We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit News

ono@lemmy.ca to Technology@beehaw.org – 208 points –
We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit News

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I think signed hardware components are actually a good thing. The problem is that Apple makes it so that unapproved hardware doesn’t work at all. I think the device should warn the user, but allow them to override and continue at their own risk.

Of course, Apple isn’t going to allow that unless they’re forced to. Glances sideways at the EU.

Yeah, it would be a fantastic thing if it showed a permanent history of parts and their serials in the settings, as well as a date on which the change was noticed, so you have an idea of the history of the phone and what's been replaced. And, of course, not locking you out of features.

With the healthy second-hand market for iPhones, that would be great. Let buyers decide how they feel about previous repairs, offer transparency.

The unhelpful move is requiring a connection to Apple’s servers to calibrate replacement parts.

Makes me wish Google hadn't canned phonebloks. Can you imagine how much waste we could have cut down on if we decided to standardize every component like the usb-c port?

I think we would need something like a Framework.
Project Ara had no future if all modules need a case for protection AND the components.

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Sounds good, but how do you stop an unscrupulous repair shop from clearing the warning before the end user can see it?

If it is persistent but buried in settings, most people won’t notice.

Maybe the warning could require Apple sign-in to dismiss, but can be hidden at startup? Then make it an industry standard to present the phone when it is powered off.

EDIT: Yes, I know that this is still shitty for most customers.

Hello Customer, we need your iCloud sign in to authorize the new part

Yeah, unfortunately that would be up to the average person knowing better than to give out passwords.

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