12 Post – 400 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i hate soup

Are these MF DOOM lyrics

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America sneezes, the world catches a drone strike or something

"Hey Bob, you've worked on the Linux kernel before, can you handle this CPU scheduler problem we're having? Shouldn't take you too long. We need it done before lunch"

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Any time I hear about a hammer being used as a weapon I just immediately think about this:

did you really give the robots a slur to use on us

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sometimes meat companies do a pro gamer move and turn dead donkeys into extra profit


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All other countries without sideloading mandates

We're as shitty as we're legally allowed to be
- Apple

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Nations who recognise Palestine:

I miss this kind of confidence I got from cocaine

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he almost has that perfect evolved-to-survive-car-crashes physique

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Silver lining: some (possibly state level) bot farm operator considers Lemmy to be prominent enough to be worth spreading propaganda on.

We made it lads

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some secrets are completely acceptable to take to the grave

a forum to commiserate and share advice and coping mechanisms and so on.

Speaking for myself here, but I feel like this can make the problem worse. /r/depression is something in a similar vein. Whenever I went there, I'd always leave sadder. There's something about reading other people's struggles that just seemed to reinforce my own sense of hopelessness.

Also, bad advice on those kinds of forums can look extremely reasonable if your perception of the world is clouded by your problems.

I know it doesn't work for everyone, but give therapy a shot if you haven't already.

Like others have said, having a friend that you see regularly can help with loneliness. Doesn't even have to be strangers. Try messaging an old friend you drifted apart from. Odds are they'd be happy to catch up.

Sorry for the unsolicited advice. I know this isn't the type of response you asked for. I hope everything works out for you, bud.

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got me

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  • Join our discord server!
  • Give this server your home address, date of birth and mother's maiden name?
  • Please read the rules before being able to even fucking read anything :3
  • Please download this third party extension verify that you're not ban evading
  • Give this third party extension your home address, date of birth, mother's maiden name and unobstructed pictures of your taint from several angles?
  • You've been verified!
  • Sending messages is for donors only :3
  • Notifications for every channel is on by default. I hope your speakers aren't loud, pisshead
  • Every channel is just a moderator with an amphetamine problem writing a new manifesto every 15 minutes
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That's odd.

Last I heard, they were making bank with their Raytheon Partnership

Turns out that's Girls who code, which is still operational and helping generate profit from war.

Avoid that one. Ladies of code seems fine. Rather donate to/get involved with that organisation instead.

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Reminds me that Scientology sent "private investigators" after Matt and Trey to find dirt on them, but ended up with nothing

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who would click that

who clicks ads in general

have you ever clicked an ad (on purpose)

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Welp then he should have spent more time with mummy instead of raping children on an island

I cannot even pretend to have sympathy for this bastard

Why do I doubt that "neurotypical" label

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The others don't laugh along because they find the jokes funny, they just do it to show approval and encouragement of saying slurs or degrading women or whatever

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what the fuck are you talking about

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Gore for personal use

What on earth does that mean

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what the fuck

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I want to believe that it's just a shitposting group, but my heart tells me they're fucking serious.

On a slightly related note I love it when someone shares a disinformation meme with "BREAKING NEWS" text slapped on and it's the most JPEG compressed image ever.

but what if they give you cool digital gems

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she can fix me

In April Rusich posted a video on its Telegram channel of a Ukrainian prisoner being beheaded with a knife. Its leaders have also filmed themselves killing puppies.

they fucking know they're the bad guys, ugh

I hope the rest of their lives are short and miserable

The fact that they continue calling themselves the "most moral army in the world" while blatantly doing a geneva convention any% speedrun drives me up the fucking wall.

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not trying to sound like an internet badass but if I find someone in my home fucking with my config files I will kill them with a hammer

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I assume most of those students weren't "officially" given admin priveleges, which makes it extra funny

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i.e. Have a backup account on a small instance ready for when the big ones get ddos'd

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I'll happily take a state appointed surveillance gf

"He's got a bunch of ebooks for improvised munitions and amphetamine synthesis, but he's way too fucking stupid and lazy to do anything with it. Please dear god can you take me off this assignment"

a white twenty year old typed this

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Nyanga is basically right next to the airport.

It's the same place where that British man was killed last year.

When you leave the airport, you have three choices.

  1. Turn left on the N2, which takes you to the winelands/strand/Somerset west.

  2. Turn Right on the N2 to get to Cape Town CBD.

  3. Go straight, which puts you directly in Nyanga.

If you're visiting, never pick option 3. If you miss both onramps to the N2, immediately just turn around.

It's really unfortunate that one of the most dangerous areas in the province is in such close proximity to the airport.

Almost everywhere else is much safer in comparison. I really hope this doesn't dissuade any potential visitors. It's a really nice country, in spite of its flaws.

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cruise control with a higher fatality rate

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I feel like saying the full thing relieves some of the stress caused by said unfucked shit

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Since 2021, like clockwork, every time someone famous passes away, at least a dozen disgusting unhinged lunatics will have posted snarky self righteous rants about vaccines before the body is even cold.

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It's a public holiday today in South Africa. (Good Friday)

So I came up with a cheeky dad joke

"What holiday is it? Workers day? Freedom day?"

"Good Friday"

"Every Friday is a good Friday"

I got two chuckles

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Is that piece of hardware a bic lighter

Then you may be delighted to hear that, not only do they know about it, they also use it themselves

(I think it's the same project, idk I didn't read all that, I'm legit concussed, but it's still funny)

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