2 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is his last name really minecraft? Like Master Halo from Halo?

Who exactly? I think you underestimate the power of being an incumbent.

Holy red flags, Batman!

Train spotting used to be the niche hobby.

We've come a long way. I don't know which way, but here we are.

He looks badass from the top, but under the water his lil legs are paddling at full speed.

Or the timing lines up with the California court case that was just recently allowed to move forward for LGBTQ+ veterans to sue the Department of Defense.

Seems more like a reaction to national news than your cynical politician thing.

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Looking for office equipment recommendations on Reddit recently, every single thread had fake suggestions that were clearly advertiser accounts. They sounded incredibly fake like bots that pulled descriptions from Amazon, all had similar links with tracking, and all were upvoted to the top.

A $5000 fine?

Meanwhile there's the article about the black woman who got 5 years in prison for a provisional ballot when she didn't know she couldn't vote after a felony.

It blows my mind how systemically racist the US is.

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That's probably because Elon's literally been trying to sell their autopilot as fully autonomous for at least 7 years now.

History of their self-driving claims

May 2016 someone dies using autopilot

November 2016 Tesla publishes video of self-driving with no hands on wheel

Class action lawsuit

More people die

That's how Brexit happened in the UK.

I agree about not trusting the politicians, but not sure I trust the general public much more unfortunately.

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Good. I'm all for the right to protest, and also all for the slander suit if your protesting is based on bullshit claims.

Alternate title: Turns out Bill O'Reilly is still alive?

Doom Animal Crossing was another good one

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It's insane that the only reason he was noticed and brought into their political organization was through murder shooting and killing people.

That's how gangs initiate people.

Edit: removed "murder" so nobody whines about whether he lawfully drove to another state with a gun and shot people.

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This is how I know I'm in an information bubble. I never hear anyone mention Joe Rogan in real life, but apparently he's hugely popular? It's crazy to me too.

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I just dual booted Linux Mint yesterday when I was reminded of the Win 10 end of service date, and hope to keep with it as my main system.

Linux has come a long way with compatibility since I last tried it ~10 years ago. The fact that Steam games ran perfectly without an evening of configuring settings blew my mind.

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The premise of the question is flawed in my opinion. It only needs to be profitable because they put themselves in that situation by going public.

A social platform run by users should only need to break even. I have no idea why a web forum needs to be on the stock market.

Now it's another example of Enshittification of the internet.

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Full version

Edit: from XKCD

God damn, Cruz will molest talking points into a sentence by any means necessary. It's like he rolls dice each morning to decide which random words he has to slap together.

Drag shows are literally banning gas stoves through an Antifa deep state Obamacare abortion.

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Unrelated to this claim, but I've also noticed really rapid price adjustments of a few cents on products.

It seems like Amazon raises prices frequently based on what's in carts and how many page clicks it gets.

A $6 item changed from $5.95 to $6.05 to $5.98 in a span of an hour.

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Ooh that's why it looked so empty with ad-blocker. I was super confused why 90% of the page was just blank white space.

Well it is now.

First law of thermodynamics: You don't talk about thermodynamics

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Amazon barely even does brand names now.


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Oh yeah I forgot about that story arc.

I didn't realize he's still post master general. There's a Time article claiming he's been doing a lot of beneficial stuff now. But I honestly have no idea how biased it is toward any agenda.

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My cat saw this. She's christian.

Wtf bro.

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"My son's murder is not a terrible tragedy regardless of how many times you reiterate those words in order to feel better," she said. "My son's murder was 100% avoidable."

God damn she worded that well. I'm glad she called out their bullshit pity party.

Despite what that Biden's doing exactly? I've heard about Israel weapon sales that are now being forced through by republicans as well. What else?

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The takeaway I got from the movie is it's not really about the theory, it could be literally anything that brings people together. It's just about being part of a community and being respected somewhere. Of course you can't logic someone out of that.

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

-Upton Sinclair

...But also his friendships, and entire sense of worth.

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I love the mental image of someone looking you dead in the eye as they hand you a gift that says "Need a gift idea?"

I absolutely agree, eating meat should count as eating at least one salad too.

I smell a new "AI insurance" industry! Get a nice new middle man in there to insure your company if your AI makes a mistake.

The "expectations" aspect became especially apparent when Tesla was valued higher than the next top 10 auto manufacturers combined.

It was literally that Tesla is new shit that we can bet on. It has nothing to do with Tesla's actual value.

It's also the issue with buying stocks based on a company's performance. If you do that, you're already too late because investors with more information have already bought based on a prediction of that performance (or insider information).

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There's always a boogeyman to distract from the actual grift.

I think that's literally it. Attacking gay rights is a losing battle so now they've moved onto a new minority group to target.

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I don't think some millionaire earned a 2x chance to kill a pedestrian by being able to pay. I'm not a fan of fees that only apply rules to poor people.

But outright bans are harder to get passed, so fees are better than nothing.

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while he was too young to lawfully be able to purchase the gun that he used

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Honestly I'm more disappointed that this isn't the first time on Lemmy that I've seen someone delete a post and then try to make a big scene about how they didn't like the responses they got and were giving up on a community.

Lemmy has so little content that your complaint post gets to be top of a community for a while, so that's nice.

You're not the main character, people are entitled to opinions, and you don't have to care or take them personally. It's the internet, there will always be someone who complains even if it's entirely unwarranted.

That article's from 2012, before Elon Musk popularity took off, and yet you can already get a foreshadowing sense of Musk off the article:

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk called Top Gear "completely phony" and his company sued for libel and malicious falsehoods.

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To answer your question on what the cops did:

Anjelica Lee said. “My dad said to me: ‘Don’t get out of the car until they can fully see you, because they’re going to shoot.’ And after he said that, nine or 10 of them jumped on him, and then they slammed him on the car.”

She said she could hear her father screaming: “You’re hurting me. I can’t breathe.”

This is all from the woman's perspective. But it sure seems suspicious that he had chest pains that the police's story can't explain.

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That reminds me of this savings plan from 10 year ago that McDonalds and Visa created to show people how you can live on ~$20k per year:

They forgot to include food, among other wild inaccuracies. I love it when corporations give helpful savings tips.


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Well it's pretty important to find the right God's will to match your opinions.