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Joined 2 months ago

This is part of my new setup ritual right along uBlock, DDG, and more. Shame that this is the best choice we have for a browser.

Missed the other picture posted here. It isn't in the original post.

Why isn't it listed here?

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Yep. Would be pretty bad software otherwise. Best to set it up so it keeps one monthly, one weekly, and 2-3 daily snapshots. Then you don't even need to think about it, and it deletes older ones automatically. You can still do manual snapshots, and it won't delete those.

Luckily, nobody is this passionate about liking javascript.

It's possible to manipulate an image in a way that the original and the new one are indistinguishable to the human eye, but the AI model gives completely different results.

::: spoiler Like this helpful graphic I found :::

Or... edit the HTML...

In the very first episode of House M.D. we establish that House washes both before and after.

We then watch him go to the bathroom at least a dozen times throughout the series, and not once does he wash before. Worst. Series. Ever.

You just gotta look at honeypot ants. Those babies can s t r e t c h.

edit: they are actually converting their food. I thought they were literally stealing honey... whoops

... Jack is a nickname for John?

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The GPL states that its text must not be modified. I take this to mean (though I'm no lawboy), that if you wanted to have a license with the same terms plus some changes (the butthole rule), you would have to rewrite the whole thing. It would not nearly be a "GPL license".

This is very important nitpicking I'm doing here, okay?

It's ice cream. Apparently having the three flavours like this is called "Neapolitan ice cream".

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For me in Jerboa the closing parenthesis is not included in the link, so when clicked it can't find that article. This should work:

[Statues (game)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statues_(game))

testing: Statues (game)

edit: yep, works

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UK too https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/part/1/crossheading/rape

A person (A) commits an offence if—

(a) he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis,

(b) B does not consent to the penetration, and

(c) A does not reasonably believe that B consents.

So I guess Mark was not raped.

Fallout's every mechanic keeps disappointing me, but I can always see a glimpse of how great they could be, so I keep playing. Maybe that's just not good enough for you.

Proton can run any Windows-only game on steam, you just have to enable it in the settings. The ones for which you didn't have to enable this either have a native linux version, or are officially supported in Proton, and should run very well. The other games may have more issues, but even those might work excellently out of the box.

If the pants are stretchy they could fit one of the lowest (already pantsd) branches in each leg of the jeans, and easily pull it up. You need bigger and stretchier pants as you go up the tree, though.

I prefer a distro with a nice name

That's honestly a really good distro picking strategy for someone just moving to Linux.

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I took it as a chance to weed them out. I went through each one manually and made a choice whether to keep it. Went from ~260 to 130.

I also unsubbed from each so as to make yt unusable, so I wouldn't be tempted to go there, unless specifically looking for something.

Why does this look and sound like the inspirational scene of a Mockumentary?

If you have the space (on a different drive, preferably) you could use Timeshift to create regular snapshots of (parts of) your system. You can restore deleted files like this from even months ago, if you configure it like that.

The first snapshot takes up as much space as all the files you want to save, but every following one only uses as much disk space as the new/changed files since the last snapshot.

Perhaps one's supposed to escape them with backslashes like so

[Statues (game)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statues_\(game\))

Statues (game)

edit: This still works for me,should have thought of it sooner...

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I want none of that pineapple on my pizza, boy!

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Not a great sign when you have to assure people that the game is still being developed.

Then again, we complain about games being rushed. Maybe it will be great!

(I know nothing about the franchise)

My brother gave me his alt account because it had TF2 premium. Still using that one!

Is your HDD NTFS? That can sometimes be an issue, I think.

(FYI: either something piques your interest, or your interest peaks at some point)

Deprecated schmeprecated! Remove it or I'm going to keep using it! (and sleep well)

At some point M$ allowed the free download of something called "Windows XP Mode for Windows 7". It was some virtual machine or something. What matters is that it's possible to extract an XP ISO from this, which I have successfully used to spin up a virtual machine! It still complains about a license key, though.

The reason I mention this is that this is still available on archive.org, and it's signed by M$, so you know it's legit. I don't know if other ISOs available have such a receipt of authenticity. Probably, but I never cared enough to check, especially since I grabbed this from the official website while it was available.