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Joined 3 weeks ago

Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII

The idea of AI automated job interviews sickens me. How little of a fuck do you have to give about applicants that you can't even be bothered to have even a single person interview them??

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It really saddens to me see how many managers out there treat their subordinates terribly, and then act surprised when their subordinates do the same - as though employees are meant to greatful for their terrible treatment

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The Internet Archive is currently fighting in the courts to maintain free digital library access to over 500,000 books they own from their own collection, yet Meta uses a pirated dataset of nearly 200,000 books to train their proprietary AI and is just allowed to get away with that??

Publishers will go after a charity making fair use of their content, but not the corporation outright stealing from them. What utter bollocks.

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The TL;DR for the article is that the headline isn't exactly true. At this moment in time their PPU can potentially double a CPU's performance - the 100x claim comes with the caveat of "further software optimisation".

Tbh, I'm sceptical of the caveat. It feels like me telling someone I can only draw a stickman right now, but I could paint the Mona Lisa with some training.

Of course that could happen, but it's not very likely to - so I'll believe it when I see it.

Having said that they're not wrong about CPU bottlenecks and the slowed rate of CPU performance improvements - so a doubling of performance would be huge in this current market.

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Well I suppose the answer I'd give is that because of how right-wing the US is compared to much of the Western world, it becomes a patient zero for whatever the far-right is cooking up - which inevitably influences far-right groups in other Western countries

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Not that I would ever suggest it, but I bet the moment a president even attempted to abuse this official power against these six conservative traitors to democracy, they'd desperately try to walk this decision back - they only care for the potential of abuse when it negatively affects them

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That's hardly even a story - house repairs cost a lot of money, and NASA's equipment (by their own admission) caused the damage.

It's only the police that get away with ruining people's things without paying.

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I'll be curious to see where this ends up going, as I doubt the community will take this lying down.

The few times I've had to go without an Ad blocker, I've seen just how bad the Ads have gotten - they're almost the same as regular TV Ad breaks now! ... And then YouTube Premium is just not a good deal in my eyes, £12.99 a month is an awful lot to pay just to not see Ads.

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"Schools just stopped buying books from us because they didn’t want to have the appearance of supporting controversial literature"

It's upsetting to see these words uttered in relation to a bookstore just trying to help LGBT+ access literature that better includes and represents them.

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Just having read the README, even if it's a little faffy, the idea of being able to converse with someone and have it be translated back in near real-time is awesome!

This is the kind of application I was looking forward to seeing come out of open source AI - I think it'd still be a little too clunky to save you in an emergency, but probably less clunky for most people than learning a new language or having a human translator on retainer haha

I hate to tell you, but answering that poll was absolutely not worth the consent to spam you.

That "I'm not a resident of the EU" forced tick-box is a huge red-flag, and should already have you clicking away from that page.

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So essentially weapons manufacturers are now, instead of supplying directly to Russia, allowing their weapons to be sold to vendors with ties to Russian military vendors (who definitely wouldn't ever supply Russia) and turning a blind eye to it so they can claim to be following sanctions.

What filthy traitors. Should send them to the front line just so they can see what the weapons they're allowing Russia to obtain are being used for.

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"If only the pesky government would stop intervening in the free market, we mega-corps would've all signed up years ago to voluntarily fix the pollution problems we've spent decades covering up... But because you're telling us to, we don't want to." /s

Paraphrasing of course, but this is basically their defence - which is just a tad bit shoddy if you ask me. If they didn't need this law to get their act together, then why is this law having to be made because they didn't get their act together?

Hamas trying to lead peace talks while Israel shuts them out is nothing new.

Israel almost certainly won't accept any peace talks, because they don't want to coexist with Palestine - the whole "war" always was and continues to be a farcical cover for a genocide.

True, but if you're already replacing the mobo (say for an upgrade, which Framework laptops are designed to let you do), then you can use your old one for this rather than having to buy a Pi clone or some such

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Trump’s lawyers are expected to argue that none of the memos should have been given to prosecutors on the crime-fraud exception, which allows prosecutors to see privileged communications between a defendant and a lawyer, if their legal advice was used in furtherance of a crime.

They're expected to argue on the basis that these memos didn't amount to using Corcoran's legal advice.

But surely that's a moot point, because while Trump didn't use of any specific legal advice, he absolutely abused the privileged information obtained from Corcoran (such as the date of the inspection and the date of his return) in obstructing the return of classified documents to the whitehouse.

The memos make quite clear that Trump abused attorney-client privilege in furtherance of a crime. Plain and simple.

And I severely doubt Corcoran didn't know what Trump's intentions were with that information - and if not before, he certainly should've known afterwards when being "asked" to pluck out documents.

I legitimately have to wonder how it can be legal for Trump to be trialled by judges he put into power, and that have shown such clear and demonstrable biases in his favour - even going so far as to deliberately delay cases as far as legally possible.

As put it, it's like he's got an extra special justice system especially for him - who knew all you needed to do was appoint your own judges.

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Pretty sure later updates for Windows 10 started doing this too, or at least it did on my PC.

Had to completely uninstall OneDrive to get it to stop - which Microsoft sure do make quite difficult to do.

Imagine not knowing it's short for Bobsworth

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Considering the man he's serving should already be in jail, I think aiding Trump's campaign is all the better reason to keep Steve in jail

Win11 becomes a less and less appealing switch day by day... When I can no longer hold into Win10, I think I'll just have to jump ship to Linux.

Win10 is already quite privacy poor, but Win11 is straight up intolerable.

I do agree about not bogging instances down with attachment media costs on top of everything else, but there are alternatives to Imgur like Catbox made for this type of hosting

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If you have access to the BIOS, you could always just underclock and undervolt the system to give more power efficiency.

Though a small server with a retroconsole attached is also not a bad idea for the excess juice.

Breaking News: Pathological Liar Lies Again!

He'll say literally anything to make himself look better, and his base will east it up because it makes them feel good. There's almost no point in pointing this out because the people who need to hear it most will utterly ignore it, which is a damn shame.


Applicants are expected to dedicated hours of their time to writing their application and performing background research - both of which are becoming increasingly more tedious over time - so the least a company could bloody do is show some basic respect by paying an actual human being to come interview you!

Cows, sure. Just don't startle them or go near their calfs. They're mostly just curious.

Bulls, only if you have to, but make it quick and stay as far away from them as you can. They're fiercely territorial and not afraid to show it.

I'm in no position to tell you to stay or go, after all it's your life to lead, nobody else's...

Having said that, I can't help but notice from taking a rather cursory glance at your post history that most of your posts are pretty well up-voted.

The only posts where you seem to be heavily down-voted are political posts, which by their very nature will invite disagreement - this is especially true when the posts you're making touch upon rather controversial/inflammatory topics.

And if that's what you're complaining about being down-voted for, then you've really only yourself to blame for inviting that disagreement into your life.

That's why I specified the community, as in the more tech savy folks that would care about this, because I know that the wider public is surprisingly tech illiterate

From my experience, the occasional nick is just a part of the process unfortunately.

I find that, similar to shaving one's beard hairs, holding the skin taught tends to help. Also, just take your time - trying to be hasty guarantees you getting nicked.

Image and media hosting.

I can't speak for, but personally it's a pain in the backside to use with a VPN, so I tend to opt for alternatives

Good to hear - from your post it looked like you were reporting the aftermath of clicking through all that, which sounded plan unfortunate

PoV you're a man trying to find the clitoris:

Hugging and play fighting, sure, but can't say I've snuggled with the lads (or girl friends either for that matter) - feels more intimate, like something you'd do with a loved one (or a pet).

Drunk me might lean a bit more towards leaning or pushing against the lads, but that's always playful and jokesy rather than sincere as your post implies

Fair enough. Subordinate is the term I've always heard used. Direct reports just sounds like the sugar coated version to me.