3 Post – 266 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Was about to ask what one does with dual Titan Xs, but the obvious answer is whatever the hell one wants.

The ultimate end-goal of a president’s first term is to be elected for a second term, and we Americans have very short attention spans. Stuff like this that seems like it should obviously have been done as soon as someone with the will to change it comes into power is more politically beneficial to do in an election year. It’s a shit system, certainly, but even the (relatively speaking) “good politicians” have to operate within it.

I host a handful of Internet facing sites/applications from my NAS and have had no issues. Just make sure you know how to configure your firewall correctly and you’ll be fine.

Obviously my own experience is entirely anecdotal, but I think relevant to the point. I work 100% remotely, I just need a decent Internet connection. I currently live in a moderately sized city, and keeping up with the finances can be a struggle compared to the lower cost of rural living. However, I’m also a gay man, pro choice, I don’t care what two or more consenting adults do in the privacy of their home, etc. etc. etc. with all the usual liberal stuff.

The job prospects aren’t why I left the rural southeastern US, and they aren’t the reason I’ll never go back there.

These people were warned about the brain drain their bullshit would cause. I have no sympathy for them or their towns’ dwindling tax revenues.

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I demand efficiency! I’ve got angry things to scream into the void!

Parking that much merchandise in one spot - might I suggest hiring a security guard or two? Maybe at least a fence and gate?

Publishers have to use the walking on eggshells language even when it’s obvious what happened because of libel laws. You’re not guilty until convicted in a court of law. Until that point, everything is allegedly, possibly, appears to be.

I'm back to sailing the high seas and dumping my loot into Plex.

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Kinda curious as to the point of drive encryption if you just want it to automatically unlock on boot.

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So does mine, I deleted it anyway. You've got their phone numbers for texting and calling.

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Drops a couple mil on an album and rips it to MP3 instead of FLAC. The fuck is wrong with this man?

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Events the conservative carpetbagger is hawking include “Truth seeker” nights, “Conspiracy Theory Trivia” with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle as a prize, “Open Carry Coffee” mornings with holstered handguns, and “Worship Nights” along with Bible study groups and a “Christian Singles Mingle” mixer.

A “Nefarious Vaccine Agenda” event and an upcoming “NASA Lies and Flat Earth” presentation fill out the bar’s way-out bill of fare.

Hate to disappoint, sir, but this was one bar my queer ass was never going to end up in anyway.

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It’s a meme made from a stock photo. Don’t take the high horse’s dick so deep, Mr. Hands.

Run faster, you fuck.

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I really hate the ones that make you select pictures that contain particular images. Apparently if you do them too fast, they'll just keep telling you to try again.

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Rooted to the spot until it wakes up - don’t you dare disturb that baby.

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So how does Steam tell their own users’ usernames apart if they’re mostly duplicates? Something smells like bullshit.

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Clickbait headline - and I know most viewers/commenters aren’t even opening that link. The quote was “bloodbath for the auto industry.” Takes it from a threat of anarchy to a simple negative assessment of the auto industry.

There’s plenty to not like about this shitbag without getting sensationalist about it.

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There are no decent WiFi setups in college dorms.

Just mush your face into the keyboard, roll it around a bit, and submit whatever comes out.

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Search job sites for “search quality rater.” Should be a number of postings for fully remote, part-time, ~$15/hr work. Takes a few weeks to go through the qualifying process, but it’s mostly common sense stuff. Just requires the time commitment - projects will probably want 10-20 hours a week.

Again, that is literally in the headline. “The first out LGBTQ+…”

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m still very new to Linux. I have Wine 8 installed, currently just to run one application for one of my games. Should I bother to update to 9 if my current setup is working? I’m still adjusting to the FOSS environment and haven’t quite figured out whether or not I should always update to the latest and greatest just because I can.

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That is an incredibly short sighted view, and I highly encourage you to expand your horizons.

China would certainly know a lot about stealing intellectual property from successful countries.

Unsurprisingly, it's kinda difficult to get flood insurance in Florida, so they're probably screwed down that avenue. They voted for the fucker, though, so... Karma?

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Sling shot target practice.

What's with this meme format having repeated words at the end of the first line and beginning of the second. It happens so frequently it surely can't just be inattention.

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I’d wager that the love of nature is not something a fair amount of Everest climbers give two shits about, or at the very least it’s nowhere near the “photo op” that’s at the top of their list of priorities.

That’s where the starting at comes in.

And it'll be rent controlled!

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When his house falls into the ocean he’ll have exactly what he deserves.

Oh, piss off.

Google has its issues as a company, but I’m pretty happy with symmetrical gigabit for $70.70 a month. I’m pretty sure 2 gigabit, and possibly 5, are also available at my location, but I’d have to upgrade all my network stuff to use that.

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Was this like a Monsters Inc. Academy or something?

There's a 4 hour heat cycle it has to go through as part of the cleaning. In addition, the machines are apparently very temperamental and throw errors a lot, but the error codes are (arguably intentionally) obscure so typical employees just aren't going to know what's wrong with it. Also machine servicing is done exclusively by the machine manufacturer, so if any work needs to be done to it they've gotta schedule a tech call-out.

Now the question: is Elon such a dick that even his own father won't speak to him, or is Elon's father such an even bigger raging dick that Elon won't speak to him? I shudder to think how awful he'd have to be for that...

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Didn’t this happen last year, too? Feels like this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this headline.

That man is insane in a most delightful way.

Wouldn’t this only work with a remote that’s already paired to the Roku, though?

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