
1 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Anyone that says J6 was a "peaceful protest" that "got out of hand"

We all saw the footage of that day. There were gallows and calls to hang a sitting vice president.

It was an insurrection, fomented and encouraged by Donald Trump's speech and actions leading up to that day. Plain and simple.

The right-wingers who say it wasn't as serious as it was are gaslighting their base.

Edit: Victims of gaslighting in my replies

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Seriously. Fuck OneNote with a cactus.

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The orders of the Devs Radiant must stand again

The reason Valve is so heavily investing in Linux is that they know that Microsoft could - in theory - flip a switch and kill their business, especially because Microsoft themselves is a competitor to Valve in the form of Xbox and Gamepass.

It's a defensive tactic, not a money-making venture.

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Which means he sold at the top, then bought more at the bottom so he can ride the train back up to do the same thing again.

This isn't a good thing.

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Second time Sony has done this in almost as many months. Fuck Sony.

Spectroscopy is a really interesting tool

His Crap Guides to D&D are legendary.

Seriously fuck all of those people for bullying a legit wholesome dude off the Internet.

Free hardware is the best hardware!

Omega Mart?

Better yet - mine keeps trying to push me to the new version, but the (new) version is blocked in my org.

So every time it tries to open, I get a "teams (new) is blocked in your organization." And I have to fight it to go back to the old version.

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I remember when this was a ballot initiative in CO.

I voted for it, but it was shocking to see just how much negativity there was surrounding it.

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The "sure," at the beginning lmao

Be sure to set up a Plex/Jellyfin server so you can stream your content to your devices

The thought of someone's Linux install failing catastrophically, displaying a "MSoS", then the user switching back to the is MS OS because of it is funny to me.

Would've never rented from them had I known this.


She was the closest race in the entire midterm.

Please, CO-3, get out and vote, for our collective sanity

Pls do not the boykisser

Guess I'll be putting Helluva Boss on my Plex server.


My prime was already cancelled because they billed me in early January, when that extra $100 could be used on Christmas gifts, so it always snuck up on me.

I didn't use it enough to justify it anyway.


All because he wanted to stop drug trafficking.

The wife and I have really enjoyed playing Ravenswatch.

It's an early-access rougelite that plays a bit like a Diablo/League (sans toxicity because it's co-op, not competitive)

Farm efficiently and level your hero within the time limit and fight a boss at the end.

It's a great time and 20% off on the sale

The World of Tanks/Warships fans are getting out of hand again I see

I am a stick!

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Hello! Would you like to destroy some evil today?

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Iirc Smite turned off their EAC Linux Restriction awhile ago, might be worth looking into.

Haven't tested it at all though, so ymmv

The customer is only right if they threaten to cancel their service

Even then, if the cost of improving service is more than one customer's cancellation, the customer can kick rocks

I fell for an April Fools joke years ago saying that an upcoming character to be released in Smite was The Morrigan, then confidently posted about it on Reddit weeks later.

This was years before she actually was released, and long before development was started on her.

Agreed. I deleted Boost off of my phone, and because it's early in the alphabet I'd open my App Drawer most times to get to it

Now I just muscle-memory open my calculator and look disappointed.

I'd love some more of that in CO-3 please and thank you.

Reasons being they want to justify their purchase of a very expensive office space

I'm just waiting for a good 2-in-1 Linux solution to come around. I don't have the programming chops to try and make something myself.

I'd love to have something like Gboard (maybe de-googled) that completely deactivates when in laptop-mode.

I don't even mind if it's Xorg or Wayland at this point.

Great photo!

For context: they've been remodeling the interior of the airport for a few years now, all the walls here are temporary

I've had trouble using any kind of VPN on ABB. It's pretty frustrating.

Vector Pinball is solid for sure.

Syncthing is fantastic. Loving it so far.

Lemmy as a platform is built on FOSS. There are going to be Linux/FOSS advocates all over here.

I say this as primarily a windows admin who recently started diving into Linux.

The "real answer" is that Windows 10 is supported until October 2024. You have until then to make your decision or switch to an alternative because after that, W10 won't be getting more updates and you risk running an unsecure system at that point.

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There's always Xcom - the shining example of what a mobile port could be.

I wish other companies would see that and go "yeah, that's doable"

Instead, this crap happens.

Nintendo is just on their own planet when it comes to... Basically everything, including game pricing.

Windows 10 will be supported until October of 2024

Because of that I'm planning to get a bigger NVME drive and dual-boot my system on Windows and Linux. I did a full switch for a couple months after the beginning of the year and it went alright.

AFAIK It's people who are pro-russia/china and vocal about it.