
56 Post – 1145 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That's what you are A song that goes on and on

Yeah a cardboard box and some fire is way cheaper than a full set of crowns.

Deus vult

Where's the dog?

I forgot you could use SSH port redirection. By having them connect to your ssh server. Just understand that you need to configure it in a safe way to avoid someone using the credentials incorrectly.

See the section called "Exposing service running in localhost of a server behind NAT to the internet"

I give it a week before people work around it routinely.

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To fuck with computers that don't know how to do UTF8, add a few emoji.

I once set a WiFi ssid to 🌻 and I was amazed at how much problems that likely caused. I had people showing me their network manager was dumping random characters. Some other routers web interfaces became corrupted when trying to show the neighborhood. Some clients refused to connect. Even a bsod on a windows XP box.

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That's bs, it's one of the best features Google has and they've been ruining it. Wayback machine wished it could be that comprehensive.

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Good, we need to stop supporting products that try to strong arm you into a perpetual subscription.

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I think you're qualified for a full refund in most regions if you disagree with the new terms.

Na, the sign says this is Canada

You gotta bundle it with electron and 400MB of a Chinese telemetry package.

It's societal cancer, imagine an organism that allows a few cells to monopolize most of the nutrients. You'd cut it out to save the host, but this has metastasized. The immune system has been reprogrammed to defend the cancer.

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I'm surprised that the service works at all in Russia. Isn't there some sort of sanction that disallows that? I think it's time for someone to look into that.

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That's a lot of pee to drink, I'll need donations

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Tbf this is the universes way of punishing you for using your computer and console on wifi

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But without infinite growth how can we feed the capitalistic engine with more souls?

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Try the UFO test.

If you still can't see the difference there may be a setting on the monitor or PC preventing you from seeing it.

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My understanding is that in America, you're only allowed to protest in ways that don't interfere with capital interests.

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Yeah, the less civilized parts of world still do carrier locking to act as an impediment to switching carriers without also giving up your phone or paying a ransom fee.

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That's a bit more civil than redirecting the domain name to 2girls1cup

I was playing a multiplayer game and the people in chat got such a kick out of trying to teach me the terminology they were using.

They were so proud when I called one of them the rizz master accurately.

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It's the advertisement companies that are far behind the times. They ruin everything they touch because they are so sensitive to Karen types.

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A bunch of those points about ps2 are no longer accurate, it's emulated on modern computers.

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Anytime I hear "labour shortage" I remember what it really means is not enough people willing or able to work slave wages.

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I believe some chromium based browsers will continue to support their own flavours of adblock.

But Firefox is the way to go

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Careful that's how you end up drinking the blue Kool aid.

The ending of life is a sad thing, it can be frightening to imagine losing that control.

Faith is one form of trying to capture that control. Please try to cherish the life you have here and make the most of it. For most I suspect there's no need to rush it.

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I would let you, but please warm them up first.

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Oh this reminds me when people discovered all the printers at school were available on the WiFi

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Capitalist propaganda

There's some liability issues with this, you can't guarantee someone read that and its not as obvious to someone who may be visually impaired. The proper course of action is to disconnect the vending machine.

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The gym's bicycle.

Ideally the internet would be provided with the same indifference as water and electricity. With no stipulations on how or why you're using it.

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I really want to see the EU force Microsoft to release a stripped down version that continues to support older hardware.

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Their chief priority is profit, isolation and creating a sense of elitism. Public transit is incompatible with all that. So we need buses that are set up like casinos with live bands

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Don't even need the dude on the tracks, the money bags are already more incentive than they need.

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I never imagined a world where Intel was the little fish. Wild

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Assuming your home isn't on fire. Seal everything, do not go outside! If possible, stay inside for as long as possible. Fill everything with water your bathtub, every cup, bucket, etc. Monitor the radio for emergency broadcasts for what to do next. AM stations are more likely to work. If you have a CB radio handy, (depending on your country) you can talk to authorities on Channel 9.

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I have a feeling that would pick up noise

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You're talking to a bot that has a crappy parser and doesn't understand what a subdomain is.

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