
1 Post – 311 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Conan O'brien

Sure I guess? It's mostly just silly jokes and advice on hobby stuff though.

You're thinking of plasma, people can get paid for that. Donating blood just gets you a cookie, the satisfaction of helping people in need, and a sticker.

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Baby do-oh...

Never mind.

Isn't he British?

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An error occurred. Mitch.exe has crashed.

Work I guess

Not really, but they used to

"You got hysteria lady, time for a finger blasting session."

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Blowguns are awesome!

Didn't know this was still around, wow.

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Remember when they started infecting people's computers with rootkits?

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It ruined Oculus, that was a change.

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My favorite part was when corporations lied their asses off to the entire world for over 50 years while simultaneously telling is this is all our fault but if we recycled and didn't use too much water, gas, or electricity we could undo the harm that we were personally responsible for.

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This game bites a lot of other games, but it's fun to play which is more than I can say for any Nintendo Pokemon game in recent memory.

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The same guy who unilaterally banned bump stocks with an executive order being hosted by the NRA shows how much the NRA actually cares about the second amendment.

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Fuck this dystopian bullshit and everything that led up to it. Our healthcare system is fucking barbaric.

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I love that my almost 2 decades of shitposting will be put to... use?

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Reminder that we don't even have AI yet, just learning machine models, which are not the same thing despite wide misuse of the term AI.

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Oh no


Journalism has become an absolute dumpster fire for almost anyone trying to do actual journalism. No wonder corporations are running roughshod over us all, the industry is hostile to anyone not willing to be some sort of shill.

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"Reddit isn't profitable because leadership is wildly incompetent, so let's pay them an exorbitant amount of money instead of using that money to properly fix things or make any genuine improvements to anything."


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Maybe we should pay our teachers so they don't have to do more work when they're done with work so they can do stuff like not starve to death or have a roof over their head?

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Why are insane authoritarians still popular?

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Fuck DRM though, all my homies hate DRM.

Too be fair, we can kill them too. I bet people kill more bears than bears kill people.

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Kind of? Are you going to tell us that the US healthcare system is "sorta silly" next?

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How about just let us download our fucking drivers through a regular package manager like all our other updates you privacy raping shit gibbons?

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Quick question: What the fuck?

WB sure does suck

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Hasn't stuff like this been repeatedly ruled illegal and unenforceable?

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TurboTax for bankruptcy, LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!

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She's a teacher and a porn star, but she still can't spell masturbate...

smh my head

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It does matter because it inspires newer platforms that aren't as shitty like Lemmy, PixelFed, Mbin, and PeerTube.

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Billion? What are they smoking???

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My first thought is: This is probably a shitty game because if it was good, they wouldn't be worried.

Sounds like it's a shitty game if they're that worried

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Spoiler: They're in the bad place.

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Wouldn't it be better for Tesla if he wasn't CEO? Hasn't he repeatedly demonstrated that he's a shitty leader?