5 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah. I would keep the db local, and probably the thumbs and intermediary photos too. But the full resolution would probably be in S3.

dB's are not good on object store, and not good running over the internet. I wish they had native S3 storage, as that would allow for high speed access, where as this will download to the server, then upload to the client which will add latency.


Is that your article ?

I am in a bit of a funny position, I am volunteering in an underdeveloped country, and have my immich instance running at my in-laws. But I don't have access to my NAS. Backblaze would be ideal!

What have you done to run it there? Is it as easy as mounting juicefs, and pointing immich dirs there?

I have about 700gb that would have to be migrated, any ideas on that? Or would it be relatively transparent to immich just copy and pasting?

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This is self hosted dammit! But awesome writeup!

I do not think that this can be legal, if you have already agreed to terms.

Surely they can just say from now on, thing you have used for a year is not usable unless you promise not to sue us.

Surely that ship has sailed?

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did anyone else read them all aloud?

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Yeah, this sucks.

It seems like it was killed by litigation by Google:(

Is that it? No article?

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not to mention the lean process effed them during fukashima and covid, with a breakdown in logistics and a shortage of chips, meant that their entire mode of operating shut down, as they had no capacity to deal with any outages in any of their systems. Maybe that has happened again, just in server land.

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The gradual increase in responsibility. They have to pay board. A roster for dinners, a bill out into their name (one that you can deal with being cut off for a little bit (!!!).

But ultimately, it is also out habit of just getting it done that means we just do it.

I expect that it is a conversation and agreement of shared tasks and responsibilities.

Cutoff access to wifi and don't pay phone bills, plenty of ways to get started, but it always starts with a chat.

They are saying they were in those movies or tv shows

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she actually said, and a paraphrase cause i cant quite remember it.

i am being selfish, i want my husband back, my kids don't see their father as much as they should

I think it is fair enough, all wives/mothers/husbands/fathers want the otherside back, and to live together. If she wasnt the first lady, it would be seen as a normal feeling.

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What a horribly written article. I think I read the same thing 4 or 5 times. Just padding I guess to fill the available bandwidth?

yeah, quote a problematic video. surprised that he deleted everything, when is says it will break his system!

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hoping that this is the start of a collapse across a bunch of defensive lines

I think they are now x-cretes

The article said that they are the major shareholder.

Depending. But yes. A lot of the time they go the long way around, and head out to some server and back to your local network.

If the internet is down, or the vendor shits off the server, the device stops working.

Home assistant is attempting to localise everything, and get different vendors devices to work together.

Note, for your hass install, it can be installed on any server. Though I am using the green device

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Its late... what why 63?

Goes to 3 servos. Pays 11, gets 30 back

Lightning that travels from the ground to the sky is just freaky.

Account <1d. Downvotes ahoy!

That was really interest.

You could hear the excitement in their post!

Started reading the FAQ on why we should call it GNU/Linux.

Ship had said my friends. I think Linux just won through being easier to say. (Yes I know how to say it...)

Edit: Ship has sailed...

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Being john malcovich?

Not quite... but there were a lot of john's...

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That is a really cool idea. We often think of renewable energy as electricity. But this bypasses that.

I hope it catches on, and is affordable.

Pinch and roll is a favourite. I also love the stretch and flick.

I think that right to be forgotten is untenable in anything you publicly put into the internet. I know a bit off topic...

Once someone has open access to it (like reddit/lemmy). You are implicitly implying that you want anonymous access of that information to the wider world.

Do you think it is even possible? (BTW, im not being a dick, just interested)

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Yup. Just a marketing campaign

Pugs of the military world?

I laughed more than I am proud. The wife says that it is disgusting. I agree

Moving so slowly!

Cool work! Love the idea of hooking into the fediverse toolset

Is the blurring so that air defence locations can't be determined?

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A mate of mine does this, and it has been amazing. All of his levels have been in the "zone" much more consistently.

Definitely something that should have been done a while ago

Sigh. Time to give it a crack. I was happy with bring! Now i need to change

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  1. I got one.

Sad times

Are any of your services public facing?

Yes. i think that is like a "bastion" server, or something like that. good idea. I expect that i can get more-or-less free VPS, and just run the NPM and tailscale or something there.

I would not run any of the *arrs on a network that is not yours

Good thought, i dont think i would need it whilst i am away anyway.

And definitely make sure your friend knows

yep, responsible hosting :D

thanks for the thoughts.>

Yeah, absolutely. I cannot even imagine it.

Yup, love this one

So... you did?

Interesting, makes it easy to understand what nix is attempting to achieve.