
6 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Problem: Brands start leaving Twitter

Solution: Increase the price of Twitter Blue

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Yeah, why do that when you can let women who hate men define feminism as ‘women who hate men’ lol

Like seriously, are we just gonna pretend that the feminist movement doesn’t have a ton of loud, hateful bigots who often take way too long to be kicked out? Hell, even TERFs still get to call themselves ‘feminists’ somehow.

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Along with Facebook, we’ll also have to be prepared to deal with bought-out Fediverse platforms who’re willing to federate with Meta. Do whatever to cut them off.

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As much as I would love to see nuclear disarmament, the unfortunate fact remains that bad actors will continue to keep their weapons; which will, of course, later be used as a threat against those who don’t have these weapons.

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I love how these spineless cowards are finally denouncing Trump’s attempt at a coup, long after this action lost any value it might’ve had.

I mean, Reddit killed off ‘polished UX’ and that’s what drove me here. All the great 3PAs are on the Fediverse, after all!

I’m no MAGAnut, but calling Joe the ‘greatest progressive president’ is a joke and a half.

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Frankly, those numbers are too good to make any real sense.

It is. Do not drive unless you’re focused.

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  • Someone makes meme
  • People like it and join in
  • Brand sees attention and wants to be ‘hip’
  • Brand co-opts meme and draws in other brands
  • Meme is no longer cool, now it’s just brand memeing at brand

I, for one, am glad to be on a server that isn’t run by tankies, nazis or some other crazy fuckos.

It’ll be them banning NSFW this time. That, or the subscriptions from the few survivor apps finally hitting users.

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It uses pull-tab adhesive, which even most Right-to-Repair advocates consider ‘sufficiently repairable’. When it comes to glue, Samsung’s worse by a mile.

I’ve seen my fair share of tankies on this platform, it’s a very real problem.

What a fucking piece of shit. How do people like this even exist?

‘Most users’ will care when they lose all the content they relied on for their late-night doomscrolling.

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That’s kinda sick ngl

Trains when a techbro tries ‘reinventing’ then

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Oh nice, you’re a tankie. Thanks for letting me know.

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major brands are leaving Reddit

Every day, spez comes closer to his dream of following Daddy Elon’s ‘vision’ for Twitter

what kind of evil shithead

Spez, obviously.

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Yeah, but that means if you stick out too much, you’ll get recorded and posted online for entertainment

We kept losing, and will keep losing, because billionaire megacorps simply have the money to move worlds if doing so aligns with their ‘interests’ (ie money). This hasn’t changed, and won’t change now either; the Fediverse is done for.

Fuck Facebook for ruining another good thing.

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That’s exactly it, and no country will risk disarmament now that Russia has proven how dangerous it is to live without nukes

Unlike that exodus, the Lemmigration isn’t for censorship and freedom of speech issues (inevitably drawing in the most toxic, bigoted and hateful section of Reddit to voat); it’s because of reduced accessibility and usability, alongside the visible contempt that Reddit’s administration has for their users (free content providers) and moderators (free content curators).

This means the people fleeing Reddit’s shores aren’t doing so because they want to recreate fatpeoplehate elsewhere; it’s because Reddit won’t let blind people moderate their own communities.

China has not invaded any countries in my lifetime.

  • Continue to send their military to Taiwan’s borders and harass them
  • Claim entire parts of India for themselves, turns into violent clashes periodically
  • STILL maintain their iron grip over Tibet
  • Used debt trap diplomacy to seize ports and large pieces of infrastructure in poor nations globally

lol, the only reason they haven’t enacted a full-scale invasion in recent memory is because their neighbors are either nuclear powers or backed by them.

Now they are the most powerful nation on earth

lmao please tell me you don’t actually believe that

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Modern ‘design’ is all about pushing physicality and tactility out of the way, in an attempt to focus as much of your attention into your display as possible. As a result, everything aside from your screen has been ‘pushed aside’.

I get it, I really do…but it’s all so depressingly sterile.

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Not enough people were taught that they should treat other people how they, themselves, would like to be treated.

Well, it’s that or they just have zero self-respect.

Is Tildes really ‘competing’? The invite-based signup obviously invites the most dedicated and ‘quality’ individuals, but I don’t see how that’s gonna help with critical mass.

As for Squabbles, I’m suspicious of yet another centralized platform. Honestly, I’m just sorta ‘done’ trusting wannabe billionaires.

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Yeah, I don’t see what he’s getting at. There has absolutely been alarmist rhetoric surrounding climate change, and I see it all the time. Hell, I’ve seen people who think we’re already too late, even if we were to stop releasing CO2 today itself.

Part of me wonders how much the other side has benefitted from the sense of apathy this could create. After all, there’s real value in making stupid people give up entirely, in some ‘we’re doomed’ scenario.

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Wow, your wife must be really hot if a gay guy saw her and said ‘would’.

So have other forums. Maybe it’s just these newfangled social media websites that have longevity issues?

I’m starting to think it’s deliberate because I can’t believe his sheer stupidity.

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At this point, anyone who thinks Reddit will come out of this smelling like roses is an idiot.

It’s the fear and guilt of having destroyed the planet their children and grandchildren (especially their grandchildren) will inherit. What they’re doing right now is shoving their heads right into the sand and selling themselves on whatever climate change denialism is out there right now.

Same, I just can’t bring myself to care about a movie that’s about toys I have zero nostalgia for.

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They make high-quality hardware and I like that they’re trying to do something new and interesting with foldable tech, but I’ve never been a fan of their Exynos processors and foldables (imo) have proven to be little more than a gimmick that sacrifices far too much on durability for minimal benefit to most people.


I hate bloatware, and I’m not a fan of their crusade against open bootloaders.

lol I love how you’re using ‘TERFs’ as a scapegoat while ignoring that TERFs are, quite literally, Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists. They’re not ‘masquerading’ as anything, they are feminists and have always been. They’re also mostly women, which means these specific women are being held accountable for their own behavior. To claim otherwise is to infantilize these women and take their agency away from them.

Lemmy and its ‘77% male userbase’ can hardly be blamed for the real and enduring shortcomings in the feminist movement itself. It’s not a problem that should simply be ignored or handwaved away if feminists want to get rid of the stigma their movement carries.

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America is the world’s only superpower. No matter where you run, global consequence will follow if Trump is re-elected.

It needs to be viable first, which obviously won’t happen when the management keeps stumbling into PR nightmares weekly.