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My favorite part is when they ask you to give them the benefit of the doubt, but also anyone who disagrees with them in a way that doesn't fit their expectations is "noise."

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The letter claims that the Biden administration is pushing “a false narrative that States are seeking to treat pregnant women as criminals or punish medical personnel who provide lifesaving care.”

From the same group of people who will award you money for calling the cops on someone looking to get an abortion... nice.

Ah yes, the solution is to give a few students in each poorly-funded school district the opportunity to go to a well-funded private school instead of just funding the public schools.

The charter school grift is evolving.

I am not conventionally queer (my partner is NB though), but I would like to point out that there are some good, queer friendly makerspaces out there that would nicely double as a social space.

It is literally a police car.

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It really doesn't take much education or life experience to start questioning it all.

It takes enough courage and willpower to meet resistance and stay resilient, aka the kind of backbone that conservative spaces teach you to never have.

Bow down to your superiors.

Anime about trans men being under fire in competitive forklift operating behcause they have a "biological advantage" over AMABs despite the literal mechanisms of hrt.

I cast: instant brazilian waxing!

Not just the width of the street, but the pedestrian infrastructure surrounding it too!

Walking to the nearest corner store from my home requires me to cross the same 2 lane road a total of 4 times, unless I feel inclined to ignore the sidewalks and step on strangers' properties.

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Audio equipment. Started as someone who collected a bunch of budget king IEMs and have been slowly creeping my way up in cost ;-;

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It's just a byproduct of the massive military industrial spending... so while it's not money that we're sending, it's stuff that we unneccessarily spent lots of money on.

I agree with you completely, but that doesn't exempt the current administration from doing more about it. And I don't mean that as a both-sideism, I just mean that it's not unhealthy to criticize and encourage the (less shitty) side you are on to be even less shitty.

Android user here, and I think this is a pretty pointless comment.

They already explicitly mentioned how they can't convince their social circle to use anything but first-party messaging. It's like if someone says "I couldn't convince my friends to go to the movie theater" and I were to respond with "who the hell still goes to the movies??? I just watch from my plex server and invite everyone to my house to watch movies." Aka, it's a non-answer.

To be fair, your original comment would have been more likely to push people towards trying Arch if it didn't have the last sentence.

You can't invite people to your party by antagonizing them.

I don't understand your point. You're right with the "where do the Jews go," but you're failing to ask the same question about Palestinians who only have (or had) their homes and livelihoods in Palestine. Where do they go, in this current climate of decimation by the IDF?

Alpha humor: "skibidi"

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You must not be a man anymore, did you not take notes on how you didn't connect to the movie in the same way as your daughters?


I think they were suggesting that they're broke...

I'm not sure what anti-Zionists think would happen to all the Jews living in Israel if it were just magically given to the Palestinians overnight, but here's a hint: Hamas, the people running Palestine, literally, factually want to kill them all.

I don't understand why you default to conflating the denial of a theocratic Jewish state to "hand over all the controls to Palestine."

What part of opposing Israel as a state excludes current Israeli people from participating and organizing in a hypothetical one state solution?

Obviously, none of this is simple, and violence is not the answer, but I'm not sure why your idea of anti-Zionism focuses only on the most reactionary (and most likely to actually be anti-semitic) voices of anti-Zionism. This kind of language only drives polarization.

They cannot prove the existence of the unicorns, and thus they cannot define the unicorn's reaction to the shoes being worn. Perhaps the unicorns are fake, perhaps the unicorns do not mind sharing the shoe space with the feet (and are capable of compressing), or maybe the unicorns even prefer to be compressed by feet.

We don't know, so we shouldn't make it a universal moral rule, much less a law.

EDIT: Besides, it's not like religious people have never committed acts antithetical to their own religion.

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I always apologize if I make an honest mistake, just to show the person that I intend to speak to them in good faith.

So, a sheer dedication to the memeage.


I really enjoyed Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS, but I never hear anyone talk about it. It's not an fps, though.

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I was going to say... being a semi-power-user of Windows, I have to find a LOT of very jank solutions to obscure problems.

Being told this is the "best part of my life" when I was young was the primary driving factor for my increasing anxiety. Just felt like if I wasn't staying at the top, then I would only move downwards in life.

I used to fail just to cast YouTube to my TV on android for random reasons. It would take a couple tries. Now, first try every time.

This is an interesting situation because my household has the exact opposite problem, where Android phones cast YouTube to the TV seamlessly and Apple phones take a solid 15-30 seconds to recognize the TV at all (Roku SmartTV).


Going through that much to acquire an AED and finding out you were too late... I don't know how I would cope with that.

His actions exemplify his heroic character, and it's disgusting that people can be rotten enough to deny it.

Same, I do all of my browsing here but still look up things like "baldurs gate 3 quest/item/enemybugged reddit" because it's the only place I can find answers, outside of the occasional steam forum post.

As a teenager, my parents would only let me have a PC if it was situated outside of my room, so naturally, I put my setup in my basement. I was excited to play games in the coolest (temp-wise) room in the house, up until the day a camel cricket decided to jump up my pants and continue to work its way up until I smashed it against myself.


Not exactly what you were looking for (I think) but closer!

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Preparing to go to a national park, one that my mother has been excited to visit for the last decade... Yellowstone!

We got very affordable flight ticket prices, and the whole family's gonna be extra busy after this summer, so I'm hoping it turns out nicely. Also excited to try out my new binoculars! I want to see many borbs 🥺

The settlement did not impose any reforms on the NYPD.

So, nothing changes. The NYPD continue to strongarm people, and the taxpayers will continue to pay the bill.

I was hoping that said bongcloud

I'm not necessarily accustomed to eating insects... but even the packaged/processed foods we have today are allowed to be a certain percentage of hair/bug/mouse-poop so that it doesn't become impossible to produce legal food :)

Nah but the President and other upper levels wouldn't be able to afford their summer homes if you cut into their salaries!

If aneurysm posting looked like emojis, it would look like this.

A friendly reminder that almost all of these images depict white people!

MSI just announced their handheld PC too, it has an Intel (Meteor Lake) CPU with Arc graphics.

I was back in high school with my late friend who shared a first name with me. I kept wanting to tell him or show him things that I think he would find interesting, and we kept getting interrupted by everything else.

I've processed my grief and have come to terms with the reality that is a world without him in it, but sometimes my brain just likes to remind me, I guess. Miss you Goose, thanks for coming by.