I'm dead inside from hours of work

I think what we should do is to have better non-piracy ways of owning things instead of "making piracy legal" (what does that even mean?)

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Nah stop with that audiophile snake oil non-sense

I want more buttons not less

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TikTok blocks all access from Hong Kong. Can I sue them?

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Is it real that Linus publicly said that they can't justify putting in another half day to ensure the data is correct before publishing it? Why would anyone watch their low quality content which they admit to be worthless?

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That's how you know math is OP when you can calculate volumes in parallel worlds where circles don't even looks like circles

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TFW your friends think you're not cool anymore because you're actually white

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Can you really call yourself a rapper if you can't even rhyme about how cool your grandma is?

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There is a potential chance of unreal doing the same stupid shit afterall

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Another excuse to release overpriced weak GPUs

They interrogate the player characters 1 by 1 and question if their human has any suspicious activities.

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Is this how we beat the AI invasion? Data poisoning with memes and jokes?

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Well that's their whole business

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Oh no. The one last thing keeping me from buying lots of hentai games like crazy.

Happy ending then I take it

I like recursive functions tho

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I'd go back if they redesign it good.

Just joking fuck you u/spez

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It is reasonable that people should be able to delete their posts / comments. However I don't see how is this related to "privacy". How can something you post on a public forum be private?

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But they won't. Why would they?

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I'm so making an instance to hide my bad reputation from that 1 abandoned PR