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Joined 5 months ago

What language is this?

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I have tasted it. Not the shit, mind you, but the coffee brewed from the beans. It was coffee. Nothing special. Not even a bit nutty.

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What the f*** dude calm down.

Those trains sure are weird and confusing, with their back and forth those tracks and all. Makes you wonder about train safety, it does!

Like it or not the majority of game purchases are digital these days. It's a sad development for sure. I buy all my console games as physical discs myself.

Well, since the fish are just laying there, at the bottom, motionless and dead it's pretty easy.

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They said "All the music files", not unholy abomination from the seventh layer of ass hell.

Absolutely. Yes.

Where I'm from most shops loan you a temporary vehicle while they work on your car. You only need to top the tank when you tske it back. Very convenient. Not that I could even afford to own a car myself.

I installed Fedora 40 on my desktop a couple of weeks ago to test if I could run it as a daily driver for gaming, streaming and studying.

So far gaming has been remarkably better than I thought. Steam works like a charm and the few games I've played boot up out of the box. I've even managed to play an Epic Game Store game (was free so we grabbed it from there) with a friend online. This can be done via Heroic Game Launcher.

Studywise it has all I need for coding and text editing.

The only thing I haven't been able to fully test (busy) is streaming, but I did set up OBS already and managed to get HW encoding to work on an AMD GPU.

Still does take a little too much tinkering on the streaming side for a non computer savvy person (edit: not me, but someone like my wife for example), but I'm seriously considering about ditching Windows altogether if I don't encounter anything critically borked in the coming weeks. The only game breaker in the foreseeable future I can think of will be whether or not I can fully dev and study MS Azure stuff in Linux, but I'd wager it's not going to be a problem.

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As a sidenote... Is Zeus depicted as caressing and admiring his malformed god-cock in that statue or what the hell am I looking at?

Who said they were alive? The whole premises of the saying is that things are easy.

I read this todsy and took the pill.

It was painless. Afterwards.

I have no doubt about the fact that it was legit stuff. The beans were bought from a reputable vendor and brewed at a reputable cafeteria. It was different for sure, but nothing that would swoon you.

The whole thing is based on the speciality of the way the beans are produced. They sell an image of excellence and rarity, but in the end it's just coffee.

Do they use backed up photos to train Gemini? Could be they do and hence need all the user photos they can get their hands on.

I'll take commune titties for 500.

Sorry, I don't remember the exact source. I tried a bunch of stuff from all around. I found it with the search query that was something like: "fedora obs amd hw encoding gstreamer vaapi"

I watched a bunch of stuff from GloriousEggroll and some other youtuber, but I don't remember exactly who. Also had to install gstreamer va-api olugin vie flatpak.

Hope these clues give you a lead.

That new game (which I can't remember the name of) looked so bad in the Gamescom opening show. Very gringe.

You typoed the year the civil war ended by a hundred years.