
1 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

“Where! Are! The nuclear! Subs! Deployed!”

In Alameda, I guess?

Mr. Skeltal's was worse.

Edit: I misremembered the meme. It was Mr. Bones. Doot doot.

Ubuntu is a bit of a shit distro, but I still have a soft spot for it because it was my first Linux experience.

I support the civilians. Both governments can go slather themselves in honey and take a hike in bear country.

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Doing well for who? His campaign donors? I'm still going to vote for him because the alternative is worse, but all this talk about how well the economy is supposedly doing seems horribly out of touch.

Edit: I really should read the article or at least pay more attention to what website the article is on.

It's pretty sad that our only viable options are the guy giving guns to genocidal maniacs and the guy who thinks the genocidal maniacs aren't genociding hard enough.

I just looked it up out of curiosity, and Minnesota's old flag is boring and generic AF. It was a member of the "state seal on blue" club.

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Accidental DisplayPort guy checking in. I didn't even know it was a thing until I bought my graphics card. It seems like I dummied my way into some good tech.

'E's not pining, 'e's stone dead!

The 21-year-old campaigner

It seems like she was just twelve or something yesterday. Damn, time slips by.

That or it traps me in captcha hell and won't let me see anything. WTF, man?

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This is hilarious.

RSS was great. I've still got a deep grudge over the removal of Live Bookmarks from Firefox. That was how I kept up with the various webcomics I was reading at the time. All I had to do was just check on all my little orange drop-down menus to see if any new posts were up, and I was golden. Now I have to keep extra tabs open and try not to bury them under all the other tabs I open up and forget about. >_<

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What flavor is that boot you're licking? Must be pretty tasty.

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Bro if everyone moves to the jobs that pay enough to live decently, very important jobs will not get done. Our society needs manual laborers to keep everything from falling apart.

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At this point, spite should be a good enough reason for that House member to vote for Jeffries.

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TIL the dad from Smallville was played by a comic book villain.

Laser printers are especially handy if you rarely ever need to print anything, because they don't dry up and get clogged.

True, and this time "The House" wasn't the casino.

The war wasn’t about slavery

The confederate states themselves said otherwise at the time.

Meanwhile, both my nostrils are so dry they've got tumbleweeds blowing around in them.

I'm not happy about that, either, but my choice is between someone who'll maintain the current level and someone who'll make that genocide even worse and try to start one HERE, too. Both options are bad, but one is measurably and obviously less bad.

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Well, "Jewish Holocaust Denier" certainly wasn't on my bingo card.

So, BJP are basically India's equivalent of America's Republican Party. Am I understanding this correctly?

No, Republican politicians and a minority of voters have decided it's acceptable, and because of our convoluted and poorly designed political system, the rest of us are forced to put up with it.

Because they think genocide is kinda neat, actually.

Touchpad keyboard gang.

The alternative is the same genocide, plus even more of it in more places, most likely. Including right here on American soil.

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3 teaspoons in a tablespoon.

16 tablespoons in a cup

4 cups in a quart.

3x16x4=192 teaspoons in a quart.

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Putting the roll on backwards doesn't stop my cats. I have to have a towel draped in front of the roll.

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It's a link to the website's front page, not the offending images.

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I always wondered why a subreddit like that was allowed to exist in the first place. I guess I have my answer now.

power in mice

Hamsters, not mice. Get it right.

I live across street from one of these where a restaurant used to be. I don't know enough to love or hate the idea of these buildings, but this one's a damn eyesore. The siding panels are various shades of pale grayish blue, with fucking CAUTION VEST YELLOW panels randomly sprinkled in. It's just this big plain box with tiny-ass windows and the worst color combination I've ever seen.

The vast majority of abortions are performed to protect the would-be mother or cut losses after the pregnancy has already failed. Usually both. Putting up barriers to that isn't helping the unborn. It's killing and torturing women. That's evil.

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A newt!?

If we just let Russia steamroll through and take bites out of Europe with impunity, it's going to be World War Three. Putin won't stop with just Ukraine. He'll try to take everything he thinks he can get.

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I don't think copyright is inherently immoral. I think it's good to have at least a temporary monopoly on a piece of creative work that you've made. The important word here is temporary. The way it's set up right now, copyright protection lasts too damn long.

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Well if someone actually good ran for President I'd vote for them. Until then, I'll have to make do and vote for the person who isn't actively trying to make the US as nightmarish as possible.

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False convictions happen all the time.