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Joined 11 months ago

John Browns Body.

I think we would be better off with any rotting corpse over Trump, but old John at least fought for something good once

Different cultures have different takes but greek and Latin define different forms of love. From impulsive maddening love (why cupids arrow was seen so harmful) to dutiful love (the kind made through obligations made through shared commitments and aspirations) to brotherly love (trauma bonds, solidarity, commitment made from shared respect). There is also paternalistic love formed from empathy and a desire to protect. And of course love to describe the deep joy something gives you and desire to have it again.

When they ask "do you love her?" Based on the context I assume either or both love as a desire for the other or dutiful love, because both can be consuming for many and mean they would struggle to have that the capacity to share that same level of love with their current partner.

If they don't and it was an act of lust* or curiosity then they're partner may feel more comfortable with the commitment to them.

  • impulsive love and desire can be heavily intertwined with sexual desire but that is a whole other interesting discussion to me

I do love the idea of seeing team trump trash talk Peterson because he isn't a true believer anymore

I know when I was reaserching this as an option for secure development there was a pretty much just this group and jupyter notebooks.

Win 8 was aggregious. 10 is more subtle (little notifications now and then)

Enterprise is better

I'm super excited to see SLES more in the US government space with RGS. RedHat was my goto champion of FOSS in public sector but since they have gone less Libre/FOSS SUSE is last big commercial Linux company still going commuting to FOSS.

People are too quick to downvote for sure

His view did evolve after being talked to later about it. On the grounds that power dynamics involved in age differences create a coercive effect of even someone who could be mature enough to logically and emotionally grasp the concepts.

He is also deeply in the libertarian mind set that illegal means enforced with guns and batons and restrictions of rights, and that puts a higher bar to what should be legal.

Though I do totally agree with you on hero worship. Nobody is perfect and that impossibility is expontetially more true if want them to have been, to be and continue to be perfect forever.

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Georgia keeps impressing me with how much green tech (solar, batteries, etc) are being built out of there too!

Keeping an eye out for the matrix commune-os project to get to ActivityPub support. Them and Forgejo and Gitlab work to add AP support!

Dude the phone "app" is 100% on the list for me too.

As a stop gap between good web design including PWAs it made sense at a time, but 99% of apps are just bloated websites that data and power for no noticeable gains...

Full scale mass surveillance capitalism. Governments used to have to hire agents, dress them up, and have them bug peoples phones. Now they can just buy it in bulk. No warrent, no black site op, just cashing checks.

I'm a big fan personally. I an experimenting more with OpenSUSE's distro including microOS but that not because of Fedora but more so I want to recommend options that are easy to scale into FOSS professionally for people too and unfortunately RedHat no longer offers that path for Fedora users.

Hey you are doing your best and actually thinking of ways to be better. Don't let critics keep you down. (Just throwing my support your way)

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Old graphic is all Is Nostr bigger than the fediverse?

I think that it was a few months or so before the resignation, but I can't find his post about it to really give the exact date.

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Online talk and in person talk differ. I know some people that bluster about how we need to get rid of x kind of people but if you confront them about yourself, friends, or family most people back peddle.

If copyright is sacrosanct then the creation of data by me is my own personal property and without a contract anyone holding my data is in violation.

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Remember a lot of effort and money is spent into brainwashing us from young ages to be constantly be buying shit we don't need and to feel like we are living bad lives if we don't have it.

Remember it's bullshit, remember that you are more than the fucking trinkets and landfill filling they want you to trade all your time for.

Boycott shit, find any reasonable moral cause as a good reason not to buy something. There's almost always a good reason not to buy something that you don't need.

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Wait is this trying to suggest just renting is the same thing as a library?

The benifit of a library is you share the cost as a group and get some fractional use of it. Like books that you only really need access to for small amount of time.

Its not the same as say Amazon owning the book rental space and choosing, without any choice on your point, on what books are there or who could get access to them.

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The government IT shops part feels like a real issue. If the government gets it's self in a tech debt to two of the largest IT orgs because they didn't want to invest the time to get Firefox enterprise installed and configured on at least their own machines I'll be pissed. Like why are we spending so much but getting so little from our IT?

Open source project focused on giving people features they want but in a privacy and censorship resistant way. Classic Moz

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I wish the protections placed on corporate control on cultural and intellectual assets were placed on the average persons privacy instead.

Like I really don't care that someone's publicly available book and movie in the last century is analysed and used to create tools, but I do care that without people's actual knowledge a intense surveillance apparatus is being built to collect every minute piece of data about their lives and the lives of those around them to be sold without ethical oversight or consent.

IP is bull, but privacy is a real concern. No one is going to using a extra copy of NY times article to hurt someone, but surveillance is used by authoritarians to oppress and harass innocent people.

This the dangerous kind of parody, I would rather help people with excel programs than another access program and that's a pain in the ass.

It's wild how a good deal of decentralization and FOSS focused communities insist on having Discord be their primary center for community. Worst one is privacy focused communities...

I can't say that bridging them to matrix was a foolproof endeavor though

Is it becoming FOSS or supporting any meaningful level privacy?

There is a Foss alt already

Maybe just supporting federation feature for it?

Now this is what I am talking about! Just get lemmy/kbin/etc to support embedded video from peertube at least and we are getting closer to the decentralized everything app!

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Just in general?

Support FOSS as a creation of digital public goods. Even more so aiming with decentralized networks or user facing projects.

Partipate at municple level for sure. At lot of those positions go unchallenged and the meetings tend to have open comment period to influence them. Its also where ~70% of interaction with the state actually happens.

Help out local unions during strikes (boycotts, donations, spread positive awareness, etc).

Garden plant exchanges or anything that can help people avoid HAVING to buy things to live.

I really like volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, only things I feel like I can afford to do to help with the housing crisis. Pushing for laxing of zoneing laws, more human centric urban planning (public transport, bikes, walking routes), and better legal support cooperative housing are great to me, but also all long long term. I also am trying to my funds situated to try and set up a community land trust to try and great a bulwark against investment housing and landlordism, but that's mid term.

I do some volunteering to with our local coopertivly owned maker space too. It really gives people access to tools that many can't get access to otherwise for a very low monthly rate.

Some on here once described the idea of an innovation budget. Basically you can do about 3 new things at once before you forget what the hell you are doing and that has made so much sense to me.

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Be a constant reminder to my neighbors to avoid authoritarianism. Continue to push for self and local community reliance. Keep pushing my local governments and organizations to remain or become more inclusive.

Something new though? Maybe support an inclusive civics focused militia near me, if for no other reason so that marginalized people can feel like they have a community that will really fight for them or at least help them defend themselves if things really get that bad.

Donations to the ACLU. They seem like the best bet for the hardest fight of preserving the rights of immigrants. Among all the other things, they have to defend against as well.

ITT: people make up fake desktop war drama between gnome, KDE, and window managers

Listen, its FOSS. Gnome and KDE can have different design philosophys, if they didn't why even be different. You can mix and match what you want and need from both quit a bit. The devs do!

All software has bugs, if your not paying devs or summited merge requests all you can do is ask nicely and fill helpful bug reports.

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41% execs think that a huge amount of class power will go from workers in general to AI specialists (and probally the companies they make or that hire them).

I personally can't wait for a lot these businesses that bet on the wrong people to replace turn around and form new competition but with this new tech filling in the gaps of middle management, hr, execs, etc.

I mean its fucking meme, but an AI assisted workplace democracy seems alright to me on paper (the devils in details).

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We aren't better than most of the people in the past, we just have better systems thanks to the insane amount of hardwork people put in to make it better and easier to act more ethically (in large).

Like it never made sense that people can just imagine people in the past being inexplicably worse then ourselves today.

Maintinace sucks, they are designed to look good and be road worthy, not easily worked on or last a long time. That's why the depreciate so fast.

I liked it personally for the short time I did it, but I like my space for gardening and projects. Though not mutually exclusive just harder to find that setup.

Also it depends on where and how you want to live. Climat3 is a bid factor plus space to setup camp.

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Microwaves that use directed or reflected waves and to better direct or target energy to specific spots in food. Thermal vision in microwaves and more automated time/power controls.

Why are we still just blasting waves on a spinning dish as high as we can? Like we can pinpoint microwaves for devices with our routers, but we can do it for inside a controlled environment in a box?!

This is my evidence if someone tries to patent this and lock people out of making cool products that I said it here first!

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Weird middle ground here. I kind of wish that 1 communities FROM threads were blocked, and 2 we had an active dev fund for ad blockers. I'm glad to have threads users come here and add to our communities personally.

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I've oddly seen people be more entitled to free things then things they pay for. There is now a legal entitlement for these people now though

My work made me get dress clothes, my solution was thrift shop bargain bin, just pick the clothes you like as long as they fit or are too big, and get them fitted.

It was cheeper then going to Walmart and getting worse clothes.

If we're making requests, please use conduit for wires. Pulling new cable (cat x, fiber, whatever) is such much easier that way.

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