rule about capturing to – 262 points –

Wikipedia does this life saving pedantry sometimes. Imagine the possible disasters if they hadn't clarified it!

But they didn't specify the location of the indifferent penguin, how am I to know where it is?

It's right there, in Piper Kerr's arms.

Getting blown the fuck out of it as if it was an instrument

I like how the they specified that the president is the guy on the left in case someone were to mistakenly assume the dude wearing a fursuit is the commander in chief.

But hey, I guess that would be an improvement to Trump.

Idk what tag should have been here but seeing trump labeled as "the president of the United States" gave me anxiety

Same. I was like “I need to keep posting to keep Lemmy alive but holy fuck that was, and will likely be, an exceptionally long four years”.

If a time traveler saw this picture 20 years ago, they would probably be really confused without this clarification

And with the clarification as well...

Was that around the time Lisa Simpson was portrayed as being President Trump’s successor?

Can we spread the rumor that Trump shagged the Easter Bunny? 🥚🐇

Is it really a rumor when we know that he tried to fuck that rabbit?

"When you're president they just let you do it, I moved on her like a hare, grab her right in the bunny ears."

You can. But no one is willing or seems able to change the way they feel about him.

"Donald Trump loses sexual assault case to the Easter Bunny"

“And Yet Still beats Biden despite losing to him four years earlier and having failed a coup d’état during his own presidency”. Jesus Christ with these fucking Americans already.