
2 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, was this why DuckDuckGo was down yesterday?

I work at an MSP and while it wasn’t LastPass, when you search “Microsoft Authenticator” in the app store there’s a similar looking Authenticator app that’s also blue, and because it’s an ad it shows up first. Had a user install that and was confused why they weren’t able to get MFA working.

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I mean the minute you see "Copilot bad, from windowscopilot[dot]news" should surely raise some flags

I'm not a big Twitter user to begin with, so I assumed based on the title that it was going to be similar to YouTube disabling the dislike counter.

This is making the list of posts you've "Liked" private. Saved you a click.

Personally I'd like this to be a toggleable feature like Reddit has (had?), but otherwise, yeah seems like an obtuse change, I don't understand the why behind it.

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I have a MBP 2015 and I love all the integrations with other stuff like my iPhone and Apple Watch, but every time I see a convenience feature like "Scan from iPhone" I just stop for a second and think "Imagine that was an open source, documented API that any developer could both hook into and implement into something like Windows or Linux."

Apple is so good at making everything just work when everything is Apple. Truly, I think if this problem was solved for PC users, it would take away from Apple's market share

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I totally agree, but where I have a problem (and I imagine a lot of other users here) is that you can't fully opt out. You can only set "minimal" tracking but not none.

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Easier to manage for IT would certainly be my bet, and appealing cheap contracts. Even those Acer Aspires so many schools used were double the price of these Chromebooks, so suddenly youre talking about nearly halving a ~$100k cost. Schools want things locked down and enslaved, they couldn't care less that they are Linux under the hood. They don't think like you and I.

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Yeah, it would be a fantastic thing if it showed a permanent history of parts and their serials in the settings, as well as a date on which the change was noticed, so you have an idea of the history of the phone and what's been replaced. And, of course, not locking you out of features.

Well, hang on a second. I haven't used Steam in about 2 months now just as I'm studying, so maybe I'm missing some recent development, but Steam has worked for me near flawlessly on various Linux distros, from Ubuntu to Arch to openSUSE.

I'd say take a step back, I presume you're on Linux, and just make sure this isn't something your own PC that's causing Steam not to work. Checking logs and whatnot to at least begin with, checking how it's installed and if installing it in a different manner fixes it, basic troubleshooting steps.

Maybe Steam is absolutely borked, but usually, the way I see it is that realistically, if Steam works on popular distros like Ubuntu (which I imagine is the main one they would check against as well as whatever SteamOS is based on), then it's actually something wrong with my setup, and it's on me to fix or workaround. If its clearly something wrong with Steam, lodge a bug report. If they don't respond to you then I think sure you're justified to say they don't want your money.

Until then I don't think it's entirely fair to seemingly come out of nowhere, and instead of doing what most other people do and say "Hey, Steam's crashing and unusable, here's the info I have, help?" you look like you're just accusing Valve of not supporting your likely niche distro on your specific hardware.

Maybe I'm wrong about all the assumptions I'm making here but you're not exactly giving a lot of info here, and to me this just looks like an unproductive bitchfest about a program, and I think that's why people are down voting your post.

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I just want you to know that was an amazing read, was actually thinking "It gets worse? Oh it does. Oh, IT GETS EVEN WORSE?"

There is ThumbKey on F-Droid that, if you get good at the layout, I imagine would be ideal for that phone.

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Maybe I'm looking into this too far, but I think if someone's happy to have things the way they like them (ads, Chrome, etc.) and clearly doesn't want to elaborate on it, they have every right to not elaborate further.

Let them find it their own way. Or maybe they won't, but it's their choice to make.

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I did a quick bit of research on this, and I wasn't really able to find anything to corroborate this. I'd be interested to know if there is a proper source to this though

Edit: there can be some concern for those metal particles, although this is no different for any metal dust by the looks of things https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/do-old-hard-drives-contain-toxic-materials.1623183/#post-11646780

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THANK YOU. I'm someone who loves Linux and daily drives it, but it feels like Lemmy's userbase is just those who moved from r/linuxmasterrace who don't understand that just because Linux doesn't cost you any dollars, doesn't mean it doesn't cost time, time which people just may not have.

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Steam also has so many features that cracks usually can't or don't offer. Friends system, anticheat, workshop modding, cosmetics, multiplayer (although this is actually a case of it usually being locked behind Steam), fast updates, Proton, just to name a few.

I still have a LaserJet 2200 and it will be pried from my cold dead hands. The plastic has gone brittle on some spots of it, and the front manual feed cover has long broken but it still dutifully works.

If the screenshot in the article is to be believed, it literally has a typo, missing a quote for Don't, which is usually one of the most common ways to spot suspicious activity and malware, and now, as someone working for an MSP, I have to now tell those users who see this that confusingly, yes this was legitimate and it was a Microsoft ad. The font isn't exactly standard either, the buttons look like Arial which also just looks suspicious.

The cutoff for migrating was only a few days ago actually.. I think they've somewhat extended it so if you want to keep what you've paid for, I'd strongly suggest looking into migrating.

If you don't have access to the email linked though, good luck..

How hard is it to port LOS? I've been wanting to do it for a couple obscure devices I have but I've read the documentation and felt overwhelmed.

Ah yes, Lemmy mirrors Reddit well. It even replicates those times when it looks like your comment didn't go through so you hit submit a couple more times and your comment comes through 3 times.

Right, but while I don't want to speak on behalf of the original commenter, I'm sure what they're trying to get across is the value, with the comparison of COD charging the base cost plus DLC plus skins, whereas Balder's Gate is a one time purchase of $80, and that's it.

Dad, what are you doing on the internet again?

Its interesting as I remember people saying the same thing between Windows 10 and Windows 7/8, and that they'd never move to Win10.

Not trying to discredit what you're saying of course, but the pattern is still there 9 years later

Its okay, once Microsoft introduces EdgeOS, they can claim that Edge is an integral part of the OS, and therefore cannot be removed.

..oh wait, that's just Windows 10 onwards

This is what stopped me from doing it. I always feel like if I've helped make one person's day a little bit better, then I've done my bit as a human.

I know how good it is when you have a really complex, niche, problem and someone gives the answer you exactly needed, and I don't want to take that away from the public, even though a company I don't support is profiting off my comments and submissions.

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Oh my gosh. I have been trying to figure this issue out with my docker containers for months. If this is the fix, THANK YOU.

Half Life 2: Episode 2. Especially the Citadel with the portal storm, White Forest itself, just so immersive.

Anyone got a non paywalled version of this?

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I mean you could easily get a cheap cabled headset to use with it.

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Well I think you'll never be pleased with a platform like this, and you're probably not the target audience.

Aussie chiming in: haven't heard hands up before, might be a US thing

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I want to comment and submit content, I just feel like I don't have anything of value to share. That tends to be why I lurk. Not sure if that's the case for most other lurkers.

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It's done both on the server and client side, using signatures and block chain, something like that. There's videos you'll find online that explain it much better than my 2c would, and I'd imagine wiki.vg would have it documented in detail if it's still maintained.

Short answer: GeyserMC sidesteps that player authentication process Java players need to do

Long answer:

I've used and set up GeyserMC before. It sounds like the server you're joining has online-mode on, which requires all Java players who are joining to have a valid Java account and current authentication.

GeyserMC, being a mod to the server, entirely sidesteps this entire process. Your Bedrock cracked client requests to join and GeyserMC, being the way your client communicates with the server, just let's you in. It just sends your client the chunks, the entities, etc. and lets you interact with them, and Java players are shown an additional Player entity (being you).

GeyserMC actually has authentication a server owner can set up that does require a valid Bedrock account or valid Java account, but it seems the server(s) you're playing hasn't set this up.

Are homicides up in the rest of the developed world among youths? I feel that here in Australia, while we have our own fair share of domestic issues, it doesn't seem anywhere near as widespread that Aussie youths murders/homicides are higher than say, 10 or 20 years ago.

I don't have any sources for that, I am writing this up five minutes before I go to sleep, but I think it's a potential talking point, and if data does corroborate with my hunches on this, maybe it's not the social media alone and maybe something USA does differently? Maybe the lax gun control?

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From my own experience, I've also seen it on price checkers (Kmart Australia), navigation devices (Navman GPS units) and older Clarion head units.

Yeah, I believe that was a change they made not long after shafting 3rd party apps. I had a couple older iOS devices with their own older versions of third party apps, and that change effectively made any post with a Reddit uploaded image unviewable. Incredibly infuriating and I can't understand the logic behind it either.

I will say that further to that, a few years ago Imgur made a change that does the same damn thing if it detects you're on mobile. Unless you tick "Show Desktop Site" in your browser, it's impossible to actually standalone view a direct image.

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Not OP, but I'm aware of it just from seeing it mentioned in threads like this. There might be a community or list available showing all these cool things but a lot of the time it just goes around by word-of-mouth.

But my 1998 Windows CE device that's made obsolete by those meddling modern security practices!

Don't threaten me with a good time!