2 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Let's start with divorcees not being allowed to run in the 2024 election if it is so incredibly unethical and all

Give them a break

Are you really expecting all the people posting this stuff to pay for the flight from Russia?

Give him a fine and then suspend him

Give him a fine and then suspend him

Give him a fine and then suspend him

Early in the morning

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I mean, as long as they only do so in the primaries, this is a valid behavior.

In the actual election, however, I strongly suggest voting the lesser of two evils when the other option has cited mein kampf and said they want to be a dictator

After that, you can still go on the street and demonstrate for the abolishment of the electoral college and a system that only allows two parties to have chances

I would have assumed the opposite

Some antivaxxer saying " if I can't see your face because of your mask you are not getting in"

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I would argue it is.

As the potential next president it is important to judge if he is incorruptible and if there is anything foreign powers could use to blackmail or bribe him into a specific course of action

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I mean, this is kind of the fault of the lgbtq+ community

If they would spend as much in bribes as the nra does, they would not have these problems

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Don't forget cool communities going completely silent

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I might not be happy or successful, but at least I saw a funny picture on the internet today

Everything will be alright. Just not for everyone. We still have time to decide if it will ve OK for the 99% or the 1%.

Demonstrate for the change you want to see, but don't let yourself be radicalized with easy tales of some enemy, spread to put the masses against each other

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So Biden could just seal team 6 half the Supreme Court plus Trump, and it would be legal as long as he officially says he did it afterward?

I am happy if he doesn't become the prime minister and all, but his reasoning might be dangerous

As long as they are in the opposition, they can blame anything on the government without actually solving problems.

So they want to wait to get to power until it is so undisputed that they will be able to get the media and jurisdiction under their control in one election cycle

(Just my theory, of course)

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I, for one, treat it like laughter, doing it awkwardly, rather rarely, and mostly in response to something I saw on the internet

As soon as your king gets strapped to the guillotine, you have no more legal moves, and it is a draw by stale mate

I didn't notice it before but youtube shows a small banner after the search trying to defend its search algorithm, so they seem to be aware of the problem

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Mate, it takes the combined discussions of the internet

I would not expect any sort of values

Ok, but Trump literally said he deports anybody who protests Israel

How is this better than Joe, who says that Isreal will lose us support if they don't stop and prioritize civilian safety in their attacks?

Please write it out as image transcript, so that Google can continue to poison its llm with internet garbage

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Hi, this is a mistake many new players make. This is called a remis It you look closely, you can see that you actually don't have anybody playing on the opposite site. And if you don't have somebody to defeat/ be defeated by, it is considered a draw

Every year, fewer people starve, and more children live to adulthood

So, even if it feels pointless, do the little things that make the world better. The effects will only be noticeable when enough people join, but every step counts and has the chance to motivate others

Is your mom polish?

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If a time traveler saw this picture 20 years ago, they would probably be really confused without this clarification

And with the clarification as well...

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No we just care less about theft. The German ones are build to maximace speed and therefore usability. This theoretically makes it rather easy to steal.

If this would become to much of a problem they would also reduce comfort to increase security

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I bet you 5 dollars that gambling doesn't work

That is a lot like saying, "we need to make it illegal for rodeo clowns to steal nuclear waste."

The thing they want to ban is not actually happening, and if it was, it would already be illegal

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The snowflakes can't take a joke and start their cancel culture again

Somewhat /s

I assume they mean "Wish", also known as "how many Disney references do I need to make for them to count as a movie"

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Female, and I am sure there hides a boomer joke here

The DnD Campaign I lead has a midboss next week, and I am very excited for it

Could be worse.

Yesterday I googled "food" in German on maps. It just showed me the northern city with the same name, and never in my life have I felt that stupid

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Pov: someone who is unsure how pov works

Yes, but they rarely survive a leadership change, and Trump is getting noticeably worse.

I think the US needs to survive this election circle and can than focus on actually improving the system

Knook to 😎 - i

Cheque maid

Car go road

His drinking problem made him lose his income

His drinking problem made him lose his income

His drinking problem made him lose his income

Send him straight to rehab

The 3rd Axiom of Schopenhauer: if you are a dick to everybody, everybody will be equally and opposingly dickish to you


I mean seems to work with my "poor people phone" (TM)

Sexiest shit i’d ever seen, i’ll tell you that.

Ducking autocorrect

I suggest "Rover Cloxworth Van Puppyeater"