Ancient news rule to – 152 points –

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Oh no. Oh no.

I've also seen this in comments:

Yeah his public comments are just the tip of the iceberg. He's been a creep for decades at MIT and wherever he went.

He has a phobia of plants so women at MIT have been using plants defensively: decorating their offices with lots of foliage, wearing plants etc, to avoid getting propositioned or groped by him. Seriously, defensive plants, it's that ridiculous.

After people told him that flat-out propositioning every women within earshot is not acceptable, he started handing out "pleasure cards" ( Ewww.

It's a travesty that he remained at MIT/FSF this long given dozens of credible cases of abuse.


Edit: Replaced inaccessible X link with snapshot link.

The person who described Stallman as "the personification of the Free Software Movement" in reference to this bullshit made my blood boil