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You're already working on it so you're good. We've just had kids ignore it too long which causes more issues. Just don't force it lol.

At least it didn't crack the screen with the bad hinge. I think it happens when the screws get a little loose and the angles shift. I work k-12 edu and have seen hundreds of Chromebooks do this.

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Blue Chews

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I feel like all food is moving to JC Penny sales tactics. In what world is a box of cereal $8 but you can get 4 of those same boxes for $9. Same with soda prices. Every other week they run these sales.

I think I just saw an article saying that dog mode is currently broken lol

The most surprising thing is that he resigned.

I know you are just being silly, but to answer your question, the point of those groups (ducks unlimited, pheasants forever, whitetail whenever, turkeys tomorrow, raccoons all noons, etc) is to put money into conservation of those animals so that their populations stay great enough that they can be hunted.

So yes, the goal is for the ducks to be unlimited.

Buy a bird dog.
WTF, this dog is OBSESSED with birds.
Let dog run loose.
Dog catches birds.
Bird dog is happy for catching birds.
Shoot dog.

Nobody understands, this dog was a maniac around birds!

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He profited from the secret service (and by proxy, us) the whole time he was president when he made them pay full price to have rooms at his garbage resort in Florida.

I don't think this is true. I thought he increased the standard rate and charged them that. So it was like, double price.

Quick edit: I just looked it up, it was allegedly 4-5 times the approved government hotel rate.

We have a pvc pipe cutter that is used to cut up frozen small animals, like quail and mice, for our raptors. It works really, really well.

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The gaming laptops that I am familiar with don't fit the traditional laptop role. Their battery life sucks and they are heavy due to the powerful hardware which really hinders their portability. They are more for people who need a portable desktop. I would almost never recommend a gaming laptop but they do fit specific needs.

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Falconry. It's really more of a lifestyle than a hobby now though. I've been doing it for a little over 10 years now and am currently flying a cast (group of birds flown together) of 3 Harris's Hawks.

Quick faqs:

  • I use the glove and everything
  • It's a hunting sport, we catch rabbits 3-5 times a week
  • We all go out together, I flush they catch
  • No, they do not bring what they catch back to me, I go to them
  • They don't eat the whole rabbit, I trade them a small reward
  • They are completely free flighted when doing this
  • I've trained them just enough to get them back and work with me, they know how to do bird things naturally
  • They don't really go for your eyes, and getting bit hurts 50x less than getting footed
  • They are not rescues and are perfectly healthy
  • Mine are captive bred, but some are wild trapped
  • Wild trapping has 0 effect on native populations, 50-90% of raptors don't make it through their first year
  • Even though mine are captive bred they are still wild animals, they are just tamed.
  • This is the most regulated sport in the US


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Bats are incredibly picky about their roosts. People have done this and attracted 0 bats lol.

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I don't know the situation but voter suppression does exist. I think in Texas Republicans specifically targeted blue voting areas to limit the number of polling places creating multi hour wait lines, while red areas were minutes. Add in early and mail in voting restrictions and many people are disenfranchised.

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Reputable brands wouldn't hide their logo. Put a case on it if it bothers you.

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The same plan I have every election, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

There definitely are legitimate use cases for those gigantic trucks, but 90% of people who have those trucks don't use them for those use cases.

When freak accidents happen we don’t look for someone to blame, we treat any victim’s wounds free of charge.

We have public health departments that study accident trends and make precautionary policies to prevent them from happening again.

This wasn't a freak accident and McDonald's had been warned repeatedly about the temperature of their coffee being dangerous. This is why the victim was awarded so much, McDonald's was being intentionally negligent with their coffee to save a few pennies per customer. You act like you can just hit someone with a car in a place with universal healthcare and it's ok because no hospital bill.

It's calling out hypocrisy, not support. It's also bringing attention to how short sighted the GOPs plans are. If they support bills that hurt themselves in unintentional ways, how can we trust them to pass bills that work in their intended manner?

Can't wait for women to declare 300 dependents on their taxes.

Adam Savage has said that that was the most terrifying myth they've tested, and I'm pretty sure even with all of their divers and support crew he thought he was going to die.

Trump: I wish to see the current president and his supporters dead and replaced by a dictator, me.

Biden: Are you guys listening to this?

Yes, these are the same.

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GOP congressmen were literally complaining about not having any accomplishments to show during this term, and their strategy is to keep doing nothing? Awesome plan dudes, keep it up.

Phlebotomists in some states don't need any training. None. If you've ever given blood in one of those states this is probably not surprising to you.

I suppose you think that was terribly clever.

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This is lampooning another story on someone needing a heart or something. They go to surgery, wake up, "where do you think we got the heart from", dead Garfield.

I have birds that I keep outside in the summer, sometimes they will just sit in the rain even though they have plenty of covered areas. All birds have an oil gland that they use to run an oil over their feathers to keep them in good order and different levels of waterproof depending on species. Most birds can sit in the rain for a while without actually getting wet.

But ya, birds can get wet and cold but they are usually adapted to their environment to not get too cold or too wet.

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Her labia fused together. It was just a little ouchie hot, the coffee was being served near boiling.

The last few console generations have been around 6-7 years, and this gen may be longer:

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Wet cotton will freeze someone to death, wet wool will still keep you warm.

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You can likely find a better chair on garbage day.

Black & White 1 or 2. Game was basically made for VR but was released in 2001/2005 and was awesome. It could be huge if handled right with some AR elements.

There isn't really a vaccine. One is being trialed but it is not available. The reason they are so extreme with this is that in affected birds they have about a 99% chance of dieing within 48 hours of infection. Waterfowl can carry it for longer but are still susceptible to death, they seem to be the major infection vector. HPAI highly contagious (highly pathonogenic avian influenza is the name), a bird brushing up on another is enough to spread it, due to birds cleaning their feathers with their mouths. So if a poultry farm tests positive they want to quarantine it ASAP so a sparrow doesn't spread it to neighbors and wild populations.

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You're giving some of these people way too much credit. I work IT and I deliberately avoid watching some people whose job it is to use a computer use a computer. Any deviation from the norm and they are lost. ANY deviation. I've seen people get confused when a box opens up in a different spot. I completely understand that everyone has different skill sets but some people have not progressed very far into their skill tree.

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I think you are focusing way too hard on tricking being negative, when it doesn't have to be. Example:

"Pick up these toys" - direct, boring, likely to be ignored.

"Can you dance the whole time you are putting toys away?" - fun, presents a challenge to overcome, at least maybe burning some energy.

The second one could be considered a trick, but it's not dismissive or mean and it teaches that chores can be made fun.

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Devin Michael Cuellar was sentenced to five years and three months on Monday after he was convicted of felonious possession of a sawed-off shotgun and ammunition while squatting on private property, the U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of California said.

He was prohibited from having firearms and he had a restricted one. It wasn't squatting that imprisoned him but felonious firearm possession.

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