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I bought something on eBay for 10 dollars that was supposed to be able to copy key fobs. Didn't work.

But don't you dare inquire about the location of Elon's jet.

Why the fuck do people put security cameras in their bedrooms? It's so weird to me that people do this. Even if you think (or at least thought) that you were the only one with access to the footage, won't the presence of a camera make you feel like you're being watched? Are we not on camera enough as it is that we have to be on camera in the supposed privacy of our bedrooms? Imagine if you told George Orwell that people would willingly put cameras in their most personal and private spaces.

Walmarts's self checkout is the only one in my area that doesn't frustrate the hell out of me. I've stopped going to certain other stores simply because I don't like their self checkout systems.

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No one gives me Fellow Kids vibes more than Mark Rober.

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The number of service workers who got physically assaulted or even killed for telling people to wear masks was pretty telling.

I've never been able to ride a bike without at least one hand on the handlebars.

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They could have had the best helicopter in the world. They still shouldn't have been flying it in those weather conditions.

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I remember bike pegs. The things that everyone wanted, but no one ever actually used as intended.

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I just got a notification on my phone telling me that I can chat with my PDF documents. Why the fuck would I want to do that? Do these companies realize that literally no one is asking for this shit? I also saw an ad for a computer mouse that had AI inside it. Whatever that means.

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Apple will figure out a way to DRM batteries so that no one but them can sell them and they'll cost as much as a new phone.

At my job, it used to be the department managers who did interviews and made hiring decisions, but then they changed it so that HR would handle all of that. Ever since then, they've gone and hired the absolute shittiest people you can imagine. HR has no idea how to hire people or what to look for. They even hired a sex offender to work in an area where children are likely to be present because they never bothered to do a background check.

I'd love to see Descent get remastered.

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That the start menu has a search bar. You would think that everyone would know this after almost 2 decades, but too many people still navigate through their computers like it's 1998.

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One thing I've noticed is that it pretty much always takes two days to deliver your items. The only difference is that Amazon will let your order sit in their warehouse for a few extra days if you don't have Prime.

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I don't think I've ever used Ubuntu for more than a month. I just don't like the way it looks, how locked down everything is, and how hard it is to customize.

Your living space being a disgusting mess, but you're able to ignore it by immersing yourself in your games.

Spoilers in the titles, descriptions, and thumbnails of TV series. Looking at you, Plex.

I always pronounce the H in Meghan and the TH in Thailand in my head.

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3 could save your life if you get trapped inside your car.

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Followed by "You were conceived at 12:01"

My dad used to do that shit all the time. He would just assume that every letter was for him and wouldn't read the recipient's name.

Ask an LLM to explain a joke. It often won't understand why a joke is funny, but that won't stop it from trying to give you an explanation.

Think of AI like computers and spreadsheet software in the early 80s. I bet a lot of accountants were pretty freaked out about what this new technology was going to mean for their jobs.

Did technology replace those accountants? No, but companies probably didn't need as many accountants as they did before. AI will likely reduce the number of programmers that a company needs, but it won't eliminate them

I always just park next to the cart return things. Makes it easier to find your car and you don't have to walk as far.

Just stick to humping it instead.

I own a Zune. Despite owning it for over a decade, it's still worth about what I paid for it.

This is journalism in 2023.

I'm convinced that Reddit themselves are either behind those bots, or are deliberately looking the other way. Those bots posting and commenting make the site look more active than it actually is.

There's very few people that hear about Linux and then switch over the next day. It's something that needs to fester in your head for a while. I didn't start using Linux full time until like a decade after I tried it for the first time

I'm sure it's going to magically run 100 times better on iPhone.

Just randomly wake up during your surgery and say it, and then promptly go back to sleep.

Elon still owns the Twitter trademark, and can sue if anyone tries to use it.

It's from the Adobe Acrobat app. Basically you can ask it to give you a summary of whatever document you're reading.

Financial calculators has a bunch of useful calculators for figuring out loans, mortgage payments, compound interest, bonds, and tons more.

I've seen a bunch of ads on Facebook where it's a deepfake of either Elon or Mr Beast. Just goes to show that Meta doesn't give a fuck and will let anything through if you pay them.

And they give you the option to create a new folder, not a directory.

Shortly after Columbine, my school banned backpacks and if you brought a lunch box to school, they would want to search it.

I hope for your sake that your name isn't Jack.

There used to be a video store near me that had a 444 deal. You could rent four movies for four days for four dollars.

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