To your health šŸ„‚ to Antique Memes – 268 points –

There has never, in the past twenty years of my life, been a 48-hour period where I did not consume some form of onion and I certainly won't stop for this lady.

How many folds should I make?

Like a tent, you just keep folding and smooshing it til it fits back in the bag.

Is there more stuff to go in this bag? There so much room left I feel Iā€™m missing something.

Sounds like you are bragging, but let's see you try and do even 2 or 3 folds when you are all wet and holding a yoga pose while holding your breath. It's not as easy as you think.

I thought a lunar second must be way different than an earth second, but the conversion factor doesn't really change anything at 33 seconds.

the Lunar second, which is defined as 0.9843529666671 Earth seconds

That's 32 earth seconds when rounded.

It's probably the difference between life and death in this scenario.