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While that's true, short term (vacation) rentals existed well before airbnb, they just weren't so prevalent.

Once again a misleading headline: No, Nissan isn't evil trying to force people to buy a new car (Edit: well maybe a bit, see replies). Those older cars rely on 2G connectivity, which is soon to be shut down in the UK, so they are sunsetting support for the features relying on it..

TL;DR: The 2G network they rely on is shutting down.

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Google Maps, their traffic data has no rivals, unlike gmail which has plenty of good competition. It's the one thing I couldn't easily replace yet.

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I doubt it ... first, it's electric, and second, you cannot install a lift kit on it.

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Didn't they start as a non-profit? But I guess, as someone I know used to say, there's one god everybody worships: the money god.

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The first one was a genuine bug, the second a malicions backdoor. The only common thing is they are both open source projects. I agree with having more oversight and funding on critical open source software, but suggesting that these two vulnerabilities are the same in some way is a bit of a stretch.

This is the right answer. No tool can detect AI generated content with zero false positives, but someone using AI to cheat won't actually know the subject matter.

While she is of Jewish ancestry, she is not religiously observant.

and then

While welcoming the dialogue with Sheinbaum, members of the Jewish community do not consider her to be part of their ranks, in part because Sheinbaum herself has rejected any such connection. “Claudia has actively tried to say: ‘This is not me,” Schlosser said. “It must be respected when a person does not want to be identified in one way or another.”

... and more of that.

Seems like this article is more preoccupied with her religion, which she clearly states is not a big part of who she is, rather than her policies, which I'd be more interested in hearing about.

TL;DR: Your usual sensationalized headline.

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"Every life is valuable! We condemn all forms of terrorism"

Zelenski has to walk a fine line ... on one end, he needs support from Israel, on the other, he knows Israel is an occupier just like Russia, so he cannot even show too much support. And so, he condemn "all forms of terrorism", implying that Ukraine, unlike Hamas, is not resorting to (too much) terrorism to fight back ... between a rock and a hard place there.

Or he could just condemn Israel and lose their support, in exchange for "the moral high ground" and avoiding hypocrisy, but that never won any war. I don't envy him.

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At this point, I have to conclude that Musk is actively trying to kill Twitter.

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Open it from a mobile device. Definitely lots of porn ads...

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"The reality is that fossil fuels aren't going away for at least 100 years," said Nenad Miljkovic, a professor of mechanical science & engineering at UIUC and the project lead.

The reality is that either they go away much sooner, or we better start enjoying hurricanes, wildfires, rising seas and droughts a lot more than we do now.

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They said the "most transparent" genocide, not the most brutal, or the quickest one, or the one with the most people killed.

the mainstream media continue to limit criticism of Israel to humanitarian issues arising from its conduct of the “war,” paying virtually no attention to the near unanimous ICJ rulings, and to the dehumanization of Palestinians by the language and tactics relied upon by Israel. Without using the word “genocide,” they reconfirm in word and deed the genocidal character of the assaults on Gaza

I think what they mean by "mosy transparent" is that it's the most widely reported by the media, as well as downplayed as it happens.

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I love linux and been using it for decades, personally and professionally, but no, linux doesn't have "hot patching" the same way as that article describes it. At most it can live patch the kernel (and only few distros actually use that), but definitely not for the last 20 years, and definitely not running processes. However, it does usually restart background processes after an update without requiring a reboot, but in my experience, often times the system becomes unstable after several such updates and rebooting is effectively necessary (though not forced, and that's why I like it).

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Alright, so let's assume a 100kWh battery like some tesla models. Now, someone made such a battery that can be charged in 6 minutes... how much power does it need?

100 kW•h / 6minutes = 100kW•h / 0.1h = 1000kW = 1MW

So, we need 1 MEGAWATT car chargers ... that's some power required there.

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McAfee is not Russan, just like Instagram is not Chinese (I thought it was clear enough).

Yes it's a clear reference to TikTok, which I don't like for many many reasons, but none of those reasons is why it was banned, it's because it's Chinese.

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It is alleged Google protects its franchise by shelling out billions of dollars annually to be the default search engine on the iPhone and on web browsers such as Apple's Safari and Mozilla's Firefox.

This has never been a secret, for years (decades) browsers like firefox, back when it was the dominant browser, would have its default search engine choice given to the highest bidder. At times, it was yahoo, or bing, before google outbid them in the following release of the browser. Obviously the same happens for safari, to noone's surprise.

So, the real question is: why does this come up only now as potentially illegal?

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If linux came preinstalled by default and vendor supported, regular people would use linux as well. Usability is actually pretty good these days, arguably higher than Windows since you don’t have to deal with this BS.

Yes, you can buy Dell laptops with Ubuntu preinstalled and supported, maybe Lenovos, not sure, but it's not the default, available only on custom builds online and on business (expensive) laptops, so most regular people don't bother.

Edit: well, there's the SteamDeck as an example of mainstream vendor supported system with linux, I guess. Some people go through the trouble of installing Windows on it, but most people don't bother and stick to what it came with.

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So, gambling is addictive, makes you spend more and more money, occasionally when you're lucky you get a big payout, though on average you lose. It is heavily regulated worldwide.

Gaming is also addictive, makes you spend more and more money, but there's no chance of a payout, ever. Completely unregulated.

Time to rethink out regulations?

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But is not Russian, just like Instagram is not Chinese.

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"one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter"

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Well, technically, CEOs don't pick their own salaries, they are decided by the board, and so, indirectly by the shareholders. Then again, she is also a board member, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Time to boycott widevine and insist websites switch to an open standard ... (though honestly good luck with that, Google might very well win that battle)

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I really wish they'd just kill it. We already have one tiktok, which is already one too many

Ok, so, no official support for Windows 10, but can you still install and run Windows 10 and renouce whatever "support" or will it just not work?

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I think I saw somebody selling drugs in a park next to a playground. We should forbid parks with playgrounds because they make it easy to sell drugs to kids.

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I think it's becoming a lost art ... but basically, you need to go by reputation. Pick well known sites that you trust, compare what they say about the subject, don't even base your opinion on just one random blog article or tweet / reddit / lemmy post.

For some, Wikipedia is trustworthy since it (usually) cites its sources and has a pretty good track record, while for others it's not to be trusted, cause anyone can edit it. In the end it's up to you what you trust. Another example: The CDC (in the US) can be considered trustworthy for health information, being an official government agency, but many also don't trust it as it has become more politicised and so, biased. Again, you decide what to trust, and always consult at least two trusted sources, more is better.

For product reviews, I simply don't pay much attention to the star rating, but instead, read the actual reviews, and sort them chronologically so I read the most recent ones. Check that they are actually reviewing the product / service you think they are, as there are ways to get good reviews then "switch" the product listing (amazon) and other similar tricks. Check if it seems plausible, level-headed, or if it's just someone being angry, or likely fake. Like I said, it's an art, not a science. Sometimes, you have to actually buy the product / service and judge for yourself, then compare your experience with the reviews, and you'll learn to tell the truthful reviews from the fake or unreliable.

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When I saw "Copilot Recall" I initially thought they recalled Copilot ... one can dream

While that might be true, it doesn't look like The Verge was sponsored by any specific ebike company to write this article, since they never mention any specific brand.

Edit: actually after scrolling down enough, they did interview people from some ebike company. Still doesn't look (too) sponsored

Yeah, misleading headline. They're talking about the linux desktop, and based just on browser stats. Marked share of linux as a whole, including all datacenters, servers, cloud infrastructure, and heck, throw in IOT devices, android, routers, etc, I'm pretty sure it's the dominant OS already.

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Sometimes I doubt my OS choice ... but then suddenly microsoft reminds me why I chose it ;)

There are rumors that it could come without a steering wheel or any pedals to lower costs

Ehm what? Full self driving (and self crashing)??

Children have parents (or otherwise adult guardians) that are responsible to keep them safe, online and offline. It is their job to keep them safe. Adults, on the other hand, have freedoms granted to them by the constitution, at least in the USA, and I kind of enjoy those freedoms.

I guess I agree with the judge here, face scans (or other verification measures) are pretty invasive.

So what do we call Israel then?

Every country has different rules, standing on wikipedia.

Personally, I feel that if making completely fictitious depictions of child porn, where no one is harmed (think AI-generated, or by consenting adults depicting minors) was legal, it might actually prevent the real, harmful ones from being made, thus preventing harm.

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Still a creepy ass cult, but got better at hiding it. Meanwhile, more crazy emerged to compete.

You still need a phone number to create an account. This just lets you hide it, and lets you share a chosen username with new contacts rather than your phone number, but you still have to provide the phone number to signal.

There's no constantly on sensors, just a microphone... A microphone is not a sensor, right? right?

Yet one more thing I'll avoid like the plague (together with tiktok, temu, anything apple or tesla, the list keeps growing)

Somebody let their domain expire and this happened.. I mean, it is at least somewhat tech related

Why linking to an article that simply repeats what the original Reuters article says, but in an exxagerated, sensationalized and occasionally downright misleading way? To be clear, I'm never buying a Tesla for the exact reasons described in either article, and more, but I prefer things being stated more factually, less sensational: