1 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I made a battery from a potato once. Am I disqualified from office?

A Lemmon Twist?

I have all these things right now in the house. omg. Yet I've already gone to bed and I don't want the cats thinking they can finagle another midnight snack out of me if I get back up to putter around the kitchen. Dessert for breakfast it shall be!

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Harris Teeter (Kroger subsidiary) -brand "Private Selection" chocolate ganache ice cream. It makes all other chocolate varieties pale in comparison. I let it sit on the counter a little to soften, or I'll very briefly microwave it if I am impatient. I legit get a nice big eyelid-fluttering dopamine hit with every spoonful.

I used to snack on raw peeled potatoes, but I definitely enjoyed them more if they were cooked/baked/fried/mashed.

My honey ordered a cookies&cream milkshake at Fuddruckers once upon a time, and they sadly told him they were out of oreos. We teased them so badly about that, they were shamed into going across the street to the store to buy a bag of oreos. I don't think we went over the line. I hope. We were trying to be lighthearted about it. and we were very appreciative that they fulfilled our order.

"I often sit at home and rub my carpet."

I swear to the flying spaghetti monster, the Lowes flooring associate said this to me when I was booking installation services.

I thought i read somewhere that the biggest consumers of glitter are the auto makers because it's in nearly all the paint.

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Long time headache adventurer here.

You are basically making a homemade Excedrin (acetaminophen + aspirin + caffeine). Stimulants cause your body to metabolize the pain reliever more quickly.

As for if you're ruining your liver, I can't say, other than you should probably go see you doctor and ask for a blood panel/ liver function test. Even if your liver values are normal, you'll know for sure, and have a baseline to compare future tests against. Plus your doctor may have some thoughts on why you're having a headache everyday.

For me it turned out that while i had acceptable blood pressure, it was high "for me", and a beta blocker took care of the most frequent headaches. But we didn't figure that out until we had ruled out a whole bunch of other things.

It was a frustrating journey to be sure. I wish you luck in yours.

A person's right to assisted suicide.

A few countries have this already, and I think 1 or 2 states may have it decriminalized. But I wish it were less of a taboo subject.

It's ok and even seen as being responsible when we make these decisions for our pets, yet if you want to make the same decision for yourself, you must not be thinking straight.

I have not had and do not have thoughts of suicide, but I have been caregiver to several family members and been witness to the end of life stage.

We should be able to decide for ourselves at a certain point that it's time to go.

That... is something that I've never wondered about, but now you've got me contemplating the flavor profile of various mineral aggregates.

I can tell you what coal tastes like, not that I've eaten any. But when you burn it for heat, it gets everywhere. It's bitter and kind of earthy but not like rich topsoil. More like you've been tailgating a school bus on a dirt road for hours. And the dirt is charred.

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Sounds to me like you've got it covered.

When we drive over train tracks, we have to lift our feet so we won't get caught on the tracks. We'll be mid conversation and then both of us are lifting our feet all silly like.

Note the driver only does this when it's safe to do so. If traffic is slow or stopped on the other side, we're not just going to rear end anyone.

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This trick also works on pets. My cat finally caught on though. And she's only 2.

Is no one else paranoid to put a free usb stick in their computer? I thought that was the classic social engineering hack.

(full disclosure: I'm not in I.T. and my info might be older than the hills)

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I briefly microwave my ice cream before eating.

I don't want it to be soupy. I'm going for soft. And I am too impatient to let it sit on the counter a bit to reach that sweet spot of consistency.

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That last one... (o.O)

This is a great way to frame it. Thank you.

Yes, my hybrid does this. And makes a super annoying louder sound when put in reverse.

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I'm sorry, I'm hung up on you saying election officials would track down the voter to confirm their intent. And you mentioned you volunteered or worked in elections possibly in not-the-US. In the US (or at least in my state) ballots are anonymous. That was why such a fuss was made in 2000 over trying to determine what the voter intended if a ballot had a "hanging chad". They couldn't just track down the person to confirm, and the margins were close enough to call a recount but not for a do-over. It was election purgatory.

And here I thought the neighbor's ducks just liked to visit us. 🤷🏻

You could have frozen them until you do have time to either a) fool with it yourself or b) find someone to give them to. I get wanting to be mindful of how our time is used, but binning them is wasteful of money, of resources, and of those lives.


Looks like a mlem. Mlems are licks. Bleps are a momentary glitch when they forget to stow the tongue.

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I mean, that is pretty much what i think of when anyone brings up "the brown note"

I don't think the kids say that anymore.

Also, my cheugy thing is I still use yolo unironically as a verb.

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Yes, someone will always do it anyway.

You must ask yourself how you will feel about providing professional support to this MLM. Can you imagine looking yourself in the mirror? Can you imagine how you will feel once the job has been completed?

I had a dilemma like this back in 2007. I was an auditor at a CPA firm, and my boss tried to assign me to a new client...a PAC... back when PACs were just starting to register in the general public's awareness. This PAC was in support of a politician that stood for the opposite of nearly every social issue I cared about. I did try to keep an open mind. Auditors are supposed to be unbiased, but usually the worry is don't get too friendly with your clients, not the other way around. But I couldn't do it. I imagined what it would be like to go to this place for 2 weeks to do the fieldwork. And I couldn't do it. Just 2 weeks of my life. Nope. The politician was too polarizing.

I told my boss to assign someone else. He gave me a little flack for it, but overall he was a good boss who appreciated me as a professional. He assigned someone else and that's the last I heard of it... until that PAC was getting targeted by tv talking heads waving our audit report in front of the cameras.

I'm soooo glad I declined that assignment. Not only am I proud of myself for standing up for my issues, not actively undermining them by working for the "other side", but I dodged a bullet by not being associated with them on actual television.

Onion genetics

Is your business rated on Google or Yelp? You could offer that to prospective employers because it reflects your customer service skills.

I've had to do hiring before, and I would not count a lack of references against you if you were upfront about being self employed. Heck, I'm trying to get my own business off the ground now. Being self employed for a decent length of time speaks volumes about your ability to be responsible.

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So true! I literally can't even.

A collection of pretty little pots of herbs.

My Tractor Supply has potted lemon trees for under $20.

I like the fruit basket ideas too.

lol, watched that series of videos unfold in real time on The Soup, and am sheepishly realizing there's probably a whole generation of people now that were too young/ not alive yet when that train wreck went down.

...1989..."vintage"...[cries in GenX]

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"10 pounds a kilogram" is a funny phrase out of context

My mother and grandmother have come to me in dreams since their passing, and usually my dream self is aware that they are no longer with us, and is extra super fighty to wring as much dream time with them as possible before waking up. Sometimes I wake up upset and mournful, other times, I can still feel their hugs and feel all warm and happy. Brains are pretty weird.

Ignored my MIL trying to send me home from her hospital bedside, and stayed with her through the night. The floor was understaffed, and they had her hooked to an IV and also gave her a strong diuretic. Nurses weren't getting to her in time for her to make it to the bathroom every 5 minutes. And she's wobblier after surgery than she realized. She needed help with all the up and down.

All she wanted was to go home, but didn't realize if she'd fallen, they would have extended her stay by a few more days.

"Girl, the farrier just came by, and my feet feel like new now!"

When i started doing this, my other family members were a little weirded out, but now it feels natural to part this way and their response feels natural too. I'm so glad i started.

I resisted getting one for so long because I didn't want a single purpose appliance when I could make it in a pot.

So I finally allowed myself to get a little one, and I love it so much. 1 part rice, 2 parts water, push button, walk away... perfect rice.

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If I'm going home to do anything around the house for family, I must plan ahead for the typical DIY snafu's that happen. I can't just run out to the Home Depot or the MicroCenter to get specialty parts (or even not so specialty just barely more niche than Walmart and Dollar General). Amazon Prime next day is not available.

Grandma has a leak under the sink but Walmart doesn't carry 1/4" ferrules for the compression valve? Get a bucket, Grandma, and prepare to wait 3 days for the parts to come in the mail. Can't call the plumber because he's off this week on a fishing trip.

Getting quality groceries is hit or miss. On one hand, the produce available is excellent. Yet all the restaurants in town offer some version of deep fried. I like the 2 Mexican joints the best because they are the less greasy options.