Ancient news rule to – 152 points –

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He spends a lot of time discussing why pedophilia isn't rape.

Of a woman having sex with a minor, he said “I wish an attractive woman had ‘abused’ me that way when I was 14.” He directly addressed child pornography by saying that “making such photos should be a crime, and is a crime, but that is no reason to prohibit possessing copies of the photos.” He defended pedophilia, in general, in saying that “there is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children.”

Oh no. Oh no.

I've also seen this in comments:

Yeah his public comments are just the tip of the iceberg. He's been a creep for decades at MIT and wherever he went.

He has a phobia of plants so women at MIT have been using plants defensively: decorating their offices with lots of foliage, wearing plants etc, to avoid getting propositioned or groped by him. Seriously, defensive plants, it's that ridiculous.

After people told him that flat-out propositioning every women within earshot is not acceptable, he started handing out "pleasure cards" ( Ewww.

It's a travesty that he remained at MIT/FSF this long given dozens of credible cases of abuse.


Edit: Replaced inaccessible X link with snapshot link.

The person who described Stallman as "the personification of the Free Software Movement" in reference to this bullshit made my blood boil

I mean, in a very technical and probably unintentional way, he is right. Paedophilia is, principally, "only" the sexual attraction to minors. That does not necessarily imply actual molesting or abuse of children. And not all who molest and abuse minors are paedophiles. It might just be a matter of power/sexual repression (looking at you, clergymen). Equating the two is probably a hindrance to those struggling with these feelings coming forward and seeking psychiatric help (like drug criminalization).

As for whether or not it is rape if an adult person has sex with a horny teenager... Maybe I wouldn't call it "rape", but there's also a reason we don't let kids sign contracts or drive cars.