1 Post – 182 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Embrace, extend, extinguish. Only proven way to destroy decentralized, free, open source solutions.

First stage embrace might not even be malicious, but with corporations it will eventually lead to someone thinking: how can we monetize our position. It is just nature how business works.,_extend,_and_extinguish

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It doesn't really matter who corporate shill runs reddit, reddit is already over the edge that they only care about what is under the line. Fediverse is the future!

One very important detail missing here is that Windows 10 is going to be end-of-support in 2025. You won't get security updates.

It is going to be shitshow.

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This is just plain stupid.

Forcing browser to block certain sites is like making car manufacturers make the car shutdown if you are trying to smuggle foreign cheese in to France.

Tech illiterates making the decision here.

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You Americans should get to this century and start performing digital strong authentications like the rest of us. Sending picture of your ID to anyone is insane :)

How we do it here in Finland is that there are digital identity providers which use bank/mobile carrier to identify you. They then use MFA when identifying you. Any service can use these services to do strong authentication for you. And they don't cost anything for the customer, and is really cheap for the company who wants to identify you. It is also build into the law that you must identify people using these, to avoid identity theft.

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Peaceful transfer of power is the key hallmark of functional democracy. Everything ok there in the states? Blink twice if you need help.

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100C° is not death, it is Finnish sauna temp. Really, Sauna competitions start with 110C°. Famously in 2010 one Russian competitor died, and the Finn who won had to be sent to ER.

Edit: didn't know that they actually haven't held any competitions after that.

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Nokia should have continued developing the Linux Qt system maemo/meego. I was working with it as subcontractor in Nokia, and it was awesome. The Qt/C++ was really fast to code, and you could basically port KDE apps into it with small effort.

If they would have continued with it, we could have had three major OS in phones.

I was leading architect in internal UI design tools, and the tools had features that android/apple toolsets not even now have. Mainly because you could run the Qt app with PC hardware without any emulation.

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Could be easily made 50% space saving by only iffin all odds and return even on else. Maybe one if before to handle overflow to avoid wrong even if over the last if.

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I refuse to believe anyone born in this millennia is over 18.

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He is vaporware sales man, if you trust anything he says, you are a fool.

It happens in the extend part.

Large corporation will have much more resources, they will implement features and refactoring, which small open source teams do not have capability to implement. They will start pulling users because they support features that other do not.

This also means that they will start getting control.

And then finally they just cut the communication, and split the community. All the way they can claim to be working "for the community"

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5h in to the game, and just scratched the surface. Feels very good.

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Important detail missing here is that the crew and captain were mainly Russian, the ship was just sailing under Chinese flag.

It was registered to Cyprus 2017-2023, and just this year changed to China.

OpenAI is not publicly traded company, but they have of course sold shares to other parties.

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Yes, just ignore

Premature optimization is not good. Content here is not very storage intensive, so I would not yet make it to issue. Postgre can handle billions of rows when indexed right.

Firefox for Android, AdBlock, Firefox -> Chrome user agent fake plugin. Works very well without any ads or issues.

This supports PiP which is YouTube premium feature.

I would jump ship instantly to something better if the content would be there.

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Web today is three companies in a trenchcoat. It is bit sad that the innovation of late 90's has almost disappeared. I do hope Fediverse/ActivityPub would create this next version of free web, which is impossible for companies to control.

Hexagons are the bestagons

On purpose GDPR violation is 4% of global yearly revenue fine for the company, which in reddit's case would be 32M USD.

Still I assume OP has not actually done "forget me" request for reddit, just deleted the account. Delete is not same thing, as requesting to destroying all identifiable data of you.

GDPR doesn't care were company is located, if you handle European citizens data, you must comply.

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It would have been awesome Easter egg to code in Lemmy that hunter2 would been always changed to stars.

The confusion it would have caused would have been legendary

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Nokia was lead by engineers, which was it's strength, but eventually also caused it's downfall. This is why these things were so good.

Engineers told that the fullscreen displays without keyboard is never as good as physical keyboard.

Engineers told that 1 day battery life is not enough, the system need to be designed so that it can last a week.

They were right.

BUT apple's marketing and slick design convinced the American market that you can give up on those features. Nokia could easily made the same design, but didn't because engineers thought that users need those features. When they turned ship and accepted it, apple had its foot between the door already.

Except the sweat.

I have had my share of "exercises" with VR headset on and the sweat is real.

SARS an MARS viruses and vaccines are not new, they have been researched for probably 40-50 years

It's a Ponzi scheme, right?

Unless drunk, then we are the most open and chatty people in the world

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I would suggest more learn by doing approach. Learning OSI model etc is nice, but it is quite jargon :)

Use some old PC as a server, and get some network cards into it, and use it as firewall/router. Route your home network/NAT/DNS/DCHP through it. Raspberry Pi's are nice, but their hw is still bit limited.

OPNSense is quite nice and easy free and open source firewall/router solution.

If you want to add bit of flexibility, you can use some virtualization platform like VMware in to the machine, so that you can run OPNSense in it, with some other virtual servers.

Then when you get things working, you can start looking in to VLAN's, because they are quite important part of enterprise networking. Most cheap switches nowadays support VLAN's out of the box.

He doesn't mean geothermal in large scale but home level geothermal. It is actually very cheap and efficient technology.

Over half of the new houses in Finland are build with geothermal. It costs roughly 18 000€ to construct.

In press conference with prime minister:

  • Was it Russia? - too early to say

  • Who else could it be? - too early to say

  • What it done by nation state? - yes, no individual have capability

Yeah, you are probably right, this pushes the news away from Ukraine, and of course Hamas is more than happy to help. Not defending Israel either, the whole region is a mess, but Russia meddling is really not helpful.

In proper democracy all parts of the government are hold accountable to some other part of the government. This makes no part of the government to be above everyone else.

Even tho Finns have been economically traded with Russia since the WW2, we have always kept in mind that Russia is unstable, and they can attack at any point. Our infrastructure has been build to handle war, and we have bomb shelter for every citizen.

Saying in military was: if enemy is attacking from the west, it means that it is flanking.

Haha, sure, but there isn't much to know.

Sauna competition is that they go inside hot sauna and last one who comes out wins. They increase the temperature and throw water to the sauna stones. That humidity makes the temperature feel quite a lot harder (air is quite good insulator, which is why you don't boil).

In the competition quite often people got first degree burn injuries, which is quite crazy.

Also I believe AIDS virus mutates very rapidly, which makes it harder in that sense to develope a vaccine for it.

You can make this even nicer, just originally join instance that doesn't federate with nsfw, and then make another account to lemmynsfw instance, and add both of them to client. You can with one click jump between accounts at least in jerboa.

This makes a nice experience to control what you see and when is already quite large, for decentralization it would be better if people would use other instances and balance the sizes.

There is probably a reason for this, the carriers start blocking these, so they have to break the words so they bypass those blocks.

We had these in Finland two years ago, it originates probably from Russia, so we are their sandbox for these kind of cyber shit. Our carriers found out some way to block them and they are not anymore happening. One day our cyber security center just informed that they have co-operated with carriers to block them permanently. I believe the technique is not made public.

Edit: did some digging, so it was keyword based blocking in the network + Europol raided the servers which commanded the malware

GPT4 says: July 10 - Day 1:

Cattle Decapitation
The Zenith Passage
No Zodiac
Nocturnal Slaughter
I Of Helix
Parasitic Ejaculation

July 11 - Day 2:

Euphoric Defilement
Ovid's Withering
Lost Soul
Party Cannon

And imaginary wealth in stock market value.