
1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My god, that copy makes me want to vomit. It reads like it was written by an executive in a coke bender.

Community Points are the first step towards a better future for online communities. In order to be truly independent from platforms like Reddit, communities need to be owned by their members in ways that platforms cannot take away. With the advent of blockchain technology, we now have a way to establish this freedom in a decentralized and secure way.

I can almost hear the zoom call they brainstormed this shit in. This is some PragerU level slime. “Crypto Currency will grant users autonomy that they would otherwise never possess!” Right, anything that can’t be bought has no value. Oh THANK YOU for creating this system where everything is tied to crypto, so we can experience real community again! Finally my voice can be heard. Not like that horrible, communistic, voting system that counts every user equally.

I’m not sure if you posted the entire article (can’t check b/c paywall), but I’m surprised the NYT didn’t mention the 98-year-old co-owner of the paper who fucking DIED a day after police raided her home. This whole story is absolutely horrific.

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I carry them because I’m a professional musician and I just get sick of spelling my name for people. It has my booking email, instagram, and phone number on it. Super handy.

Uber’s net profit for the twelve months ending March 31st, 2023 was $-3.36bn. That’s negative 3.36 billion dollars. They posted their first ever operating profit today. August 1st, 2023.

So yeah, really cool company. Not at all some sort of horrifying demon of modern capitalism…

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The first rule of comstruction: attention to detail. Got it!

The chain reaction crash happened before 8:15 a.m. when traffic slowed on Interstate 75 in Chattanooga, causing four cars in the motorcade to hit one another, police said. All the vehicles involved in the crash were government vehicles taking DeSantis and his team to his scheduled event, police said.

So, one of the drivers in the motorcade was texting and didn’t notice that the car in front had stopped. Got it.

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Part of me wishes he would try it, because you just don’t come for the US Federal Government. Trump talks a big game and has a following, but the Feds are fucking psychos. These people killed MLK. These people have overthrown countless foreign governments. They’ve been trafficking drugs, weapons, and humans since before you and I were born.

I’m not saying I’m happy about it. I’m ashamed to be American every day that I wake up. But Trump is small potatoes to them. If he ever tried a coup for real it would end very badly for him, I promise you.

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The “one issue” happens to be supporting a genocide, so it’s kind of a big one? I haven’t seen anyone calling him right-wing, but you can bet if cops were firing rubber bullets at peaceful student protesters under a republican administration, every lefty from NY to LA would be wringing their hands and crying “fascism”. The times they are a-changing my friend. It’s not just about left or right, and I’m glad these kids understand that.

I was gonna say, loving the use of the word “unify”. I also feel like the AP could have editorialized just a bit at least for the headline and maybe gone with something more along the lines of “reclaim”.

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Seriously, this article is garbage. The author intentionally mis-genders the person in question throughout the whole thing. It’s bigoted nonsense from start to finish.

Okay, so y’all found a trans person who’s a child molester - great job! The fact remains that one group of people is still responsible for 99.9% of all child abuse. So let’s start taking rights away from cis white men. See how that logic works?

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Yeah he does an emergency broadcast at least once a fuckin month. Just like Trump raised over 38 mil after his convictions. It’s all a con job. To take a page from Knowledge Fight, the media really needs to learn how to cover ol’ AJ.

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Tom Waits for no one

If I have to read the word “feisty” one more time today I’m going to lose it.

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Definitely worthy of a subtle eye roll at least. My number one would have to be “it is what it is”. They all fall under the category of “saying something without saying anything”.

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It goes even deeper! Sir Isaac Newton only discovered the visible light spectrum to push the gay agenda. And you ever notice how there were a lot fewer queer folks when movies were in black and white? You can thank the liberal Jewish media for that. It’s pedophiles all the way down!

I think corporate greed is the great plague of our age. Every issue we face with regards to limited resources, limited housing, limited representation in government can all be traced back to it.

Having said that, I have no problem with this price increase. I play cover songs for a living, and my job would be exponentially more difficult without Spotify. Hell, I’d pay $30 a month if that’s what they charged. Over a year, an extra $1 a month figures out to… the same amount I spend on coffee in three days. So have at it guys.

Okay good well at least they mentioned it, even if it is at the very end of the article.

No body, no crime. Scatter that shit and hit the bar.

You’re really bad at this - seriously, it’s sad.

I’ve been on the internet since AOL free trials, and this is among the top ten worst things I’ve seen. Congratulations.

No, it’s low-effort rage baiting so I conflate it with trolling. That’s why I said “troll harder” lol

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Looks like it got scraped from an Onion article.

This is one of those situations where the fact that they pointed out it was fart-free makes it that much more suspicious. Like, “Drink this - we definitely didn’t fart in it!”

It actually is better. It’s crazy that someone on the internet will post your shit, not credit you, but still take the time to edit it. Somehow I both hate that and love it.

Politically, it was championed by some of the country’s most prominent Christian conservatives — like Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson and mega-evangelist Franklin Graham. The evangelicals provided the political muscle on the right, as well as a kind of unvarnished Christian moral argument for healing the sick, that ultimately got Bush and Congress on board — leading to PEPFAR’s creation in 2003. PEPFAR thus should not be seen only as a great American accomplishment, but also a great evangelical accomplishment.

When people talk about AIDS relief to Africa that provides zero funding for contraception on religious grounds, this is the program they’re talking about. It’s the same imperialist bullshit that’s been going on in Africa for centuries. If they really wanted to help people, they’d be sending billions of condoms a year. Prevent the spread instead of treating the disease.

The article completely glosses over what the evangelicals wanted in return for their support. Because just helping people wasn’t enough, it had to be on their terms. The writer for Vox then goes on to spend several paragraphs making the same weird “Trump was worse than Bush” comparisons that have become so popular among neo-liberals in recent years.

All-In-all, this is a terrible piece of journalism.

So, I’ve been on lemmy.world since I joined last year and everyone’s saying it’s too big. Lemmy.ml is the next-largest so I’m conflicted. What do?

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Witches. Matilda. James and the Giant Peach. Turns out Roald Dahl was just universally distrusting of all adults. Rightfully so.

Except for the dad in Danny Champion of the World, who was the coolest dad ever.

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Jeez, troll harder dude. Pathetic attempt.

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I think passionate, spirited, and energizing are great adjectives too. “Feisty” has just been everywhere today wrt the speech; it makes it sound like we’re talking about a sick cat.

I’ve read all of the books I listed. And most of his short stories as well. I don’t think he hated anyone, he just had a very dark perspective in general. The whole world is grotesque, but the antagonists are adults in a majority of his novels. It’s very much in the tradition of Lewis Carrol; children serve to contrast the absurd and cruel aspects of daily life. Industrialization, authoritarianism, violence, poverty; it’s all deconstructed through a child’s lens.

Seath the Scaleless caused me actual trauma.

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I’ll always remember being 14 and going to get my pre-ordered copy of SC2. It came with a free t-shirt. They hand me this shirt which is just a giant picture of Ivy wearing basically nothing. The look on my mom’s face lol

War Elephants are the next logical step, imo.

Hey, if all the idiots left I’d say that’s a win.

Part of me always felt that the whole “Gore lost because of Nader” narrative was started to discourage third party candidates from running at all. We desperately need strong alternatives to the Republicans and Democrats in this country.

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I guess you’re right, I just automatically cringe at the thought of his photo going down in history as the first mugshot of a former president. Like it’s the kind of infamy that he probably gets off on. This dude deserves total washed-up obscurity and nothing more.

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Nice to meet you, Jasper.

I saw a recent clip of him somewhere the other day and thought he was Alex Jones for a second. The roids have not been kind to him, I can’t imagine what he’ll look like in his 70’s

I love the episodes of Behind the Bastards where they read his books. Every male protagonist is tall, and he makes a point of mentioning it multiple times throughout the story. He’s such a fuckin tool…

Are they not smoking Virginia Slims these days?