1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you've not seen it already, watch Civil War. It's excellent!

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If I see your company or app advertised on windows 11, you can be sure I will be actively avoiding said company/ App. Even if I need the services advertised, I will be looking for an alternative just because.

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I hate these lists. Almost all of these are completely normal. Stop trying to diagnose yourselves. There are more people who do most of things on this list than people who do none. Does that mean most people have ADHD?

Edited: removed the swearing. There was no need for it. I still stand behind the sentiment.

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a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

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I was having issues with crashes in multiple games but rdr2 was the worst. I had a rig built with an i9 14900k and Asus hero z790.

I think I finally found the solution and it was to do with the default bios settings for my Asus MB and my i9 14900k.

In the document linked here...

Page 98, Table 17, Row 3: Reveals the stock turbo power limits for the 13900K and 14900K CPUs are 253W, not the 4,000+ my MB's Bios settings default to. Page 184, Table 77, Row 6: Lists the maximum current limit at 307A, far below the MB's default of 500+A.

I found this information in a Reddit post ( and followed the settings as follows:

ASUS Z790 Motherboards:

Save your current settings into a profile so you can return to them later if you want.

Reset your BIOS to default settings. Ai Tweaker tab:

Disable MultiCore Enhancement.

Enable XMP(if your RAM supports it).

Set SVID behavior to Typical Scenario.

Set short duration turbo power = 253

Set long duration turbo power = 253

Set max core/cache current = 307Amps

Doing this immediately stabilised the CPU temps as well as bring down the average temp by ~10 to 15c. It's been a few months now with zero crashes.

Hope this helps someone

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I have a first gen ipad air and we use it as "the music ipad" for my kids. If you can't get Spotify running, then you could fill it with mp3s and use it that way. If you don't have kids, you could have it hooked to a bluetooth speaker in the kitchen where it could double up as a e-cookbook or notepad for shopping lists which could then easily be emailed to yourself for when you go out to do a shop

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This made my stomach turn so I wanted to see if I could find out about the judge in the 2nd link who gave the order. It appears he changed the decision and this was a bit of an admin error (although not sure on the details).

Super Tuesday 😂😂😂😂

I played 4 hours last night and I really am enjoying the game. There are a few issues but I think they things that could be improved via patches. For the most part it's QOL things. I fixed the no ultra wide support with a hex editor but by far my biggest gripe is movement speeds. Walking is way too slow. Jogging is a little slow but not available if using kb&m. Run and sprint feel OK (sprint is maybe too fast). Using kb&m feels really bad. You go from very slow walking to a full run which ruins the immersion for me. Using controller is better but I prefer kb&m for combat. Even with controller though, the difference between walk, jog, run and sprint feels weird as they don't blend together. I would switch between kb&m and controller but there's not a separate setting for inverting Y for controller vs. Kb&m, which for me is a problem as I invert y on controller so switching between the two requires a change of that setting as well. For now I'm sticking with kb&m and just putting up with the fact that I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person all the time. Oh, and the fact that walk is slower for your character than it is for NPC's is so annoying. Allowing that to happen should exclude you being able to make video games! Whoever is responsible for that needs to do better.

Roadhouse (my adult life is pre2000)

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Titanfall 2 then GoW in my humble opinion.

I bought this to play on steam deck (played and completed it on console years ago). Unfortunately it crashes at the end of the first level when you jump down the chute. Gave up trying to find a solution and it being only a couple of £, I wrote it off. Seems like this might be the reason. Makes me want to try and get my £2 back.

I signed up to world because I didn't really know what was what. Any advice?

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Is it a mobile game? Looks terrible!

I've been playing since d1 launched. I stopped a while back and dip in and out with each expansion but hate that I find myself not knowing what's what. I've held off on lightfall, given the reviews. Should I bother at £15 in the sale, or say my goodbye's?

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You won't. That's the point.

Some of my favourite rewatchables are:

Margin Call, The Big Short, The Wolf of Wallstreet, Nobody, Moneyball, The gentlemen, Layercake, Heat, The Running Man, Roadhouse.

BTW, if you've not heard of it, The Rewatchables is a great podcast where a group of guys talk about and critic movies they consider rewatchables. If you're interested, listen to episode 1. The list of shows would be a pretty good answer to your question but this list is off the top of my head.

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Mr Do on the colico vision. There was another game we had Carnival. Good (simpler) times.

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Understood. Thanks

The last of us 1 and then 2. There are video games and then there's TLoU p1&2. If you can, play 1 on pc. The controls aren't great in 1 (IMHO) but kb&m made that so much better. P2 they made the controls much better. It's a more fun game to play in my experience with less frustrating sections, and whilst people prefer 1 or flat out don't like 2, I think the drivers for that aren't to do with the story or game not being good, in fact, I would say p2 is the best story driven game I've ever played (better than rdr2 which I loved and is another one you should consider, 1 and 2 actually). People will just not like 1 specific thing or another (there are lots of small things in the game that certain people will have issue with, you'll understand when you play it) and then because of that 1 thing say the whole thing is bad. People that complain are often louder than those who praise.

If you don't like pvp and you've finished the campaign, is there any reason to reinstall this?

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If the cost of the console is worth having the ps exclusives for you, then go for it. For me, it's the exclusives. I've also got my deck set up to remote play the ps5 so can play where ever, which is nice.

"sorry that fans and the game community in general are experiencing these feelings" not sorry for what I did, but sorry you feel I did something.

I see posts like this and never click the link. Then I see referencing a band I didn't even like when they were charting and decide to click. Very glad I did. This is awesome! Thank you.

Sorry about that. I'd intented it to be a list. Added commas now. Thanks


Rdr2 TLoU p2 Batman Arkham Knight

Wow, I remember that now. You've taken me back more than a few years. Thank you!

I was interested until the combat. Looks like a PC game made in the 90s

I appreciate the Blazing Saddles reference 👌

Similar for me. Never seen anything like this but yesterday my daughter starts taking about me buying her a keyboard and today I see this hmm.

I've not visited reddit since Sunday 11th and a week into things, deleted my account. My only issue is when I Google something and can see the answer is on reddit. Happened last night but refused to go there. Found the answer somewhere else in the end.

Sorry, what did the police do and how many people did they catch in how much time :/