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Joined 1 years ago

I got got. Germany is exotic to me, and I'm gullible.

No mention anywhere of Warren... Did she fail too hard in the primaries?

Gosh I'd love to see her debate Trump. He would never agree to it though, as she'd rip him to logical pieces.

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Wow, you're right, I didn't realize she was that old.

I hear you buddy, but I think that chance was squashed by the DNC last time around. He was old when he ran, and he's 8 years older than that now. Besides, "the South won't vote socialist" is still just as true now as then.

I wish it weren't so!

As far as I know, Biden chose to run for president again. If that was forced on him, then yes, what's happening is terrible. But if he made that choice freely, then we're only attempting to vet candidates for the job as we always do. If he can't handle the vetting process (as flawed and televised as it is) then he shouldn't be running...

He should be at home chilling, not taking on one of the most demanding possible jobs for another 4 years. His decision making may or may not be fine, but the he obviously can't consistently meet the communication demands of the role.

The alternative is worse, but I'm not happy about voting for Biden. 3rd parties and RCV, please!

Upvoted bc i want someone to find and share it.

I'm still using the 3a, but I've broken the screen at least 4 times. I'm clumsy, but I don't think it's just my fault? That screen is ridiculously delicate.

However, once cracked, the hauntings begin. There are touch controls attached to the display that go haywire, and it would cycle through clicking buttons like Russian Roulette: it called the emergency line twice while cracked, and would just power itself back on when I turned it off. I finally bought a screen protector and haven't had an issue since.

I wonder if you're just using different muscles? Like doing a bench press vs an overhead... I would have thought those were all the same muscles, but they are absolutely not!

Do they hurt the backs of your ears? I've had some cheap in-ear headphones that also had curved plastic to fit around the shell of your ear for stability. I'd have to take them off after an hour or two in pain, but not because of the in-ear component.

What country are you in?

Thank goodness. I loved "Your Name" and hope for more films.

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I don't know, but let us know how it goes.

"Are you afraid of the dark" gave me similar fears for years.

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I do not use self-checkout for several reasons, including what other people have said: i don't get a discount, it's taking someone else's job, it's annoying as fuck. Further, I use my own canvas bags, and that machine yells about the weight mismatch no matter what I try. I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.

But i also shop for groceries 1 time per week, which means I'm buying beer, which means the self-checkout STILL requires somebody to help me. I end up standing around for longer than it takes to go through the regular line.

Anyway, the self-checkout lines generally see very loud usage in my NC town.

Running. I don't think I ran a consecutive mile until at least age 28, but now i love to run.

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EXACTLY where my brain went, and I haven't seen that move in nearly 30 years 😹

Love your local library. The Lemmy app is a good way to access content.

Also pirating... I live in the southern US, where they keep underfunding my library.

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That deserves a frame and a spot on the photo wall at home

Eh weed's not legal in my state, but I smoke it every night to fall asleep... Not trying to be flippant, but sleep is important.

Can you just save it for a different election? I'm all about 3rd party politics making inroads. But, Jill Stein is NOT going to be elected this time around. Sorry to break it to you. And if Trump gets elected, guess what: we might not have free and fair elections to vote for 3rd parties at all! What's the plan then?

They are buckwheat hulls. It would be disastrous to stuff your pillow or mattress with something mice find delicious.

College, yes. I should have done social time separately from education and taken a year or two off. High school, absolutely not. No way.

Wait... vegetable oil? Like, olive, canola, avocado, coconut? I have never heard of this.

Edit: Commenter below helped me understand you're probably talking about hydrogenated oils. Seems misleading to say vegetable oil is a silent killer. You're not wrong about heavily processed foods, though. (Thanks @mindrover@lemm.ee !)

Headphones to sleep with. It's a big stretchy headband with flat speakers sewn in, and it works on Bluetooth (speakers are removable with a little effort to wash the band). I've always needed stories to fall asleep, and now I can't believe how many years I spent propping my phone just-so against my ear to not bother my sleeping partner.

Game changer for sleepless me.

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I put a sandwich in the slot... Twice. I distinctly remember thinking how perfectly it fit. Didn't bust, but wasn't a good idea.

What do you mean the tech was destroyed?

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Haha yes it also bothered me that the slime mold didn't have to consider the ferocity of the Rocky Mountains.

The pillow... Sleep is my nemesis.

Unless the blanket does away with menopausal hot flashes. I'm not near that age, but I dread them still.

Eh depends on the brand sometimes.

Also my vote is for a hummus wrap.

Tell me about "Wednesday forever," please?

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No, the records of families at the impoverished school I work at suggest money has nothing to do with it. You wouldn't want to hear what some of these kids experience.

Running is surprisingly fun once you get in shape enough to enjoy it -- and has an effect on what i eat bc planning to go running later in the day has a pretty big effect on how mindfully i consume. I can't have a huge meal or chug water last minute and feel good while running.

My small school district typically only allows teachers to coach, but it's a huge burden on teachers. We want the kids to have access to sports and clubs, but golly, please just do a background check on and/or train a community member who actually WANTS to coach.

Have you seen a recent class roster at any school in the US? Aiden, Brayden, Hayden, Drayden, Faden. It's a hellscape.

Texas, please don't light camping stoves inside your houses this time, and please get carbon monoxide detectors.

Those photos a few years ago were painful to look at.

That look of defeat is the hardest for me to resist :(

Donald Trump, the con man trying to make a buck?

Well the families of 64 newly dead children agree, and will continue the hated and animosity toward their killers. Where does it end?

He's not Superman, but he's a breath of fresh air from within our increasingly tone-deaf, corrupt government. I'm not sure why you're so mad.

I watched two twelve-year-old children take a four-hour reading exam today. They ran out of time without finishing. Please can North Carolina to get their metrics some other way.

My current theory is that the state of NC so wants to say that public schools are failing that they are giving students near impossible exams.