Florida Democrats plan to cancel presidential primary, enraging Dean Phillips’ campaign

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 131 points –
Florida Democrats plan to cancel presidential primary, enraging Dean Phillips’ campaign



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Biden should have he sense to stop Biden. And there should be an upper age limit placed on the role.

That would make a Trump victory significantly more likely. Throwing away incumbent advantage is incredibly stupid if you want to win.

Is incumbency really that big an advantage? The circumstances some, Clinton, W. Bush and Obama's second terms were quite unique and prior to those 3 only 13 others have done the consecutive terms thing. Out of 44.

My heart is with you but do you remember the last primarys? 2016 they were not. I liked some of those folks, some even more than Biden, but there was no "Obama 2.0".

I strongly dislike Joe for 1132 different reasons, but can you really imagine spooling up anyone else at this point?

I hate it. And I hope the dem party fractures into factions and the best can get through. Just after the GOP finishes it's implosion because it's terrifying.

Edit: I also had serious misgivings with Obama. But my point is of the dem primary cantidates leading up 2020 the best you can say is they were as memorable as Howard Dean.