
2 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Where ever you listen to your music, in most cases you can hook it up with ListenBrainz, to save your listening data on a FOSS alternative for Last.fm. And to get all sorts of beneficial features, like for instance recommendations that are truly independent, and getting updates on new releases.

Interesting, care to explain?

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I can only see 'being a billionaire' as 'stealing from the population at large'. So you're saying the biggest thief of society is still popular among 6% of democrats.

good luck finding one with a decent resolution AND price.

That raises the question: is there one that has decent resolution and privacy, but is expensive? Those of us who can afford it should surely go for the privacy friendly option regardless of price. Boycotting the surveillance society that's in full development is worth a lot.

Completely quit Reddit. It's a shame that the article fails to mention the fediverse as a new rising alternative in response to enshittification.

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I don't like AI but I hate intellectual property. And the people that want to restrict AI don't seem to understand the implications that has. I am ok with copying as I think copyright is a load of bullocks. But they aren't even reproducing the content verbatim are they? They're 'taking inspiration' if you will, transforming it into something completely different. Seems like fair use to me. It's just that people hate AI, and hate the companies behind it, and don't get me wrong, rightfully so, but that shouldn't get us all to stop thinking critically about intellectual property laws.

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Wikipedia is such a beauty and I'm so glad and grateful it exists. Surely it's not perfect, but it's so inspiring and hopeful to see a collective effort be so successful. I sometimes wonder, what new projects we've seen since that are equally inspiring. The Fediverse certainly is beautiful but it's also still a little bit fringe. I personally really like MusicBrainz, but that started 24 years ago What new collective projects has the internet brought us in recent years? And what collective projects could the future bring us?

I learned that just now.

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Hmm, I feel like the US are why Israel can do as it pleases. If it weren't for the US backup the chances of a new war on Israel by several of it's neighbors backed by Iran would be very plausible. I don't wish for this to happen, it would be horrible, and I understand that the US should perhaps back Israel to a certain degree. But in return they can ask a lot from Israel, and if Israel doesn't even comply with not committing terrible war crimes, then the US could threaten them with not having their backs anymore.

What I'm trying to say is: I think you underestimate the role the US can play.

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Never a bad time to plug ListenBrainz. ListenBrainz logs what you listen so you can keep track of what you hear and it helps you get recommendations and insights into your listening habits. It's not specifically for music pirates but it is compatible with music piracy. You can submit listens from all kinds of sources, youtube, spotify, but also local files (pirated or not). ListenBrainz is FOSS and publishes all their data on a open license, for the benefit of everyone.

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Don't let yourself be fooled. Lemmy is doing great. It's got a lot more user than half a year ago and it will continue to grow. You should look at the bigger perspective here. People are starting to understand the point of the Fediverse more and more and it will eventually take over enshitified platforms such as Reddit

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I like algorithms giving me suggestions in all sorts of ways, but not shady ones. None of the people around me seem to mind, but I worry about a company like Google strongly influencing what information we consume. Even if they didn't use this influence, it's dangerous to have them in the position where they could.

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This looks more like a tram than a train and they don't go fast anyway, so I don't think they'd need to slow down.

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We don't want your shitty products :)

Imagine what learning would be like if teachers and programmers from all over the world collaborated in making the best possibles resources for learning, and all of that would be in the public domain so anyone from all over the world, rich or poor could use it to learn. It seems such a big opportunity and once we start building it would only get better over time. Good to hear France gets it. Can't we, as in the EU, put some funds into such projects?

Can someone explain to me the difference between bluesky and twitter?

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"The decision of one man, to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of Ukraine. Iraq too. Anyway...[I'm] 75." – George W. Bush

Source: Wikipedia page on "Bushism"

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How the hell am I supposed to know which parts of that picture contain bicycles?

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I'm not a developer so I'm not very familiar with this world. But it kind of amazes me that the code for so many open source projects are hosted by Microsoft. Isn't there a FOSS alternative? edit: seems Gitlab is an alternative. Then the question is, why are people using microsoft products?

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Cynicism will definitely lead you to civil war. Go read up on the Spanish civil war. Their experience might come in handy. Political violence won't help you get out of this polarized mess, it will drag you in deeper.

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He's saying he'll ban them from his company, like employees in offices. He's not saying he'll ban users from using Apple devices.

It allows for data analysis. This helps you to discover new music, keep track of new releases coming out. It also allows you to easily share your musical interests with others. And it doesn't have blind spots. Spotify would never recommend you something that's not on Spotify. Because people submit listens to ListenBrainz from Spotify but also from other platforms and from local files there are no inherent blind spots. My listening behavior is no secret, anyone can have a look at it, I choose for it to not be private. But I wouldn't want to just gift it to any one particular company that can use it to make money. By submitting listens to ListenBrainz you basically gift it to everyone.

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That's an opinion you can have, but I can just as well hold mine, which is that restricting any form of copying is unnatural and harmful to society.

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more targeted ads means more spying. That's bad news in theory and in practice.

Voting rights aren't handed out because of pragmatic reasons, but because of fundamental principals.You don't get to vote because you're able to make good decisions, you get to vote because you're a human citizen of a particular country and on that basis alone you get to vote. It would be very difficult to objectively determine who is able to make good decisions. And even it that were possible, it would be difficult to decide where to draw the line. Of course that children don't get to vote is completely inconsistent and the age that makes the difference is completely arbitrary. But to be honest, I'd much rather allow children of all ages to vote than restrict people beyond a certain age. Check out some Noam Chomsky interview of recent years, would it really be fair if such a bright mind was not allowed to vote?

So I can run uBlock origin on Firefox for Android? That'd be great. On desktop I am running LibreWolf. I hope one day I can run such Firefox versions on Android.

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Slowly across the globe we move towards surveillance states, one country is further down the path than the other, but we all makes steps in the same directions. If public awareness won't rise I don't see us escaping this dystopian future. Still today many people argue 'I have nothing to hide' and don't have any critical thought beyond this point. Are we doomed or am I being to negative?

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Policies favoring the rich are always sold as favoring the middle class. If middle class means the rich, then upper middle class means the filthy rich.

Been playing some Xonotic recently. Good times with FOSS.

I don't understand the problem people have with AI art, anyone care to convince me how it's somehow immoral to use a computer for making art work?

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This is not a black and white issue though, that is to say: not all civilians are innocent, and not all officials are monsters

And here's another beauty

"That's what I mean. There— it's— you know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." – George W. Bush

ListenBrainz gives me a weekly playlist and a weekly exploration playlist. But I guess this isn't exactly what you're looking for, I'm hoping the project will develop more into this direction.

What a great site, I'll definitely be sharing it with some (naive) friends and colleagues :)

It does? thanks for letting me know, was not aware of this. I've been using DuckDuckGo privacy browser because I like to rely on the F-droid app store and sadly Firefox is not available there.

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Ads exist because people want to make money. So these bad actors go out and look for places where people like to spend their time, and they poison these places with their money-hungry practices. In the process they destroy the innocence of all these manifestations of human creativity, and manipulate people into buying shit they don't actually need, effectively destroying the planet through overconsumption. That's not even mentioning that ad-companies put us on a path towards a mass-surveillance society, just because big-data leads to more effective ads. I can't help but see ads as a destructive force of evil in our world. I like human creativity in it's many forms, and I'm all in favor of rewarding creators to a certain extent, but using ads seems to be the worst possible method of doing so.

(not intending to criticize your comments, just spreading the anti-ad gospel ;-)

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Been there in the past, but I actually have been doing all of the above past couple of years.

I recently read Peter Kropotkin's The Conquest of Bread on anarcho-communism, and am currently reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson. I've been drawing geometric patterns, mostly based on the Islamic tradition of geometry, and after drawing the patterns I start painting to add some color. I throw them away after a while, but I just like the flow-experience of painting/drawing, don't really care about the end-result. I'm studying French on a daily basis, mostly on Busuu, but also by watching French movies (most recently Le Proces Goldman) and reading French books (most recently Le Petit Prince). I watch on average 2 movies per week at my local cinema, got a subscription there, sometimes go with friends but I also often go alone. I enjoy going to museums and studying art history, so when I have the time I cross the country by train and make visits. I also take psychedelics (LSD and/or psilocybin) every 2 or 3 weeks. Psychedlics are a lot of fun, but I also actually believe they helped me grow as a person, from what the OP describes, to where I am now. Psychedelics aren't for everyone, but still I'd highly recommend most people to try them out some time (responsibly of course).

Ah, yeah that does make a big difference, and it also makes a lot more sense.

I agree, sort of. People may be right to point out that it's not only about a dominant position but also about abusing that market power to lock people in. Still I think our entire platform-economy is a little problematic. People want one-stop-shopping because it's really convenient, and people tend to go to platforms where others already are. So most people stick with Steam, Spotify, Uber, Whatsapp, etc. I don't think this has to be a problem, if indeed these platform are in a way neutral, free, not abusing their power. Sometimes these platforms already behave in responsible manner, but there really is no guarantee that this will stay that way. Everything with a dominant position can be enshittified, including Steam. What we need are FOSS decentralized platforms! Platforms where everyone comes together are so important, that they shouldn't be left to for-profit companies, people should come together in public squares.

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