0 Post – 177 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mostly harmless

If you ever feel useless just remember somebody designed and implemented the share-to-facebook feature on porn sites.

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Forget the cost of travel, if my commute is one hour, that's two per day, ten per week, that's an EXTRA WEEK they demand that I donate of my time to the company each month.

Ain't happening.

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At least you didn't make the mistake in the bottom right, not before taking the picture.

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I also identify as radicalised.

Hybrid is a compromise that makes no sense to either party. The company still has to maintain an expensive office while being limited to the talent pool within commutable distance. The employee still has to waste countless (albeit fewer) hours travelling while being limited to job opportunities within ~20 miles of their residence.

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Dutch is just drunk English sailors trying to speak German cmv

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An absolute national treasure. People have been given MBEs or even OBEs for far lesser achievements.

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Air Canada offering a refund of tree fiddy.

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According to a 4yo I know, the only downside of her little friend having two mummies is that poor boy has to draw 2 (two!) Mother's Day cards.

Yo Mama jokes are yet to arrive at the nursery.

A few years ago somebody pointed out that twump looks like the front end of a centaur and I cannot unsee it.

Then again, his current posture could be the successful result of a species realignment surgery from mythical to femboy.

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They vote, too!

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They are typing, but slower.

Wikipedia does this life saving pedantry sometimes. Imagine the possible disasters if they hadn't clarified it!

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Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

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Cannon fodder is a gender neutral job.

'e's a right royal bellend init!

The actual average probably looks much more Asian, given where the largest population centres are.

A bowel movement if you will..

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English exceptionalism is a disease that ails British society. People are shocked that the French etc. would apply reciprocal rules on Brits although in their minds it's perfectly legitimate to apply harsh immigration policies to people wanting to come to the UK. They genuinely don't understand it, and it's tragic in a way.

On behalf of my fellow heterosexual men, I have bad news, kitten.

It takes a bit of effort to avoid amazon, and it does cost a bit more in money and convenience, but it is possible to not buy from them.

(It's virtually impossible not to use their web services though unless you are a member of an uncontacted tribe in the, you guessed it, Amazon jungle).

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I like to imagine that long after the untimely but well deserved demise of the human race our legacy will continue in the form of solar powered sexbots catfishing each other for millennia upon millennia until the Sun explodes.

Why his allies are surprised he won't pony up is a mystery given the man's half a century history of cheating anybody who'd put any trust in him.

But some people from Lesbos are more lesbian than others.

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I just find it remarkably lucky that the Arizona meteorite missed the visitor centre by just a few feet.

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Several words: mobile Firefox, ad block, disable youtube app, disable known links to youtube.

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Don't miss your chance to embed pieces of countries into one another. Go wild, let's have nested enclaves several layers deep!

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We promise it won’t happen again, but when it does happen again, it still won’t matter.

Rest assured that when it does, we will make every effort to promise once more that it won't happen again.

Should've installed velux

Accept this downvote then, basement dweller.


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I love that story. It fucks me up every time

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Ackchyually.. what you invented is not pasteurization, since the guy it would go on to be named after hadn't been born yet. Name it after yourself or your cat or whatever.

Saved to favourites, did you?

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And it worked! Most of you haven't committed any genocide ever since!

What if it's a new couple of two homeowners who move in together, should they sell one property before the relationship solidifies?

What if the grandchildren are in secondary school when Nana dies, is the family allowed to hold on to this second property for the few years until the kids move out/in?

What if you accept a contract position in another town, should you be forced to sell and buy, or is it okay to rent out the home you have and rent another elsewhere?

My point is that there is nuance at the lower end of the scale, and the enemy is big corporations and landlords of massive portfolios.

Most of us in Europe don't eat the shells, actually.

Then again, who wouldn't want their eggs washed off with god knows what kind of chemicals that remove the natural protective membrane from the shells, so now you have to store the eggs in the fridge rather than just the shelf?

When even the US is telling you you are overdoing the whole bombing thing..

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