
34 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This is a man who knows how to gling. He is glinging. Yesterday, he _____.

BTW. When the DSM-5 talks about "a strong sense of justice" this is what it talking about. It's not the sense of right and wrong that's diagnosing, it's missing the obvious fact that this joke came after what was probably 10-30 minutes of the comedian assessing how many people in the room were ADHD like him, then building up context that would allow the joke to land without hurting anyone's feelings.

So weird to see this without Mr. Incredible twerking

If you make it yourself you only have to pay for the cost of materials, which go all the way down to $500 if you don't care about quality at all. But it takes time to make one, and it takes skill to make one that isn't embarrassing to look at

Lindybeige was a formative part of my early nerd life. Unfortunately he's a conservative and it's a big part of his personality. I do totally agree with him about the British pound being superior to the decimalized euro though. I would literally beat someone to death if it would give me the opportunity to rearrange the values of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies into something based around a highly composite number like 240 or 360

I would have loved it too. But the backlash would be intense

Totally agree. But imagine a 4-term Obamna presidency, with the orange avatar of conservative rage building in strength and gathering malice for 16 years instead of 8.

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It was created by the German right-wing. OP says he was trying to reclaim it, but I dont think there's anything to reclaim here.

No, there's an amendment in our consimtituion that says a president can only be in office for two terms total. The only president who evaded this was FDR and he's still villainized to this day.

Actually. I'm pretty sure hes the reason that amendment got passed.

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I don't know how Christians read the Old Testament and think anything other than "This is some evil shit."

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We have proof that kids have never paid attention in school. For example, in Novgorod around 1250 A.D. a six year old boy named Onfim (later called Anthemius of Novgorod) was supposedly practicing his writing and basic arithmetic. Much of what archeologists have found were doodles of him being a heroic knight The mighty horseman Onfim on his steed. who hunted down his teacher, who was a horrible monster Onfim and several other horsemen chase down the evil Writing Teacher. These were buried in a waste pile, where they were rediscovered by archeologists. They are a treasured part of Slavic history and there is now a statue of him in his hometown.

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The main thing is that prom didn't start to become big until the 1950s. This was a high water mark for conservatism in the U.S., and in order to go on any date at least one parent, usually the girl's dad, had to be present I have been corrected that this is reductive. Chaperoning was still commonish in this time period, depending on your area, but the 50s dating scene was beginning to look somewhat similar to what we have today with a guy picking up a girl in his car to go somewhere. Dancing would have been an uncommon activity because of how "adult" it was seen to be, so for horny teens Homecoming and Prom were a big deal. The biggest thing you notice looking at the dances of this time period is that the dresses are relatively simple, because it really wasn't that big of a deal back then. It was literally just a school dance, organized and overseen by the teachers and school staff.

Then, those kids grew up, had kids of their own, started making movies, and on doing so impressed on the following generation that homecoming and prom were the most fun nights in all of high school. This created pressure to make your proms and homecomings be as cool as the ones your parents told you about. This led to a lot more effort being put in. Dresses got way more expensive, tuxes became pretty much mandatory, guys began doing elaborate prom-posals.

This created a big economic opening in the market. Somebody needs to make colorful dresses for the girls and tuxes for the guys. The wedding industry immediately took over this area, and homecoming and prom became rush time for that industry. Somebody needs to play music. Back in the 50s they would hire bands, but by the 70s and 80 we started getting disc jockeys and now the party dj industry is fully enmeshed in high school dances. Then there's the decorations, which became themeing, which feeds into the party industry.

Now you have the cultural snowball rolling downhill, building up speed, slowly getting bigger. It is encouraged by a growing industry that advertises to teens how cool their prom will be if they just wear this dress, and then social media happened. Now teens are advertising prom to each other, and feeling they need to be better than that TikTok they saw earlier, so the social pressure to have the coolest prom ever is more ubiquitous that it has ever been.

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I believe that the consensus on this is that the originator of this post has taken up smoking. Ash is sticky.

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Imagine how his teacher feels. The little shit doodles all through his class, and who do we build a statue of? The kidβ€½

What in the actual fuck does he think is going to happen

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Honestly bright light in the face is pretty fantastic nonlethal self-defense. Most people just can't push through a bright light in the face for some reason, you just do the full-body flinch and are stuck there. Gives you a bit of time to get to your pepper spray or baton or Grenade Launcher or whatever you use

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i didn't know u were a lebanese

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I can also smell and taste this picture

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I love chocolate pancakes! Here's the recipe I use:

1 18.25 ounce package chocolate pancake mix.

3/4 cup vegetable oil.

4 large eggs.

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.

3/4 cups butter or margarine.

1&2/3 cups granulated sugar.

2 cups all purpose flour.

Don't forget garnishes such as:

Fish shaped crackers.

Fish shaped candies.

Fish shaped solid waste,

Fish shaped dirt.

Fish shaped ethyl benzene.

Pull and peel licorice..

Fish shaped volatile organic compounds

and sediment shaped sediment.

Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.

1 cup lemon juice.

Alpha resins.

Unsaturated polyester resin.

Fiberglass surface resins.

And volatile malted milk impoundments.

9 large egg yolks.

12 medium geosynthetic membranes.

1 cup granulated sugar.

An entry called 'how to kill someone with your bare hands'.

2 cups rhubarb, sliced.

2/3 cups granulated rhubarb.

1 tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb.

1 teaspoon grated orange rhubarb.

3 tablespoons rhubarb, on fire.

1 large rhubarb.

1 cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.

2 tablespoons rhubarb juice.

Adjustable aluminum head positioner.

Slaughter electric needle injector.

Cordless electric needle injector.

Injector needle driver.

Injector needle gun.

Cranial caps.

And it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor control chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.

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And tbh, this seems like the nicest possible way to make fun of Tumblr culture

What's the context? All I have heard of RMS is people worshipping the ground he walks on. As far as I know, he craps gold and pisses rainbows.

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My FIL has a story about a professor who called IT because their printer "wasn't connecting to the wifi" when in fact it was out of paper. They for some reason thought the paper tray refilled itself

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Trouble with the last one is that most of them can, so you can have a full month of getting used to people obeying signage only to suddenly deal with a dozen different customers who will not only ignore a sign placed at eye level saying "We Are Closed" but will pry open the door (if possible) and scale a full barricade to get in, and when you track them down and tell them what the damn sign said they insist that you should have put the sign somewhere obvious and that it's actually your fault that they didn't know they were breaking and entering.

That wall is pregnant

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Weapons grade ooftonium

Why did this mother think it was okay to look through her daughters porn folder?

I don't see what's wrong, I mean her hands seem a little off so maybe it's AI generated jfc that's certainly a choice of decoration

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Compare to Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings. I'm pretty sure you know what those were about, and usually they had multiple layers of meaning.

I cannot for the life of me tell you what specifically the Avatar team thinks about deforestation, genocide, etc. It feels like they just put objectivelt bad things in the movie for the bad guys to do.

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Idk what tag should have been here but seeing trump labeled as "the president of the United States" gave me anxiety

Probably should edit the post to limit the slander

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I've heard he's like the Michael Jordan of Basketball.

I was a Satanist for a bit. I still use Magick to think about leadership and social manipulation. Its pretty useful for me, and it's also funny as hell to think of a boardroom meeting as a ritual circle around an altar of PowerPoint.

Based on their pin their gender is Bottom and their pronouns are Sussy/Baka

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The only time I ever considered going to a Hooter's was when I was dating a lesbian. It hits different when your partner also likes boobs as much as you lol.

Oh no. Oh no.

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Whenever I open the fridge, my fur children start claiming that I don't ever feed them. I reward that behavior, of course.

What cuties! They've got that 1000- yard "just escaped the bath" stare.

I think the two points missing from most debates are

  1. The imperial system does a damn good job at measuring things the way a human would. A foot is roughly the length of a big foot. A single degree farenheit is just big enough that you could guesstimate it with enough practice. If the temperatures are negative, you dump sand on the roads instead of salt.

  2. It's like seven units of measurement in a trenchant. You never have to convert gallons to cubic miles. You never have to convert from dots to angstoms, and nobody has ever had to convert the surveyors mile to the nautical mile. It feels schizophrenic because claiming it's one singular system is like saying Italian, French, and Portuguese languages are all regional dialects of Europeanese.

My point isn't "it's not a bug, it's a feature", I'm saying for the average non-scientist there may be a logical reason why we like it so much

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Poly lesbian

Tbh, I just did that because I thought it was funny. Give me five minutes, I'll make it worse