The problem with sleeper ships

The Picard to – 1229 points –

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It happens in Star Trek. They find a 1980s style businessman on board, who is apopleptic to learn that humanity doesn't care about investment portfolios anymore.

The Neutral Zone (the episode in question) has people that died and then were frozen to try and revive later. The space capsule was in orbit above a planet not en route to another planet. Not exactly the same situation.

Oh, I misremembered then. Still kinda fits tho.


It still fits because it's still people from a previous era being awoken in the sci fi universe, even if I misremembered the details and they weren't literally on a sleeper ship.

you don't need money anymore, everything is free and you can do whatever you want.

"Damn it! How am I going to be better than people then?

It wasn't a ship full of people heading to a distant star, that was a bunch of dead people who were frozen at the moment for their death in hopes that sometime in the future a cure for their ailment would be found and then they were set adrift in space.

That wasn't even the first time Trek did the "catching up to a sleeper ship" plot. TOS did it earlier, and then they made a movie out of that episode.