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This is true, but it's not like Bethesda's past few games inspire a lot of confidence.

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I would be a responsible gun owner

-Every single gun owner (self included ofc)

And then setting the car they're sitting in on fire.

5 - it’s just imperialism. They want to control more territory, so they do

Your definition of imperialism is straight out of the 3rd century BC, comrade.

Hyper focusing on the 11- or 9-dash line is a lie by omission. China's usage of and claims to the area predate the Republic of China too, and are established in multiple treaties signed by the Qing with colonialist powers, which is what I was referring to. Like it or not the PRC is the successor government to the ROC even though the ROC still exists in Taiwan, that's why the PRC eventually took over the UN security council seat, and because of that by precedent the PRC inherits the ROC's territorial claims, who inherited them from the Qing.

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Elections in America are all about vibes. People who care about facts are nerds.

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Put simply, it was never really about transgender women, they were just used to create a psuedoscientific smokescreen around the same thing that misogyny has always been about: policing women's bodies. If the patriarchy doesn't consider you a woman, you don't get to be one.

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Some users joked that they would rather see a black screen than an ad.

Yeah. The time lost is a shame but the ad is far worse.

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Imane Khelif doesn't even have genetic differences! She's a cis woman who happens to currently be one of the best in the world at punching!

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electric trains are an over one hundred year old technology.

lol. lmao, even.

Back when Musk was complaining about Twitter's perceived bias, it wasn't because he's against that sort of thing, it was because he wanted to be the one doing it.

This is pretty much exactly what I was expecting.

How many people are going to go switch to Trump just because he got shot at? It aint the 80s anymore, the average American has picked their fukken side and the game is all about which side can get their base to show up.

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the idea behind DLCs

Back when they were called "Expansion Packs" and came on a disc for players who didn't have a good internet connection. You can trace the death of the expac and the rise of MTX in the postlaunch monetization of Bethesda's biggest games - Morrowind through Skyrim all have entire extra games that you can graft onto them for a premium price, but then during Skyrim's release and re-release era they dip their toes into MTX via the Creation Club, to their total embrace of the concept in FO76.

But actually I think that blaming Bethesda is a bit of a red herring. The real dawn of DLC as we know it today wasn't horse armor, it was Halo 2's additional multiplayer maps. Microsoft went from releasing maps for free to charging for early access to maps that became free eventually to making everyone buy the maps. At around the same time they forced Valve to charge for Left for Dead 2 maps that were released for free on PC. MS really took point on conditioning gamers to lower their expectations for post launch content.

It happens in Star Trek. They find a 1980s style businessman on board, who is apopleptic to learn that humanity doesn't care about investment portfolios anymore.

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mine is

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Them being related is definitely something that the script writers/Lucas didn't think of until midway through filming ROTJ.

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Bought a Ural motorcycle. Planned to sell my car to afford it - but then nobody bought my car, but then I managed to increase my income and afford it anyway.

It's the most dangerous thing I've ever ridden. It's great.

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The act of revolution is itself an authoritarian act. A bunch of people with guns force everyone else to listen to what they have to say. It was authoritarian when the American founding fathers did it, it was authoritarian when the French did it, it was authoritarian when the Russians did it.

What happens afterward is what counts. Every socialist society that has or currently exists has a democratic process, but capitalist countries point to the methods that various socialists have used to prevent capitalist takeover of their systems and say that those methods invalidate the whole process. Socialists, in turn, point to all of the rampant corruption that is taken for granted in capitalist elections and say that those make the process into a sham.

So the question is, do you believe that bourgeois control of mass media, political action groups, and the direct sponsorship of candidates by the wealthy invalidates capitalist elections? If so, to what extent do you think society should go to prevent those things from interfering in the democratic process? Whatever answer you come to, in order to implement it you will first need to get a bunch of people with guns together to dictate what the new democracy is going to look like.

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amazon cloud CEO reveals that they have terminal CEO brain and have no idea what reality is like for the people they're in charge of

checks out

You know, Vance was picked on July 15, and Joe dropped out on July 21. Is it possible that the Dems intentionally held off on the news that Joe would be dropping out so that the Reps would fumble the bag this hard on their VP pick? Or is it more likely that Donald made the mistake of listening to his incredibly stupid sons when they told him to go with Vance?

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  • Piracy doesn't hurt sales.
  • Small musicians did and still do make their money from live shows.
  • More small musicians are successful today than ever before, despite digital sales/streaming paying pennies.
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Some Like it Hot came out in 1959, and is about two guys who disguise themselves as women to hide from the mob. It did gangbusters despite not being approved by the Hayes Code, and is considered today to be an all time classic.

I think with most Dems (including Bernie) it's a case of terminal being old and not understanding what they're doing. Basically every single internet bill is written by corporate lobbyists and handed off to be rubber stamped.

I've seen a bunch of articles about it this past week. With Biden there were a lot of prominent liberal voices calling for him to step down, not to mention the absolute lack of enthusiasm within the rank and file that was showing in polls - with Trump the party's rank and file are on his side no matter what, so if a prominent conservative calls for him to step down they will be ostracized for it.

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you couldn't, uh, and this might make me sound like a plebian, I know, but couldn't you, like, ferment the beans yourself?

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Imagine if he straight up held the court hostage. "Every week that you don't rule to restrict presidential immunity I kill another justice as an official act."

"Two things actually - you gotta do that and restore Roe. Fuck it, three things - you gotta restore the Voting Rights Act too."

"Shit. Four things. Citizens United. Reverse it. Yeah do all that or I'll keep killing and replacing justices until you do. Officially."

Trump only looked good in the first debate because of who he was standing next to. It really shouldn't be surprising that he acted the same way he always has, but a bit slower than four/eight years ago.

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I count cards in blackjack, and let me tell ya, when your winning chance is 52% that means you're lose chance is 48% and 48% to lose feels like 90%.

Metallica. I will never listen to one of their songs legally, if I can help it. File sharing shouldn't be a crime.

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Personally I think the biggest reason is just how polarized people are right now. I mean, if Biden had been shot at, maybe there would have been a larger outpouring of sympathy - but I don't think anyone would have changed their votes because of it. The number of people who are deciding who to vote for right before they do it is at the smallest its ever been, virtually nobody is interested in changing their vote out of sympathy for the candidate anymore.

The interesting thing here is wondering why they never upgraded. Perhaps managing flights digitally just hasn't changed much since the early nineties and they never needed anything else?

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goes and gets a carrot from the fridge after reading this post

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It will get worse.

getting a sneaky beej

I get that you're comparing it with Trump's flagrant and near constant flaunting of the law, but also don't forget that Bill was an Epstein regular. He abused his position for sexual favors and we shouldn't rehabilitate that.

I've always been attracted to "third options". Cars are boring, sidecars are interesting. I prefer to ride my regular motorcycle when it's just me, but I go with the sidecar when I need to take my dog or carry a bunch of stuff and my regular car when I need A/C or heat.

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It's actually a brand new Kazakhstan-made 2024. Its got the 2WD gear, but you only engage that when off roading because it makes turning even harder than it already is.

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The rate of profit is declining and the managers are looking for anything and everything to prop it back up. A German guy wrote about this like 150 years ago.

Abuse doesn't require the abuser to cause injuries. Reacting violently to an innocuous request is abuse enough.

the wiccan rape cult

I think you might be schizophrenic. Seek help.

I wish conservatives were educated