4 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

We really should start celebrating T u e s d a y s.

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All the more reason to reduce productivity. Flatten the curve, lower expectations. Tuesday is the scab of weekdays. The other days need to strike.

Etymologically, it derives in some way from the Norse-Germanic war god Tyr (akin to French "mardi", "day of mars", ig).

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You can't be a good anything and be a landlord. At least if we use the moral meaning of "good".

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What the fuck are you smoking?

July 4th is patriotism. I'd classify that as pretty sinful pride.

And if you're still experiencing stress by the end of the day... YOU'RE FIRED!

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Not necessarily. They could be constantly ever so lightly above the average value, but then once in a while, a really low value comes along and drags the average down. What you're thinking of is the median.

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That's weak. Just put it on you boner, and you're good to go.

Nah, we just need more people with sticks.

I mean, in a very technical and probably unintentional way, he is right. Paedophilia is, principally, "only" the sexual attraction to minors. That does not necessarily imply actual molesting or abuse of children. And not all who molest and abuse minors are paedophiles. It might just be a matter of power/sexual repression (looking at you, clergymen). Equating the two is probably a hindrance to those struggling with these feelings coming forward and seeking psychiatric help (like drug criminalization).

As for whether or not it is rape if an adult person has sex with a horny teenager... Maybe I wouldn't call it "rape", but there's also a reason we don't let kids sign contracts or drive cars.

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Okay, but why do we need the landlord then? We'd just need a custodian.

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Who is transmute, and why shouldn't I lead them into gold?

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And I'm proud to be a part of that.

From the moment I understood the weakness of wood, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of stone. Your kind cling to your wood, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day, the crude biomass that you call the stick will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the rock is immortal. Even in death, I serve the Fossilliah.

Eh, depends on your Ordo.

That's an odd spelling of "capitalist".

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Why not both? Get reforms done now to get some immediate alleviation and garner more popular support, and prepare for a revolution asap.

I'm an optimist. I hope that in fourty years, the revolution will already have been won and grandma doesn't need to vandalize banks any longer.

Gotta cram an equinox and Jupiter in there somewhere.

The fraternal kiss was literally a way for communists to recognize each other, and the Eastern Block used it as a formal greeting.

Dammit, I hadn't had that association yet.

Pro tip: Don't be sad, be angry.


We should all be (fro)licking more.

Oh, right, I forgot that.

Oh. OH! Looks like I'm a bit out of practicing in memecrafting. xD

Can't tell whether it's cemtrist BS or satire. And if it's sature, whether it's just pride, or also communist (because it really reminds me of that fraternal kiss graffiti of Brezhnev and Honecker on the Berlin Wall).

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Khorne will be happy either way.

15 glasses of orange juice. Then I'll wonder where the dark bread is.

Das gefällt mir garnicht.

I'm not completely against the concept of renting. But imo the property should be owned either by the inhabitant of it, or the state. And then the state employs a custodian in charge of repairs and administration (you know, the only useful aspects of a landlord), while renting it out for a low price. And in order to keep prices a s low as possible, maintenance is supplemented by a tax.

The problem with private landlords of one or two extra properties, while they're often not morally bankrupt, is that they tend to be wholly inept at the custodian part. Plus, if properties are all owned in small numbers rather than organized on the large scale, that's just very inefficient.

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Or Austrian. (Erdapfel)

The most/only infuriating part of this is that he kinda looked like Elongated Muskrat at first glance.

I don't really think of songs as girl songs or boy songs. That being said, I guess La vie en rose by Edith Piaf, I guess? Nothing secret about it, though.

Also, no secret in me liking I want it that way. Never told anyone, but that's because nobody ever asked me.

The "city" on the side of the car implies that it's a vehicle of city cleaning. It could be some other city service, but then it would be oddly specific. Does the city cleaning service just run over piles of leaves where the artist comes from, instead of shoving them aside? The latter would still be painful but arguably not lethal.

That aside, where do you find leaf piles just out on the road? Don't they tend to be the result of, you know, being shoved off the street by city cleaning?

That aside aside, if anything, that cartoon is an argument for banning cars instead of telling kids not to play in leaves.

Okay, rant over. (I accidentally typed "rent over" at first. If only.)

The rock. I already have a sword.

...and it allows both of them to get evicted if they don't have money, need money if they don't have money, and starve if they don't have money.

"Majestic equality" because the ruling class are more equal.

"Oh, so that's where all the soy milk comes from."