
1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's better than that, a solid enough 6.5/10 but clunky script wise in places, but does a good job, with a great cast, of explaining the impact of this sort of thing in an entertaining way

I also have a suspension they don't want the kids able to identify the inappropriate sexual abuse they are committing on the kids, startling how often these uptight cunts end up being pedos.

Some instant coffee makes a perfectly acceptable coffee like beverage that fits the job, there's no need to ever buy Nestle products though

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This was one several things I've seen throb this community that made me, eventually, do a test. Turns out I've got adhd, just went undiagnosed my whole life, was called hyper active, was told not eat certain foods with e numbers in the 80's, not drink coke (caffeine), I've a follow up doctors appointment, but being nearly 50 and only figuring this out now, is been a real mind fuck, positive feeling though

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There's a few factors really, your out of shape comment could be one, no offence meant If you're pushing your lungs, and airways in general, further than usual, and quite literally stretching them, and faster than they're used to, the extra stretching can cause that feeling. Lessens as you get fitter. If its proper cold, or.dry, and if you mostly breathe through your mouth, or both, the air isn't a match for the warm humid like air in your lungs and airways...nose breathing is a big thing to improve your running, there's a great guy whose name I cannot recall who is a massive advocate for nose breathng in runners and how it can massively help your long distance proper too! Includes things about dehydration lessening etc...worth a search for

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Yeah exactly that. Anesthesiaologost said countdown from 10, got to seven both times them woke up hours later back in the ward.

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I wish it was only after urinating that I'd seen my fellow man just walk straight out of the toilet, beyond disgusting.

This is what is pushing me towards a flip phone. I just don't have a need for a 6.7" phone or bigger.

Biden should have he sense to stop Biden. And there should be an upper age limit placed on the role.

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What's caused the resurgence? Must admit I played a lot when it was new but my interest just fell off. Guess cause of the leveling up partly. Oddly I did just play titanfall 2 online for the time in forever, heard they'd fixed the issues at last, and right enough I was in a game in under a minute. Missed it more than I realised.

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I have to disagree with the first part, the principal applies unilaterally. Second part, you're bang on.

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Am energy company I used to work for had a facility there, it was not what I expected when they said I was heading to california

Where the fires were was around the North and North East of Scotland. Coal man used to come round in a truck, filthy black from the coal, load up the bunkers. I remember it being very messy, sooty, but it was less smokey than the peat fires, though coal didn't smell as nice. There is something really nice about a real fire, though they're not clean. I doubt many of any of those houses have now, gas came along and there was a lot of change.

Yeah, you're spot on with every point there. I've cancelled my auto renew, as we do use the other benefits of the prime account, but we can and will be using other services from the end of our current subscription.

No objection to amendment for this issue.

Excellently written article that really sums up why I'm finally done with Xbox once my gamepass runs out. Been holding off buying a ps5 but they'll be gaining a new customer for my console gaming.

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Not soap opera-y at all imo, 4 episodes in. It's great, it feels like the fallout world 100%

https://lakotalaw.org/resources/nestle-alternatives Can't help with the gag reflex though.

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Titanfall 3!

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If I'm understanding your question right, the 2010s were fairly dominated by marvel's movie machine, and RDJ was probably the stand out lead of those films, though Samuel L Jackson is the highest grossingactor of that decade i think. RdJ has now garnered the critical acclaim in the 2020s that was missing, so there's a reasonable chance RDJ could be the man you're looking for. Leo DiCaprio is the most revered critically over the same period I think, of leading men in highly rated films. Though Tom Cruise, for whatever reasons, is really the last of the real Moviestars, but his career spans over the earlier period too of the 00's and even 80s, & 90s.

Man I loved some of my HTC handsets back in the day, such a fall off from their best to here.

If you're lucky enough to find something you're passionate about you may not begrudge the work week. I never have, so i work to live, got into a reasonable paying sector, didn't waste money on oversized property or flash motors, as they're not my bag, but used the cash to go adventuring at weekends, snow boarding in winter, the job takes up more time than I'd like but i'm earning freedom tokens. That mentality helped me at least.

Kellog's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, Scotland. Not remotely a good breakfast, but a fucking amazing Cereal

That's really quite mind blowing, thanks for sharing

Safety, driving out of a parking space is safe than reversing out. Also every company I've worked for has had a reverse parking only policy, also for safety reasons, so it's habit too.

Saran wrap was one from my childhood, mum still uses a lot of these, I mostly say cling film these days

Crack cocaine and the whole cia contra thing was Reagan i think

I have to agree, it bothers me every year, but I take a high dose vitamin d supplement, make sure I get out for an hour at least at lunchtime, also bought a wake up light alarm which helps in the mornings

A lot of homes where I grew up still had coal fires, so yes, a lot, but its been a long while since I have seen a coal fire. Charcoal as the other commenter said i still see regularly on bbq's .

Always said sprite was the elixir of life

It's fucking Clarkson again!

Stuff of nightmares. Just imagine the most epic post you can.

Yeah it was a thing, additives and the like, was told it was making my hyperactive, well several of them were to be avoided, e110,e117, buggered if I recall what they were. There was a book that listed them all. Yeah, I found when I used to blast the goodie l coffee all day I was much more able to focus at work, it hindsight it kind of makes sense

The last couple years on some other site really reduced the amount I commented. I'm not yet out of that initial instinct of just moving on without trying to engage, it just wasn't worth it a lot of the time over there, had mostly positive experiences here though, experience wise.

We're ready for suggestions!

Pizza time! Hot salami and cranage caramelised onions

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I do love that cover of Easy, they've fallen out of my cycle, good reminder to start listening again. Loved that sleazy sounding Evidence track they did, must've been late in the 90's.

Hoover is one, where I am at least

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Gpu off the trade on from game pass and extended with the reward points has been great value. But their current strategy and the games I can't play on it that are on ps5 is tempting me, also about to upgrade my gaming PC, so maybe steam etc e will satisfy that