
0 Post – 213 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Civil War. I don't know the rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but I do know that it is a recent movie, and 196 sent me here lol


neopets-hentai huh?

She is literally me frfr


The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

Cioran for sure for me

Although in my elementary school days, I was more like Foucalt

I love him anyway

Water out of my pp

I peed

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Dude looks hella depressed

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Join Email Waitlist

Be put on a ad targeting/fed honeypot list

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I can make out one that says "This sign was made by a fed, lol"

And I also see "Jews will have ur IP". Jesus Christ, man, Nazi alert lol

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Shirt says "ALCOHOL"

Mouth and shirt is covered in milk

Checks out

Every shitty 90's/2000's parody movie ever

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The mouse is hovering over their lips


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Are you sure Napoleon Dynamite is not just Taylor Swift in Drag?

Cities: Skylines in a nutshell

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Uugh, but admitting that would ruin my echo chamber conformation bias circle.

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Lockheed Martin?

Fun to play with, not to eat!

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Fuk, I want one.

But it would make a terrible buttplug, so I would just have it as a desk decoration.

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That click bait title makes it seem like the Internet Archive itself will come crumbling down. Now that I skimmed read the article, it just seems like they are going to lose the court battle for this case. Maybe some other stuff, but I get to keep my MS-DOS abandonware downloads.

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Donald J. Tp

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Why is the soy bear man also giving me the creeps?

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Holy shit what a gigastacy!

Goddang, taking screenshots like Windows Recall

It is an ad disguised as a meme.

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The They Live! shades

I did have a roommate who's last name was literally "Whitelaw". And he was also racist as fuck, of course.

I wish 2009 would call me back 😞

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Cause I'm a material femboy, in a material world!

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The good ol days of knowing an image or art was not done instantaneously by some machine

University of Washington I see?

He was several thousand cubic miles of boiling magma

She was a tectonic plate

Can it get anymore obvious

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Well, there is Dexter Holland (Lead singer of The Offspring) that flys his own private jet. So you can yell at him now

All I read was "train-hopping crustpunk", and I'm in!


196 uses Arch BTW