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Joined 2 months ago

OpenShot. But that's a video editor and not a conventional video player per se.

Probably has to be renamed to "ClosedAI" then.

Totally approrpiate, since they're terrorists endangering the well-being of everyone and the planet. Wait...

media player that plays almost everything

What doesn't it play?

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News next day:

Gruesome murder. Person who described themselves as "trash" got upcycled to a handbag and a chair.

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While I highly doubt that becoming true for at least a decade, we can already replace CEOs by AI, you know? (:

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not in a cult

Sure? You are on Lemmy after all.

/joking. Or am I? 🤔 VSauce music plays

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50 miles = 80.47 km (rounded)

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And on the flip side, when you're not spending much money, you're being accused of ruining the economy. Especially if you like avocados.

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Attack is the best defense?

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Which exceptions?

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Progress takes time. Overton window and shit like that. Babysteps. Slow, but steady.

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"Do you even have a dog?"

"If he can have it, why can't I have it? 💔"

Tramp stamps are out?
Trump stamps are in?

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You won't have to worry about anything at all again.

They ditched that in 2018. It was long overdue. At least somewhat honest about themselves.

Communism is an idea. Just as capitalism is.

What fucked up things people do with that is an entirely different problem.

You can have an oppressive communist regime. You can also have an oppressive capitalistic regime. Both could be really good and beneficial for everyone.

Heck, even a dictatorship could be a good governing system given a wise and benevolent dictator who has the best of all in their mind.

The problem with all of these economic, governmental and societal systems are humans. All of those systems require a specific set of properties from humans in order to work well. The problem is, that not all humans meet those requirements. There is no system which takes humans as they are, with all their good qualities and all of their faults, to get the best out of humanity for humanity.

From an engineering perspective, this is really stupid. But it's immensely difficult as well. There are no simple solutions to the complexity of humans and their interactions. Which is why systems with self-correcting mechanisms might have an advantage. For example, democracies. However, those too have many pitfalls to address.

Point is, communism is not inherently bad. It can be good, if no one exploits it. Even capitalism can be good, if no one is greedy and exploits others. There's a lot of ifs. Improve the system or change it. Whatever might be better. But I don't think it's as simple as blaming it all on one core idea of a system itself, rather than to look how badly it was implemented.

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Ah good to know. I'll tell my friends tomorrow. Probably. Maybe the day after that. Well, I could just write them a text, but it's better in person, right? So I'll do it the next time I see them. 100%!!

He doesn't mean anything.

He is just wet and hollow.

Leave him. He spreads the truth.

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There were some features which came and go, yes. Still, it's the objectively safest and best privacy protecting browser which exists. And in my about 15 years of using it, I've barely had reasons to complain.

I wonder how you're breathing. /j

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Aren't climate scientists also measuring atmospheric composition levels around the world to track this, usivg satellites and whatnot? I.e., do they really rely that much on self reported data?

There is a neat Firefox addon which makes visits to yubbtub more tolerable by getting rid of unrelated suggestions:
RYS — Remove YouTube Suggestions

It has a lot of options to tailor it to your needs.

I wonder how it must have been like to be the one who thought one day, "I'll pick coffee beans out of monkey shit and drink that shit!"

"It was very stupid", haha love how that starts.

God forbid people have some self expression

They do indeed forbid it.

10 "If you go to battle against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your control, you may take some prisoners captive. 11 If you see among the prisoners a beautiful woman and you desire her, then you may take her as your wife. 12 Bring her to your house, but shave her head and trim her nails

Deuteronomy 21

Oh man, religions are batshit crazy.

Double fuck

Quite literally, isn't it?

::: spoiler Trigger warning: Suicide Don't trust a suicidal friend's promise that they won't off themselves and will seek help. Try everything you can to get them into therapy. Even if it will cost your friendship. It can save a life in the end :::

We consume too much salt, which has detrimental effects. Try it a few weeks with less (not necessarily none, you need at least some) salt. You may observe that you start experiencing more interesting tastes and won't need salt as much.

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You can easily look them up using a search engine of your choice. But I understand the lazyness.

If that's possible, sure.

Thank you. <3

This again?

Why though? Haven't you heard of the marvelous trickle-down-economy? /s

It's called Balalaika over there.

And thereby eliminating a whole bunch of other species than just humans as well.

Although I'm totally in for the occasional misanthropy, I don't like seeing it as "just a fever" anymore as too many species will go down. Life will probably persevere in the end, but so will probably a bunch of rich shitpieces, who are significantly responsible for this fever in the first place.

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Israel just improved on the things the nazis did to them in ww2.

Not quite yet. Nazis did extremely worse. But they are surely on their way getting there. >.<