52 Post – 299 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Thanks — and it didn’t come across that way

And there are mountains of child-abuse victims who never abuse children. MJ was treated worse than most children can even imagine but the advantages he took on other children is unacceptable.

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just drop them off

This makes me morally and physically gag

Euthanasia is more humane than a lot of ancient humans’ last couple years.

Even in Britain, the slow lane on two-human-wide escalators is on the right. It confounds me.

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Two words: Get. It. Ma. Ma.

Kitboga has entered the chat

Don’t shake them too hard or they stretch. But hang everything absofuckinglutely immediately after they’re outta the washer or dryer. Like rn.


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The founder of the church had no problem with premarital sex. He married many women who already had living husbands.

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You got these saved for special Cartesian grid-ridiculousness occasions? I salute you.

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Do I really have to escape my dots in a .gitignore?

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An important professor constantly and frustratingly said

we can call this variable whatever we want, so we’ll call it Fred

Made me panic and irate and focus on the wrong part of the problem. Every. Single. Time.

  1. Be in an industry and location where finding a backup job is not impossible
  2. Record yourself telling HR you’re afraid for your coworkers and yourself
  3. Email HR a summary of your meeting

Optional subsequent steps

  1. Get fired
  2. Take the audio to a labor attorney who will take your wrongful termination case for free
  3. Profit
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No Python without C

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I don’t even remember hearing about it till like the First Pandemic

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using git on a bunch of XML files saved into a binary ZIP file with a .xlsx filename extension is a hell whose circle we have not yet discovered

but what is this literal garbage that merits its own shitpost: “hepatitis yellow and whytepeeple-flesh pink”?

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I wish the US would send as many weapons to Israel as it sends to Russia

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57th and 1/2th street

Just a few miles from here

Bofa? Why, whatever is that??

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Your brother fucking what. Wow.

Ugh if my


gay ass

had had

Discord in 7th grade, this is exactly the kind of bullshit propaganda I would have used to cover for myself

This English language sucks.

Marla’s husband is a creep named Donald. Donald’s daughter is 15 and grinding him.

It didn’t occur to me they’d use something as unique as days instead of seconds to store this. Despite the fact that the GUI says days.

Thank you.

It gets better!*

*Terms and conditions may apply. Side effects include it not getting better. Some patients have experienced death and it getting worse.

I would eat vanilla-flavored sugar for every meal if my body’d be down for it

Don’t make fun of stuff that people have no control over. Big dicks are hot. Small dicks are hot.

The only people that really care are people you’re not sleeping with. Fuck them. Not literally.

grindy lass

named Ivanka Trump

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Of the Mayflower Znuts?

Numbers-to-colors synesthete here to say that for me, 3 for example does seem green-like, but green on the other hand does not seem 3-like.

they should just switch to metric

Can you imagine a place that uses imperial units next to metric units, in some unholy alliance that’s clearly worse than imperial units alone? Welcome to the UK, bruv.

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I’ve been known to deadname the one true church. Joseph Smith named it the Church of Christ, but the Mormon church is going through its little phase 💅 and insists on being called, and get this, no abbreviations allowed,

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

And what these youth do not understand is that we revolutionaries were there on the ground when Level I began ✊😔

Kitboga is a god

Scammer: You are a very irritating woman. Madam why are irritating me??

Kitboga: But I’m trying my best!

Well your dad made me this sign.

But alas he’s also not crazy about the font or layout.

First time for me — I look forward to finding it again someday

It’s fact. Submission to authority and being able to keep two versions of the truth in harmony without realizing you’re even doing it is highly marketable to them.