verdare [he/him]

@verdare [he/him]
1 Post – 161 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hopeless yuri addict.

I’m honestly baffled as to why people have had any faith in Bethesda Game Studios for years. Even if you liked Fallout 3 or 4, what they did with 76 should’ve obliterated any remaining trust.

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I see that, even after leaving Reddit, this community is doing an admirable job upholding the tradition of being some sort of group therapy session for bottoms.

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I think signed hardware components are actually a good thing. The problem is that Apple makes it so that unapproved hardware doesn’t work at all. I think the device should warn the user, but allow them to override and continue at their own risk.

Of course, Apple isn’t going to allow that unless they’re forced to. Glances sideways at the EU.

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Haha, this idiot used isopropyl alcohol to clean a CD! What a dumbass!

Isopropyl alcohol can damage CDs? Shit…

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I firmly disagree with this post. People should not just “rely on their instincts,” which have proven time and again to be highly inaccurate and subject to bias. This is starting to look like what those “body language experts” do, and those people have lower accuracy than a coin toss in controlled experiments.

The only reliable way to tell if someone is lying is through actual evidence. What we know so far certainly paints LMG in a bad light, but I will continue to wait for more information to come out.

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Yeah, let’s not idolize Ted Kaczynski.

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From what I’ve seen, the “reality” half should also contain some thirsty lesbians.

the Constitution does not give Congress the power to regulate the Supreme Court

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the Constitution gives the Supreme Court most of the authority that it has given itself either.

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Nintendo isn’t being hit with suits for not allowing me to play playstation games on my switch.

And I unironically think it would be a much better world if they were. Why did we let corporations decide that certain computers are “proprietary” and users shouldn’t be able to own and control the hardware they paid for?

Windows is also a proprietary OS. What’s uniquely “proprietary” about Apple’s hardware that distinguishes it from a Dell or Lenovo PC?

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Just some gals being pals.

It’s tiring when automation is repeatedly blamed for the failures of capitalism. Yes, this might take away jobs. That should be a good thing. It’s only a problem because our economic system doesn’t value human life and only values human labor.

The fact that you have to enter your iCloud credentials directly into the app was a red flag.

Security PSA: Don’t enter passwords or other secrets for important accounts directly into a third party UI. This is why we have tokens and federated login. Third parties should never see your Google/Apple/whatever credentials.

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That is the entire point of this, isn’t it? Allowing the Russian government to declare anyone who identifies as queer or even anyone who acknowledges the former’s existence as enemies of the state.

Or, in more succinct terms:


That’s one hungry birb.

I understand the impulse, but I think that’s a knee-jerk reaction. I am immediately suspicious of any technology that claims to use blockchains.

☑ Featherless
☑ Bipedal

I was pretty excited for a Servo when it was first announced. Then Mozilla shifted priorities and development slowed down to a crawl. Glad to see some more activity on it now.

I presume the tentative future goal would be to rebase Firefox on top of this. Hopefully Servo does eventually reach that level of maturity.

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We’re talking specifically about people who want a more progressive candidate who won’t back a genocide. No, I don’t think such people are likely to vote for Trump.

People with leftist principles aren’t equally likely to support all candidates in an election. You have to take the sampling bias into account.

Tying game logic to the framerate doesn’t really have anything to do with single- vs multi-threading. You can properly calculate the time since the last update in a single-threaded engine.

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Character is Hiiragi Utena from Gushing Over Magical Girls. The series is very gay, incredibly horny, and absolutely buck-wild. (I cannot believe this actually got greenlit for an anime adaptation.)

x86_64 is a proprietary, licensed ISA. Both Intel and AMD’s microarchitectures implementing it are proprietary. Apple didn’t design their own ISA; they’re using ARM (which is also proprietary).

Consoles may be using x86_64, but they are not PCs. Very similar to PCs, but then so are Apple’s ARM machines. Both Apple’s computers and PCs use standard components and interfaces like USB, PCIe, and UEFI.

But all of this is beside the point. Even if Apple did build everything from scratch, why should that give them the right to lock down their computers? My point here isn’t about what is technically legal under current legislation, but what should be legal based on our values as a society.

What do you mean? You obviously have an NFT (Nothing Fone Two).

I have yet to see a single cogent explanation of what not voting for Biden in the general election will accomplish.

End the genocide? No, we’re likely to just get more genocide.

Put a more progressive third-party candidate in power? Only if everyone gets behind the same extremely popular candidate. No such candidate exists.

Send a message to establishment Democrats and liberals in general? Sure, it would send a message. Exactly how many Palestinian, Ukranian, and American lives are you willing to sacrifice for that, though? Assuming such a gambit even rewards you with a positive outcome in another four years.

Yeah, Valve has put a lot of effort into bridging the compatibility gap for Linux. Most of that work could also be ported to macOS, but they just don’t care.

It’s a shame, because getting 32-bit to 64-bit compatibility working would help Linux as well. I don’t know how much longer distros want to keep supporting 32-bit libraries, and some distros have already dropped them.

That said, macOS compatibility seems like a non-sequitur for an article calling Steam a “time bomb.” DRM is definitely the bigger issue here.

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Not unless they were training the language models on customer interactions. I could see them doing this, but I would also expect the dataset to be curated.

I may be missing some context here. Why is Hakurei Reimu strangling hampter?

You had me until the “sheeple” thing.

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For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars, and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man... for precisely the same reasons.

I don’t know number theory, but I’ll upvote surprise ChisaTaki.

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The internet has just ruined any comic consisting of four panels arranged in a square for a subset of us.

Garlic bread and pussy? This really subverts my expectations.

Fuck, I hate this… Upvoted.

“Give me your cummies, Sky Daddy.”

Someone hasn’t seen Fullmetal Alchemist.

Ah, I recognize the source of this panel.

Google and Apple are finally working together

I think this is the primary reason. Apple only announced working on RCS support very recently. Once that’s out, I don’t really see a place in the market for this.

And it isn’t just compressed images. MMS doesn’t support reactions, replies, typing indicators, or read receipts because it’s ancient. A proper, standardized replacement has been long overdue.

Granted, I’ve heard that RCS is currently heavily reliant on Google’s own servers, so it could be argued as to how “open” this really is.

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I have religious objections to this comment.