Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness? to politics – 1202 points –
Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness?

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I've seen a bunch of articles about it this past week. With Biden there were a lot of prominent liberal voices calling for him to step down, not to mention the absolute lack of enthusiasm within the rank and file that was showing in polls - with Trump the party's rank and file are on his side no matter what, so if a prominent conservative calls for him to step down they will be ostracized for it.

Yeah, my first thought was "they're all queueing up to vote Kamala because their concerns about Biden were adequately responded to."

To be fair, there's more and more prominent Republicans that came out to say they will vote for Harris or that didn't show up at the Republican convention

Not because he's incoherent--he has been for years--it's because he's not popular.

I think some traditionalists are getting very tired of Trump and his gang, wouldn't be surprising to see the party explode if Trumpism keeps going after he's out...

This is a weakness among liberals. Some where willing to let Trump win because they did not like Biden. This is not 2016, we know what happens with trump in office now. anyone who lets him win is just as guilty as the people who vote for him.