
4 Post – 332 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was scared when I was a 19 year old doing a patrol through Sadr City in 2003, while manning the .50 cal and having dozens of kids suddenly show up and throwing rocks at me. Did I waste them even though I would have been justified because it wasn't uncommon that patrols would go through markets and peopled start throwing produce and mix a grenade in?

No. Because I was well trained and realized that life is precious. And I was dealing with those rocks a lot longer than 1.6 seconds.

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Oh man. My first IED was very strange. We were driving on what we called route kill zone, and there was some traffic. And then we came to an overpass and seemingly everyone else took the off ramp. Came out the other side and just blammo. I saw the vehicle in front of me get pushed a lane over and then disappear into smoke and dust. I locked up the brakes so I wouldn't smash into them.

Turned out there was a sniper down the road and a can full of guys with RPGs on the bridge behind us. But we had no casualties or significant vehicle damage, so they apparently dipped. We hightailed it to a rally point that was literally 500 meters from where the attack happened. Front vehicle thought we were the ones that got hit.

We order dominos kinda regularly. Check their coupons next time. I can tell you that I'll get a large 5 topping, stuffed cheesy bread and wings for that price or cheaper. And I'm your friendly neighbor to the west, not in a major or midsized area.

As a Teamster union steward, any time I hear about a last, best, final, I immediately get super skeptical. Which one is it? Last? Best? Or final?

Probably not best. Probably not last. Final? Doubtful.

Whatever the offer, triple it, then double that. SAG has these motherfuckers by the balls. Double the triple double. Fuck them all.

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About a decade ago or so, I found myself in a reddit argument with someone that claimed they had never attempted to plug a USB in unsuccessfully. They said that every single time they've plugged in, it was the correct way. Some people are insane.

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And yet they'll all still vote Republican.

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I was able to file a grievance against a person everyone hates. It's a slam dunk grievance, I even have evidence from their Instagram.

Everyone that I've told about it has been over the moon that someone gets to put them in their place finally.

Monday morning we have our big meeting regarding it, and I'm going to straight up fuck their ass up. I hope they quit. Seriously, they are such assholes to everyone. No one has a nice thing to say about them.

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That's the point.

Elon musk

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Who is making this rule?

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If I strike, I get strike pay from my union day one of the strike. The government should not be paying for striking members.

This post is an ad.

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And they will keep voting Republican.

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You can recharge your new iPhone in the microwave.

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My wife caught my googling "why do we say baloney in stead of bologna", took a photo of it, and roasted me on Instagram. And I still don't know why.

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So one of the largest, most profitable companies of all time, stole some tech, got caught and slapped on the wrist. It's going to end up costing them 3 minutes of profit and they are balking. Maybe.

Fucking capitalism.

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If you go to a bored ape fest, you deserve it.

Lewis Hamilton?

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Sure wish they gave more information about led to all this. It's incredibly vague, and what if I want half of my town's cops to quit?

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So Sam Haskell, already a scumbag, named his son Sam Haskell, but didn't juniorizie him? And that Sam Haskell also turns out to be bad.

Both Sam Haskell's besmirching the name. A simple Google of the name brings up both their misdeeds.

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Literally never in my life

Ages ago, when I was in the army, my best friend couldn't get promoted because his arms wouldn't straighten. It was a super dumb issue which prevented him to properly do a push up, and because of that he could t pass the PT test.

Finally months and months of doctors and paperwork, he receives a waiver and is getting promoted.

Our commander is giving a little speech about follow through and perseverance or something, and he says, "and because of his funny arms"

I immediately blurted out, "Yeah, they're really humourous."

In a crowd of 40 people, I think one person got it. I still think it was my best joke I ever cracked at a moments notice.

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I worked for lumber liquidators, and their point of sale software seemed to be surplus navy because if you dug deep enough you could order nuclear sub parts.

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If you don't give people food and drink, they aren't gonna shit. This is torture.

One family annihilation every five days! Horrific!

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Do you think 6500 is a low number? It's not like each food desert affects only one person each. More likely than not, each is affecting more than a thousand people. Especially in a population dense area like Chicago. We are talking millions of people living in food deserts.

Also, after reading a bunch of your comments, I'm not sure you are fully aware of what a food desert is. But hey, that's Capitalism.

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And I didn't really think his review was all that scathing.

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My platoon sergeant in Iraq. Lazy piece of shit, never did his work. Would wear PTs for weeks on end. A really creepy guy.

He got several women pregnant and skipped out on the kids. Got medically discarded from complications due to steroid usage. Claims all sorts of injuries that happened to me and my buddies so he can receive all sorts of perks and benefits. Has a custom built house gifted to him to account for the need for his mobility scooter, which he doesn't need, got a free Harley, and got brought out and honored during an NFL game for being a hero, and he never did shit.

I always thought non-competes were total bullshit anyways. Like a scare tactic or something. And unenforceable.

Didn't matter and sure doesn't now.

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Fuck Isreal. I got no problem with Jewish people, but that country can kick fucking rocks.

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People. Pull out. Always.

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In a lot of pardoned or commuted sentences, it can come down to someone who had the book thrown at them over something relatively minor, and they have served a large portion of their sentences. Or, if conviction is dodgy.

Sometimes it comes down to if the person has well and truly changed their ways. And usually, the person asking for the pardon doesn't have any other legal problems unresolved.

Like if someone got caught with a couple ounces of marijuana, and the judge wanted to make an example of them, and gave them 57 years. And they've done 15, and marijuana is now legal in that state.

Or maybe someone was in a car, and the driver pulled a gun and shot someone, and they got charged with murder because they were an accessory because they were present.

I can come up with tons of scenarios, but typically, the commutation or pardoning of a sentence isn't taken lightly and a lot of evidence is presented as to why the person should be let go. But with trump, he's a dead brained fuck and someone probably gave him $500 bucks and told him this guy would give him lots of money if he got out.

The system of pardoning isn't really the issue at hand, it was the person issuing the pardon that was the problem.

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I bet OP saw the same conversation I did on here earlier. I'm a sitting person, but the first time I learned about standers it blew my mind.

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You mean life?

I've been pulled over for going faster than 100mph. 103 to be exact. Didn't get arrested. It's 100% at the officer's discretion.

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I can tell you something that brought up our morale. Our director was removed. Everyone's morale and attitudes improved immediately. The in-fighting and pain-in-the-assery dissolved.

About a year before, a committee was formed to try and figure out ways to improve morale in our areas. Lots of good ideas were brought up, some were implemented. Morale stayed the same.

Had anyone known that removing of our director was on the table, every single person would have voted for that.

And the week before that, my inept foreman quit. That was the best Friday to Friday I ever had.

They really buried his affiliation. I figured he was because of it being North Dakota and all, but it's literally in the last paragraph.

Oh, it's a massive win. All of my leaderships support me 100% on this. The person in civil service (basically the person that adjudicates these things)called me after I filed the grievance, mad as hell that they would have ever thought to do such a thing in the first place. And they said they were taking it to our president so they could get approval to punish this person appropriately. It's a huge slam dunk.

Back in the day, I was stationed in South Korea when I was 18/19 years old. While it was legal for Koreans to drink by 18, US soldiers were expected to wait until they were 21. Soldiers 21 and over got ration cards in order to buy alcohol from the post's shoppettes. I was never 21 in Korea, so I never got one.

One day the Criminal Investigation Division shows up and starts asking around about me. Sure I guess I was technically drinking underage on base, but I was legal once I left. And I hadn't done anything else shady or dodgy, so I was getting a little concerned.

Turned out, I was being accused of buying liquor on base for cheap and then selling it to Koreans for profit because a bottle of real Jack Daniels was like $200 whereas I could have bought it for $20.

I told them that I couldn't have bought it because I don't have a ration card for alcohol. They didn't believe me, but somehow it got cleared up down the road because I never heard another word about it. And I doubt it was mistaken identity because my height kinda precludes me from being misidentified, and the only other guy on the base that looked even remotely like me never got in trouble either and he was never questioned in the first place.

I wish they'd identify the fan. Fuck that guy.

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