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Joined 11 months ago

Google: people weren't using it.

The People: you cancel literally everything you create, so why should we bother?

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Not only that but the ACA rating system for plans is completely useless because the insurance companies invent brand new plans every single year so none of them ever have any kind of rating.

You know, if these schools are going to refuse to pay teachers enough to live on, maybe they shouldn't be so uptight about where those teachers get their supplemental income from. 😒

Put simply, there are no "good billionaires".

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After the House voted to block a resolution from GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to censure Tlaib last week, Greene put forward a new version of the resolution that drops a reference to a pro-Palestinian protest at the Capitol as an “insurrection,” which had made some Republicans uncomfortable.

Gotta love how the loon who was raving about Jewish Space Lasers starting forest fires in the west coast is now a grand defender of the Israeli point of view.

To think this is a problem with just Amazon is silly. This is every American corporation. The executives of every major corporation in this country treat themselves very very well on company dimes while their workers all languish in starvation wages. The only way to fight this is to raise the minimum wage to something that is livable for the average worker. The government needs to force these companies to behave. They will never and I mean abso-fucking-lutely never choose to treat their workers with respect and dignity by paying them a decent living wage.

And the politicians that are in all of their pockets will never ever go against their corporate masters. The only way to make them listen is to get every single American to acknowledge that this is something that is needed and then push their politicians to do it or threaten their jobs by voting for someone else. This goes for both Democrats and Republicans, not quite equally but there's definitely a few Democrats that need to be replaced.

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What the media did to Anita Hill was absolutely horrendous and every outlet and personality who made a punch line out of her back then should apologize for their absolute disrespect of a woman who did something that was beyond brave.

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What blows my mind is how many people these poles seem to say think that Donald Trump's economic policies are so great. The fact is that he, in four short years, undid nearly all of the economic growth that Obama built on for eight full years. And that was before he mishandled the pandemic so unfathomably badly that our country is still recovering from it four years later.

It is just mind boggling that there are people, that aren't a part of his moronic base, who see him as anything but a buffoon.

Edit: formatting and clarification.

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It's a little bit sad to me that Winamp collapsed just a year or two before smart phones really took off because it's interface and customizability were pretty well suited to the app format of smart phones. And now that the code and design are owned by a company that's being run by greedy morons there is likely never going to be anything resembling the original available for the phone app market.

I just use VLC on my phone these days. It works, no bullshit ads, and no glitches.

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That's because the local outlets are all controlled by Sinclair group which is a right wing corporation. All thanks to Ajit Pai's FCC throwing out a rule that prevented it.

The CEO's of the media companies are all fucking dinosaurs who still think VCRs should have been made illegal. You will never convince them that built in copy protection is a dumb idea and a waste of time.

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Yeah I think it's funny that the bill specifically says that they have to add 50 jobs a year but it doesn't say 50 high paying jobs just 50 jobs. If they hire 50 janitors a year that fulfills their quota. And, not to put too fine a point on it but Mississippi's population is over 2,961,279 and 19.1%(the number of people under the poverty line in Mississippi) is 565,604. 50 jobs a year isn't going to do fuckall for that state. But I sure as hell bet that the Republicans in there State legislature are going to have their pockets well lined.

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I'm honestly not going to do business with anyone who still maintains a presence on that platform much less advertise on it. Cheers to IBM for stepping up.

One of the laws the Republicans in Louisiana enacted was the "Don't say gay" law. And they have children who would be going to school in such an atmosphere.

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Which is really interesting since Jimmy Carter's presidency was one of the most competent we've had in history. The only reason anybody shits on it is because of the smear job the republicans and the Reagan campaign did on it.

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She was appointed by Joe Biden and is an immigrant to this country from Uruguay. I don't think she's a Trump sycophant, I think she's just a lawful pedant and a fan of hyperbole.

Easier to just release a statement. That way you can be the "good guy billionaire" without actually having to pay up.

I wonder if the studios understand how much they are going to be shaking confidence in digital purchases by doing this. I know I'm going to think twice before I pay money for another digital copy of a movie or TV show.

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When you look at the development notes on the self-driving at Tesla, anyone with a brain wouldn't trust that shit, not even a little bit. Most of what they did is placate Musk's petty whims and delusions. Any real R&D issues were basically glazed over it given quick software fixes.

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Activision, which is like Valve's slower and far less intelligent cousin, sold for $59B. Valve would be worth orders of magnitude more than that.

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What isn’t said enough is that rural whites are being told to blame all the wrong people for their very real problems. As we argue in the book, Hollywood liberals didn’t destroy the family farm, college professors didn’t move manufacturing jobs overseas, immigrants didn’t pour opioids into rural communities, and critical race theory didn’t close hundreds of rural hospitals. When Republican politicians and the conservative media tell rural whites to aim their anger at those targets, it’s so they won’t ask why the people they keep electing haven’t done anything to improve life in their communities.

This right here is so on the nose it's not even funny. Republican political strategy in rural America is 100% distraction politics. Using every nonsense "moral" issue they can come up with to distract from the fact that they are completely incapable of governing anything effectively for the benefit of the people.

Which is the way the GOP likes it. Dumb people don't question their authoritarian rule.

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Here's why...

...They all have been voting republican since Reagan.

Yeah well Biden doesn't really need to appeal to liberals and progressives when it comes to Trump. However making his idiotic base doubt him by calling me poor little bitch will definitely weaken Trump's position.

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Here's hoping those ass fucks in Texas get to see their fair share this bullshit. While they sit around climate denying they can fucking roast.

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Like we’ve seen before with AI chatbots, this technology seems to confuse satire with journalism

Unfortunately so does my aunt. And she's allowed to vote.

Rich asshole doesn't think he's making enough money, News at 11:00.

She grossly misinterprets what the law is meant to achieve. It's not for somebody who dead names a trans person or calls a trans woman he or him. It's when someone Tweets out "Who will rid me of this troublesome trans person?" and then their one or more of their followers goes out and beats or murders that person.

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Next in the news "water is wet".

This isn't actually true. The Tesla full self driving issues we hear about in the news are the ones that result in fatal and near fatal accidents, but the forums are chock full of reports from owners of the thing malfunctioning on a regular basis.

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The joke --------->

You ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Meanwhile your grandparents were golfing at 65 and are living comfortably on their reverse mortgages up to 95 years old.

I'm at a loss here.

Well played.

Hard to do that when Grandma is already there with a plate of cookies and a special message from Jesus on how to spot the horrible liberal communist in the room.

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I think the point is that we are coming up on the moment when those retirees who didn't retire in the 2010's, because they had no money to retire with and can't live on the joke salary of what social security has become, are all about to be forced by nature and an employment structure that's is hungry for younger talent to actually retire. And we have no infrastructure to handle that.

Yes but I believe the requests themselves are actually publicly available knowledge.

Republicans generally count on news media missing the point of their shenanigans.

I can't find a single source or article about this. I think this a scare meme meant to frighten people away from using the new 988 suicide prevention hotline number.

This is a very irresponsible post that can harm a lot of people.

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Missouri has low standards.

They always did. It's the Florida of the Midwest.

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