2 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who's 'we' here?

I wasn't even an expert but I knew they would do that just by distribution of military. Did not expect Civ 5 to be accurate, tho

Well Why do I love trolling this much..

So that's why employers asks for 18 years of Go and 12 years of Rust experience!

At least I heard that world war is unpractical thanks to nato..

I mean, do we have viable alternative? Like every popular brand is from similar tech megacorps.

This isn't satire? What?

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Come on, you are on lemmy. You are not quite dumb.

That means everything I am doing is becoming trendy, which makes no sense.

So some people are actually playing starfield?

There have been words around this, like how software should be safe by design, but the regulation should come from the governing entity. This is simply materialized now, but there has been momentum.

No, I do not mean that. I rather meant, this kind of "minding others' business" is prevalent.

I believe it's the packaging process. It favors the standatd procedure of builds, and does not take account of various build systems (Seems C-centered). Seems this is why many apps end up providing AppImages instead.

I am just sitting here like.. how. Am I too autistic to distinguish satire from non-satire ones

Exactly what I thought, we need less cars.

FIFA and Roblox, those gotta be one of the worst games to run on linux..

How can nintendo ceo be this based

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Ikr. I freaking have to live through it...

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Basically any pro-AI argument seems to go "it will achieve AGI". So funny that lots of people buy that, forgetting how hard a general intelligence is.

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Quite sure this is going to be Korea thing

I tried that, but

  1. It requires more configuration, the executable was not able to recognize lua-5.1 out-of-the-box.
  2. This approach excludes auto-updates.

It's so sad how this kind of people succeeded. Or, is the society designed this way? Ugh.

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I don't think that's it, many countries with neighboring hostilities still suck.

Tbh I want this to be 500k users and no more. That would be enough for most of my interests.

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Sadly, it often works for personal profits.

Why is discourse so bad here?

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Oh no.. war is happening..

Wellll, so I practically used to write my own WM

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Yeah it's tough to expect general users to switch. I would just like linux to go over 5% threshold so that companies seriously consider it.

I'm kind of surprised that factorio community here is so inactive. I thought there would be significant overlap between lemmy's technical audience and factorio players.

Excuse me, is this for real?

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Do you really think Torvalds is the one who would cave in to public opinion only? Really?

Also how much of C programming did you do

My concern with AI is also with its energy usage. There's a reason OpenAI has tons of datacenters, yet people think it does not take much because "free"!

Yeah, I am more curious about if e.g. being a bigot even helps your chances in success. Bleak..

I also noticed this and a bit surprised. Ah well, gotta see if it is a fluke though.

Bubble burst?

Well there is this one thing where ppas break updates.

Agreed, I recall this.

Uh wait what, do you happen to imply..

Well, I heard they are switching to Android..